Second Race [2nd Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-31

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SECOND RACE— 5-8 Kile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 3206— 09%— 2— 100. PETLAR, b. c. 2 112 By Collar— Petit Tor J. Livingston. 21901 Hamton 3-4 l:18%hvy 13-5 112J 1 2 2 1 » P Goldstn 7 Candle. P*de of Greenway. 11-nia Windsor 5-8 l:O0%fast II 107 R s 10 s a-"1 M earner 12 Regfna, Cat Light, Milestone 21464 FortErie 5-S l:ii-.,hvy 32-5 110J 3 1 1 lJ 1- W Andrea* 7 Harm, s. Stalwart. J.Z.Wiggiaa LITTLE BIGGER, b. f. 2 98 Bv Tir-nsvaal — Grace Dixon B. Levy. lisp; Haint. m 5-8 l:01%fa t 10 p«i s s s s :- V ! ...vdei- it" Candle. Gentlewoman. Cold Li-t I7«3 Windsor ."■ s 1 :•■! : ■; 113 107 Left at the post K LapalUelO MissAtkin, Bon.sFirst, Lucky R. 21645 Windsor 5-8 l:03%slop 10J 103 10 fi r, fi- 4", K LapalBell Broom Straw. MissAtkin. s.-rvia I1403 LaCnia 5 f 1:10 hvv 10 as S In 7 -r. 3»J F ltoliinsnll Mary II., The Caiinet. 1!. Velvet 21264 Latonia 5 s l an -fast 7,1 I.12 9 G r, 21. 1» F Robinsnl2 Bessie .. Dolina, Jane straitli 20969 5-8 l:04%hvy 49 KM 4 fi 4 4 3* K Lapaille 7 B. Beauty, Infidel II.. Intention 20896 Latonia 4 f 55%mud 24 105 2 7 .".• t*JW .1 0*BnlO Mary H., Intention. Jane straitli 20702 Douglas 5-8 1:01 %fast 19 Ml 9 S I I* S"H, Gentry 10 A.Mancini, B.Beaiity. Investmt 20497 Douglas S 8 1 ail mud 11J 1nfi s 8 7 u2 ,ri".li Gentry 8 Intention, Mary H., Louise St. .no 20288 Churchill 41 f f.7, fast Cfi 5 MS 4 4 31 3:1 L entry 5 Blk.Beauty, Maryll.. Investment TUSH TUSH. b. f. 2 98 By Hastings— Toucan Keystone Stable. 21873 Hamton 5-8 l:02%8lop 21 1"! 2 1 1 1* 1* R McDbtt 11 S. Stalwart. Gnwood, J.Z.WIgns 7172:: Windsor :. s 1 a«i-,iast 2:l 95 4 2 3 2. S«1 It McHott :, Water War. Servia, Mary Rstelle 21646 Windsor 6-8 l:«3%slop dd 9fi 2 3 2 S*k 7*s S MeDoltll Bl m Straw. MissAtkin, Servia 21335 Hamton 5-8 l:02%slop i: 99 12 11 11 11* 11" 1 Aetna. 12 Port Light. Peep Siulit. Haria 21221 Hamton 5-8 l:02%fast i IOC 5 G 5 55 4°1 E Taplin 7 Taka. Haria, Peggy OBrien , 20621 Wdbine 41. f 55%faat f.O 109 fi fi .". 4" 4H J Acton 1; Illume. 1,-skv, Casco 20087 l-exKton 4J f ?1 II I 7 5 fi" fi2- T McTant 7 Jseafca. Mar. 1.11,-n. W.Wnrldor WELGA, br. f, 2 95 By King James— Wealth S. Ross. Hamton 5-8 l:02%slow 2 Ma fi 1 1 4r- l« P Lowder 11 Lucky K.. Will Cash. Termak 21527 FortErie 5-8 1*4 slow 9 as 2 2 r, fi : 17 Forehd « Inrestment, Greetings, B. Straw 20521 Wdbine 41 f 55%fast 15 146 1 S C fi ~:-! A ScbugT i; Blame, Pesky, c -,,, 20145 Pimlico 1-2 49 fast 11-5109 4 2, S 2- A Schutgr o Tom Llwanl. Tribola, Haria 20109 H.deGce 41. f 55%good 9-M BE 2 2 1 1* 13 El Ambrose 5 Blue Rock, i-eminist. Noili 93015 H.deGce 1-2 47%fast 7 10315 6 C f.3 6*» K Ambrose 7 George Smith. Servia. Anita AUDREY AUSTIN, blk. f. 2 104 By Migraine— Sally K. T. J. Bird. 21723 ,n, cm- 5 8 l:00%fast 99-10 1ih; 2 0 T s~ 71" I. McAtee :i Water War. Servia. Tush Tush 21664 Windsor 5J f l:ll%mud 8-5 H»2. 8 I 4 4l 3.1. L McAtee s 1:. straw. M.L-telle. J.Z.Wiggins • ioi iEiie :,. f l:ll%slow 10 n E I :. 