Great Trainer Quits His Vocation, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-31


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GREAT TRAINER QUITS HIS VOCATION. No trainer in England -land- higher in hi- profession or has achieved a greater measure of mic cess than Charle?, Morton, ciinceriiing whom Lea don Sporting Life of Jul It said: "Cliai-le- Morton Will retire from training at the end of the present month. A rumor to thi- effect was in circulation bi-l year, when the Wantage trainer did contemplate retirement, be, was persuaded by Mr. J. B. Joel to keep M for anoiher seas .11. Now he views the present period a the bent time to give up his activities, for he has had ■ strenuous and bios, successful innings. No trainer of anv time has rained grenter distinction in his pro-fession. Though -till i»! dapper and youthful tp pearance, Charles Morten has exceeded three score. years of age. Mr. J. B Joel bus net foe the present made denhite arrangement for the future, but for tin- tune u-ing a few borses holding immediate engagements, such as Black Jester. Suntire. Bright ami several two-year-olds, will Iota C. Peeka team at Sett .ii Lodge. N-wniaiket. where Mr. Sol Joels hoists are trained."

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Local Identifier: drf1915073101_1_8
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