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• J • 1 . : i HAMILTON FORM CHART. HAMILTON, ONT.. FRIDAY. JULY 30. 1915. Sixth day. Hamilton Jockey Clab See 1 gammer Meet-lag ..I i davs. 36 books on. i Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Fran, is Nelson. IreTiTJim; .lude. F. AV. Siari. r. a. p.. Made Kaeinc Si eielary. A. It. Loud. mi. Racing starts at 2:45 n. in. ifhieau., ii:i„- I : 15 |i. m.». W imlieat.-s wiiip. S spurs, r. Lliuk.-r- Ti~T eres in parentneses folswliig the dlsfaaee ol each race Indicate Index number, track record, age uf horse :.n.l weight carried. -"Indicates apprentice allowance. 6 | UUjj SIRST BACE— K-t Mile! ..T-:~H~ 2 KM."; pMi-e .s.Vii. 2 Mar ..Id-. 1 1 » 7 1 1 t a led. Sellius. N. I value to winner y;75; sec I. .5: third. 0. Ittdea Hl2:L AWtliSt /, /_■ •% Sir Fin Jockeys Owners" O H C V S~~ 21833 lli:cLAS li.AMF. wa 104 2 2 1«| V 1;- P*~J Acton VI Le Roy 3 3 3 : i 21833 K T!I1.|.| N ||. y. in:; 5 1 p." ::. jj »s p. Cooi er .1 Hendricks S 8 C 21624--I lloKNCLirii: wa MM 1 1 :- 2T V :- A Ctaver Thorncliffi Stable3-2 U-S11-57-10M 216C0 -oPiKK KING m I0J I 3 ::. |»« ! • 4 s A Collins .1 K L Ross M , i- i t MIL BABNABDO w 10U 3 5 :, 5 5 5 R Shilling J K Allen 12 ., S 7 3 Time, 24L,. 49%. 1:03. Track heavy. Winner— Br. r. by Stanhope II. Hebe trained i. L Heasoal AV.nt to post at 2:15. At post ■: niinnl.-. Start Rood and slow. Won drivins: Second and third the same. IILCI.AS FLAM!: sprinted int.. a Ions lead while rounding the rar turn, hut was tiring ai the end and had to be hard ridden l itstay KATHLEEN II. The latter was "forced to work her way up on the outside and was I., reed wide when entering the homestretch, hul finished gamely and al s| sot up to win l iloKNi I.llii: showed speed, but quit in the Lst quarter. COPPBB KING could never get up The win i.i i was entered for .imi: no hid Scratched 2li;c i-A I. .-;... :i5. "■■ rwei-lil- Kathleen II. . "pounds. i ~t Q41Q SECOND BACB 5-8 Mile. 3200 50-%— 2— MB. Parse 1915.sh00. 2 vear . I,L Plllles. Zilt/O Allowances. Net ralae to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses A AVt PP St , K ■-, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O 1| s 21778 TAKA w 112 •; . 2- I 1- i« P QoldstnL S Thompson I i FT 21682 I.FKNK i: w 1 12 I : ::. Z* 2» 2* K Keoarh A Newell 7-5 8-5 ! hl :: out 21778 AN II A w 117 1 1 lak SB :: - V B Taplin II Q Bedwell 21 3 13-33 out 21S16 MARCERT W 100 3 t I .; I I c ll.rsi Mr l rllmr M SO I 15 I 21S16 MARY ESTELLK wa 112 4 3 B 6* •"•- "• W War ton E McFarland 10 15 15 :: 1 21873 JO BERNSTEIN WB 115 5 I I 1. I I1 I M Garner 8 .Newman .i GO :•" 12 t line-. 24%. 49M,, 1:024-.. Track heavy. Winner B. f. bj Broomstick Rose ot Maun trained by A. Simons. Weal to posl al 3rl4. Al port 1 atiaate. Stall g I and -|,,w. Won easily; second and third driving IAK im.ved up with a rash while rounding the rar nun. easily passed ANITA and. alter making i wide lorn when entering the homestretch, was going awaj al the end. RERNKK moved up rapidly when enter log the hloi tretch. Iml t+red in the last eighth. NIT s t the earl] pace and tired badly. MARHERY was piii.-iieil olf al the start and finished wel,. Jo LF.KNSTKI.N .piit. 4 "I C|0/l l,II,:" l: F About 2 Miles. 10054 1:03%— 0—102. Steepl.eha-. . Parse $« l 1 i4 I I and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; -, ml 00; third. 0. Iii.lev llorsi-s A AVI PIS! 5 IO 15 ls~lin Joekeys Owjiers T fj T P S 21003 JOB GAIETY w C 147 1 I I I " 1 - f 1,; .1 Smith J W~ Fla iniuon.l 3 3 ;.~.T,lT 21331 . 1 IM o. w C. II! 5 2 2» »»• H CrawTdW G Wilson I* 12 I • I 21903 1 A.STONE w 1127 3 J v. V 2* 2 3»» P WlUms L W Garth 1 S5 8-5 7-W1-3 21S03L HON ws 7 140 I I r :.