11 l- L McAtee 7 Lark in. Bi m Straw. J. Bunny 21527 FortErie 5-8 1:04 slow 20 IM ". G 2 4i 4-1 J Kederia 0 Investment, Greetings, B. Straw 21264 Latonia 5-8 1:01 %fast 29-5 97 16 7 8 S- 8T K Lapaillel" little Bigger. Bessie N.. Itolina :i ::4 Hat.. nia 4J f 56%mud 30 192 7 6 f.1 3-4 1» Stirling 1« Sal Vanity, Increase, Inrestment S ITS Lexgton 4». f 56%bvy 17 107 fi Fell. R Carter 8 S. Vanity, SunMaid. South. Star 20136 Lexgton 41 f 57. fast 20 109 7 5 41 6 J Smyth 11 Investment. Mary II. . Deliver GEOMER. ch. g, 2 104 Bv Glorifier— Mermaid J. S. Tyree. 21816 Hamton 5-8 l:01%fast 30 109 r, on r.-i.."c MeKnzIcio Candle. Gentlewoman, Lit.Bigger 0 Windsor 5-8 l:00%fast 62 108 fi G S fi- f.T, A Claver 12 Reglna. Port Light, Milestone 21311 Hamton 5-8 1 ail 7 195 i 4 fi 4* ::•■. A Claver 9 Greetings, Servia. Broom Straw* 208S9 BlueBon. 7. 8 1 :02 slow 4 1lfi 3 I 4 41 .V; ; C Tamer «l Anita. Candle. Casco 20722 Dorval if 54%fast fi ins 1; | c o 6* j C Turner 7 Anita. Alfadir, phi] Dagar H33S Pimlico 4. f E6%good 38 112 1 :. fi ", 1" c Turner 8 Golden List. Divan. Tiajan 20263 Pimlico 4. f 56%slop 73 5 11", 1 3 4 44 2-?. C Turner .1 Blame. King Tuscan, Cincinnati 20212 Pimlico 41 f :.•,-. .fast 21-29 M6j 1 1 1 VI V » Turner 8 Bine Rock, Ataka, Tar Brash PROHIBITION, ch. c. 2 105 By Voter— Gcody Good Mrs. J. Arthur. 21812 Hamton 5-8 l:«l%fast 1". Ill fi 1 7, 8J 7". c Hirst 11 Renard. Jack Reeres, Ardent Jamaica 5-8 l:02%slow 16-5 L7 1 2 2 2A :... W l.illey i DuneSigbt, R.Banmann. li chair 20903 Jamaica 5-8 l:00%fast 12 us 2 2 3 4:; l7, W Lllley 7 Pernrock. Sprint Tribulo 20783 Belmont 5-8 st l:0n fast 10 110 3 3 4 4. 3", .1 Butwell 7. Stellarlna, Trale» . Galeswlntbe 2059-j Relmont 41 f st 53 fast I] 114 7, G fi fi"W Lllley ft Lara .. Hands Off Murphy 20390 [telmont 4. f st 55 slop 1S-G 110 1 3 3« 3 WVVarton 7. Spjrcess, Mi s Philhin Variety 19993 Bowie V. t 77 fast 7 199 4 5 4 41. 5*1 "W Lllley 7 TSJan. Cincinnati. Mnstan] 19927 Bowie 1-2 ,r,oysfast 31 112 1 3 3J 4*1 W Lllley 7 Irrawaddy. Mustard. Ataka BERNINI, ch. f, 2 93 Bv Puryear D.— Pourquoi W. A. Reid. 21S73 Hamton 5-8 l%slop 10 109 7 3 r, :." :. •■ V V Tl.rll T. Tnsli. S. Stalwart Greenwood 21741 Windsor 5-8 l:01%fast sv 105 4 7, 1 7» 8"1J Smyth 12 Bon.sFirst, Matrix Peg. OBrien 21703 Windsor 5-S l:01%good S3 HO 1 8 0 9 9**11 Aoton 10 MissAtkin. Bon,sFirsl LnckyR 21643 Windsor 5-8 l:"3--lop :! 169 1 3 3 4l 71 A Schugr 10 Philbitlne, Oceanlrince Reserve 21458 Latonia 5 f 1:09 good 13 107 S ID 10 in M»|B i»tt li Ix niseStone. CantRees Manfred 21400 Latonia 5-8 1:93 In y M 17 i I fi 3 I* 1- Judy 7 Jacoba. MargaretN., GypayBlair 21298 Latonia 5-0 1:04 mud 14 110 3 3 2 Lti 2- it Goose S Paulson, Gypsy Blair Argnment 21182 Latonia 5-8 lK»l%fast rid 103 fi I 9 I* 7-1, E Grttta 12 Cora .. Dolina. Mary Estelle PRIDE OF GREENWAY. br. c. 2 102 By Greenways Best— Eminence II. E. J. Crawford 21901 Hamton 3 I l:18%hvy 50 !• s 7 fi 4 S 3; W Obert 7 Can, II.-. Petlar. Haria 21873 Hamton 5-8 l:02%slop 1". 112 1 7 1 fi- i."".W Obert 11 TnshTnsh. S.Stalwart. Grnwood I77s Hamton 5 t 1:06 last 198 MS s s s s an w Obert S Milestone. Dodge Pliil In— ir 20784 Dorval 41 f 51%fast 15 lm I 9 9 9 in-J Groth 9 PhlllTngar, BmStraw, Damietti ■ . Dorval 1-2 1 1"7 8 E :. ::•■.. I Gmtfa 9 B straw R Garden it Flame 20612 Dorval 1-2 I9%fast 7 112 5 lo lo rJ»| Schugrl3 RddieT., F.Delphia, J.Z.Wigina 20479 Electric 1 t l:00%sl6p 8 199 w Mandera 6 Havana. N..lli. Ilfflssl

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