■■ S E 4«1 G Bowser W Smith 12 3s 5 t 21781 LILY CAN ION w 7 117 I I I I1 Is !»• a 1 M iau • n ". 21903-i;it A PLANET w 5 152 2 :; i; t; Pulled up. M OConrA II Hlgginson ?. s 7 l Time, 4:10";,. Track heavy. Winner B. g, l.y MartJmas— Miss lis let j trained by S. Minta. Went to posl al 3:3». Al port I Start good and slow. Won easily; seeoad and thhrd drh as JOE GAIETY fenced well and sprinted into a Ions had in the first turn d" the tiel.l. then easily ilisihised •i F. A. SToNi: when the bitter challenged. JIM o. ..line again in the homestretch and finished ,, I . 1 A. STONE stumbled al I be last fence and was quitting at the finish. GRAY PLANET was lame when : "Mis to the post ami was palled up in the last turn of the Ii, 1,1 S.-raleho.l 2I7M Slalmole. 14!. 6 | Q9 FT FOI mil K F 5 1-2 Furlo::gS. 2I7S2 1:5-, I l.ll., Niasaia Handicap."" ..Ml dfl A *7£J*J Added. ::-year olds and upwariL Net value to winner 20; seeoml. 00; third. $■* . Index Horses A Wt IMSt , » :-t Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II p ft + 21877 AKL.IMF WB 3 105 1 2 1- 1". 1- H F Cooper .1 8 Tviee 2 11-511-57-101-4 21877 Tin: WIM. Moon w 5 ixi 2 1 21 2» 2: 2i L McAtee Keystone Stable :; t 7-101-4 21876-itor. HENSLEA w 4 lit 1 :; 4". J 4,; V V Murphy B B Bfkins 18 I 8-5 7 io 21077= Ell liow SKI w3 .. E 1 ::• V :.". I1 M Garner .1 Livingston 2 18-518-51 20767 ORMLLU vi: 3 M 3 E E E S 5 .1 Acton J A Thomson 4 12 12 I 3 Time. 23%, 47«i, 1:00%, 1:07. Track heavy. Winner— Br. c by Cell Lad Goda trained by B. B. Larriek. AV.nt to p.K-t al 1:0*1. At i«,st 1 iniuiile. Stall good and slow. Won easily: second and third drivins. CARBIDE to the front with a rush and. setting a fas pace, won nnextended. THE WIMoV iliuiN moved up fast while rounding the far turn, bat was tiring al the finish, ran; iifnsi.fv ran well and easily disposed of ED HOWARD In the lasi quarter. The latter tired after running well to the stretch. Scratched 217f»HSlr Edgar. 10B; 21783 Between Is. H5. OIQO "" I A : 4 Mile. !l;275 1:11 0 11 .TT~7;Tirs7-"0O. 2 ye:i7.dd7"an7r uwTrd" fOjkjyjO3 Sellius. Ni ■! value to winner S275; si .olid. |75: Ihird. . 50. ml.X Horses A AVt PP St 1j Vb ""j Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 1 il C r S ~~ 21012*FAStINATlNG w 4 100 I 1 .: :; |. M c.aiii.r Pahice sTa1Tl7 i 7- :i ■ ; m: ■; 21392-A MA ANNE wn 4 MS 7 3 P 1- I* U F Cooper R o Bajan .1 r, | s ;, I , 21814 APT. BEN w 1 11018 1 2" 2!. P :. AV WartonG AV Scott E ;i • 3 3 21838 CIIN APIS w S ss 1 2 7- 7 iV- 1- 1* Low.ler W P Reed 1« 25 2S I 3 21839* MFKl.HKA WB 3 a2 I 5 B V I". :. I, McAtee W P line 1 I E 3 7 1. 21838 Miss WATERS w 4 PS 3 6 C," .. 7 ■ .1 Morya !• .1 Pons r. 7 7 21838 AIMER LESLIE wa ■. 07 2 7 I" I- .", 7 B McDottG McSweeney 8 hi 8 ". 21837* It IN WAY WB I H o 5 1 8 8 t 8 s AV.dstin 11 G Bedwell 15 40 K I" I Time, 25, 51%, l:10*i. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. f. by Peep oDay Sweet Marjorie trained bj W. T. Anderson .. Weal to post al 1:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good and -low. Won drivins-: second and third the -ame. FASCINATING was outrun to the stretch turn, bnl closed up steadily in the last eighth and. wear-m. th leaileis down, l;.,i up to win in the closing strides. ADA ANNE showed mncfa the mnsl speed to the stretch turn, where -.he was taken wide in, I tired Itadly rtghl at tbe finish. CAPT. BEN mio| groiiml on all turns and finished gamely, hut tiring. SCHNAPPS made up ground. MEELICKA ran fairly well AIMF.F LESLIE i|iii!. The winner was entered for 00; no I, id. Scratched 21 at.! Cardigan. Ki5: 21s7s Dignity. lo4: 21014 Single, 103; 21290 Loss. 104 Overweights Capt. Pen. lj pounds; Aimee Leslie, 2. 21 Q0 7 SIXTH RACI-:— 3-4 Mile. !m;::7.. -1:11— r. -ii::.i Al.ihhn Plate. Parse 00. 3-year-JL _/ dS m • liL and upward. Maidens. SeUlag. Nel value to winner 75; second .*75- third 0 li..|. II. is s A AVt PP St « !j "X Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ti U C P S 21874*AFKIA BBAU w •". 80 M 7 7 , .! 1?. L McAtee W L Lewis t s 2 TT 21814s.Ki;i:NT w 3 t7 I ! I1 1 ! 3* K LapailleJ A Thomson 8 8 8 3 7-5 21492i:i.I. A JENNINGS w 3 103 7 C :" :;, :. 1»* :;i. p Cooper G A Alexandra 6 7 7 2 1 20245 coi LECTOR ws 1 III 3 5 l1 i L P* J A, ton .1 a Murphy 12 15 K 1; 3 21834 NOKIIFN LlcilT wa 3 100 s 1 5 "• .:," R Shilling W P Reed I I 1 1-2 18332HH.MITY w3 103 C 1 jm. :„ki;. $• M Garner G Al Hendrie 3 5 5 2 0-5 21834 LA VAN V w 4 1111 2 B s 8 s 7. W WartonE Glasaeo I i ■,. B 1 21724 E. M. WATSON wa 4 loo 1 3 C,1 7 7J 8J A Clay, r W It War.lle Pi M M I 2 21S3f si I-..H" 1 wa :t 100 1 • ! S 1- Keogh AV 11 Prey .1 I .-, 1 1 ■ 21399 col TON TOP w r. 3 lot 5 Lost rider. A Collins AV R Miaell 15 -u 15 I :; Time. 2445, 51V5. lG3;,. Track heavy. Winner s. by Boanerges Africa I trained by W. L. Lewis.. Weal to p..s: at 5:10. Al t«ist 1 minutes, siait good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the anie. AFKICA BEAI7 was ..IT slowly bat. steadily wearing the tiring leaders down in the homestretch, Rot up to win in tbe lasi few strides. ABiSENT was much used in making the pace and tired in the -: I, I, dilve. Kl.l.A JENNINOS also tin-.l alter making 1 threatening effort al the eighth post. COTTON TOP -"umld-d and lust his rider al the start. COLLECTOB and NOBTHBBN LIGHT finished .lose up MIM-iTA showed speed, but quit. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratclied 20O41 Kenworthy, 104; 21s:;. Dorcrls, 101; 21000 Kathleen s.. ni7: Nellie Boots, 102; 2ls::s hurl,- Iran, Is, BO. . rw, iuhl- FUa J. lininss. 1 p-uind: Lavana. 4. • t tk O SEVENTH LACK- 1 1-8 Miles on Turf. 90220 1:52 I 1 1 iTi Purs.- sr.iin. Tveir .mTs 2-1 JL Yj Jj O and npward. Selling. N 1 il". t., winner s-i5o: ■ • 1. SH" : ih",l. s:.o. TiioVx Horses ~ AWtliSt C, .. ■■, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners o jfj p 77 21837 "CLIFF STRBAMwb « 102 « I 2J l" 1- 1 V P Cooper N Macfarlane 7 :, :. ■:, :■ ., 1 , T -.•I72 » INCLE BEN wn 7 91 2 3 I » 2- : - 2 I. McAte, Mrs T Erancis ! :; 1:. ■ •:, 2 i ".:«■ 1 ! ai;i:v LAUDER ws 5 97 3 2 ." - :, ::»;■.: 3» R McDottJ P Sweenej l". -., r, ., S18373J. II. HOITGHTON w 8 107 I 5 :. :: 6 :.- •"• F Keogh G W Scotl 8 8 3 1 3I0S7*LCCKY GEORGE wG .7 1 1 1«| 1» I1 1- •"• •» K LapaiileC B Mailman .1 7 S 2 1 81«7a*tX KDIE I-. wa 5 841 "■ E I* f 5 7 • 11 Stearns P .1 Ml 1.1 ■■: 28 I I 21t7»s*BABY SISTER w t 55 7 7 7 7 7 S* 7 .1 Morya V. AV Moore E I s a 7.". Time. 25. 51. 1:15--,, 1:41 = -.. 1:544.. Track heavy. Winner Br. h. h - Clifford Maie 1 1 trained 1, A. L. Austin 1. Weal lo post al 5:41. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Woa easily; second and third drivins. CLIFF STREAM went to the trout qnickly while rounding the far turn and. drawing away Into a Ions lead after entering the homestretch, was eased m. at the finish. LNci.F BEN was in quarters while rounding the first turn and had t,. wort liK way ap mi the outside. HARRY LACDBR ran well, bnl tired and lust lasted long enough to outstay J. II. Hold iitoN. The latter ma.!.- a game Baish. LUCKY GEORGE quit alter setting the pace t the far turn. The winner w us entered for 00: no bbl. overweights 1 1 i IV siien.i. 2 1 0:111. L: .1. 11. 1 |,.u -■hlen. 2: Cor.lie !■.. 2.