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• ! • ; : : : : : ! I : 1 ! ! ■ ; . : , : - . ; SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 39379—1:38 3— 100. G. M. MILLER, b. h, 8 115 By Lissak— Subdue R, F. Carman. 21844 Aquedct 1 1 14 1:17 fast 7-20 lir, | 3 ;; ;j ;;i ;;i . m Baxton li Itohlnetta Stonehenge Napier 21408 Aquedct 1 1-M 1:41 fast M 10 11". 6 4 1 1 l» H M Baxton 6 Sapatitn, L.Marshali. Camellia 21598 Aqueduct I 1:M fast 3 112 10 9 7 7 7* ll I Butwell 13 Ainalti. iiSullivan. Stonbenge 21047 Jamaica 1 1-14 l:47%faat 31 116 4 5 5 5 5" 4- c Haeatla 0 Orlin Kripp, B.Uuince Camellia 2a996 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:.ri0slow 3-2 115 3 6 6 2 ll ll C Haeatla 7 Ben Quince Bobiii.tla Cam. Ilia 2 r792 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 2i 111 6 3 3 3 3" 2- H Lafferty 6 W. Shoes, II Blocfa OSulllvaa 20763 H.-lmont 1 l:39%faat 3i Ml I I :, 4 55 21 11 Lafferty 8 Bar, Astrology, tiuv Fisher MM Belmont 11:41 fast 125111 2 2 2 2 2 2l M Puxton 2 klontrerar 20620 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 31 107 2 2 2 2 i"5 2= M Baxton :t Thornliill. Republican M9M Plmllco lmMy l:48%faat 88-M IM 3 4 5 4 4 i-j M r.uxton 8 Lochfel. Coraiean, Cliff Field GUY FISHER, b. h, 9 115 By Sain— Appollonia E. F. Cooney. 21428 Belmont 1 1-16 1:41 fast 9 Z 116 2 8 7 9 8J 6-J T McTagtll Paton, Coin. Penalty 21042 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:64%fast 3 MS 5 4 4 4 4g tili B.vrne ..Lazuli. Amalli. 1 1Sullivan 20848 Belmont 1 l:48%faat 3 2 113 3 4 5 6 5i 1» G Byrne 8 Camellia, Bobinetta Beethoven 20792 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 1S-5 114 16 6 5 o 57 G Byrne I W. Shoes. G. M Miller IIUocu M7S3 Belmont ll::W%fast IS 5 110 6 3 3 3 31 4i Q Byrne 8 O. .M. Miller. Astrology 20658 Belmont 11:42 fast 13-5 110 3 I I 5 4s 2i i Byrne ." OSnllivaa, Hnrakan, ! .rish 18103 H.deGce lm70yl:4t%fast 10 110 2 5 6 5 l 8" J Butwell S CM Miller. Ainalti HI Thistle 1S468 H.deGce lm70yl:4S fast 1S-5 121 3 5 7 6 61 «4 J Butwell 11 Armament, BanbyHead H Shaw 18441 II .deGce 1 1-8 l:54%good 3 US 3 5 4 3 Ink 1« j Butwell 7 J. Deibold. B. Quince. H. Brother MR. SPECS, ch. g, 7 112 By Woolsthorpe— Jil Greenwood Mrs. A. C. Blumc. 21882 Aqueduct 3 I t:13%fast 12 116 1 4 ,". ::- 2"~ C Turner : Presumption. Patanqnln T Bell 21788 Belmonl 1 I l:14%faat IS lis | :, :, || 4«1 A Ntcklaaa 8 Dinah Do. Minstrel. Grumpy 21725 IVlmont 3-1 st 1 :121.-.last If. 107 13 13 13 12 12" A NleklaaalS T. as Steel. Grnmpy. D.of Dunbar 21648 Aqueduct 3 t l:M%alop 20 147 I 2 5 4 . i »|A Nlcklaua • Isiroae, Planragenet, S.ofVallcy 21171 Jamaica 51 f 1: 7 fast 6 112 7 I n 71 II Sumter 11 Feninouse, Plantagenet, Minslrcl 21100 Jamaica I t l:13%faat 15 IM 6 6 4 4l ;;* c Bgaaae 8 Btrascaa, Ahara, Prairie 20348 Del. Ter. Ab5-S fast 21 Ml 2- MrTWrt 10 Feninouse. Otto Flo!,,. Culvert MS8 M .Brook Ab 5 -8 fast 1 Ml 6 3 2CjJ Mr T Wht 7 Culvert, Chopin. Mu-kinelou SONG OF VALLEY, b. g. 4 107 By Isidor— Queen of Song F. Tannehill. 21912 Aqueduct 1 l:39%fast 10 b»7 2 3 1 1 8* .:•. .1 UcTagrt 8 Alhena. Volant. Napier 0 Aqueduct 1 l::r.»%fast 20 in:: :, 4 2 2 21 3- ; .1 McTagrl 5 Bae, Labor.- Talecarrler 21710 Belmont 1 l:41%faat 20 110 14 14 14 15 16- 15s* M IT thewslT Dryad, Napier Tiukl" Bell 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 1:!4%fast 15 109 13 9 S 7- 8*f D Steward 14 Outlook, Plntagenet, Men. Park 21540 Aqueduct 8-4 l:MHalop S Ml I I 7 5J :t" M Mthews 9 latroae, Plantagenet, San Vega 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 20 112 9 8 3 81 |»| K Wal.lronll Palaaqnin, Hiker. San Ve-a 21219 Jamaica 1 1-14 l:48Vkfaat 7 102 4 3 1 1 9j V M Mthewa 9 OSnUivan Snehenge UermlaJr 21171 Jamaica 6 t IM fast 25 114 8 7 7 4- 4» It Waldronll Feninouse. Plantagenet Muislr.i 2U4C Jamaica S] f l:07%fast 12 112 6 6 4 *• 4"! II Lafferty 8 Hkridge. G. Edge, M.B.Bananka CARLTON G„ ch. h, 8 110 By Carlton Grange — Resignation J. S. Owntwy. 21841 Aqueduct 1 1 : 1 -.-.last 4 112 3 5 4 5 5-1 :, s Mthews 8 Xephtbrs, Alhena, Dr Dnenncr 21744 Belmont 61 f st 1 :".-.%fast 7 115 9 I 0 41. 4 M Mthewa 9 Beethoven. Aayiade, Menlo Park 21412 Aqueduct 3-4 l:l4%fast 8 112 5 2 4 41 53 M MthewsM Outlook, Plnlagenet, Men. Park 20311 Pimlico lm49yl:45%faat 2S-M M8 12 2 2 *j 2*1 T Coleman 8 Stbenge, L.Engind. C.HoUoway 202M Iimlico lm70yl:46%fast 16-5 99 3 6 5 4 33 33 J Dreyer 5 Prgressive. It. Quince, J.Heibol.l 20265 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slop 29-20 115 6 5 3 3"k :, T Nolan . Cannock. Gold Cap, Abbotsford 2235 Plmllco lm70yl:45%fast 9J 94 6 4 1 1 l1 32 P Lowder 7 Ainalti. Spearhead, laldora 20220 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 11-10 102 1 8 5 5= 5= T Nolan 11 CAshinMe. V.Stiome. Vorkville RAY 0LIGHT, ch. c, 4 115 By Peep oDay— Freyja J. H. Loucheim. .isii Aqueduct 1 l:40%faat 6 bi7 2 12 2 4*1 r I. All.u v Kephthys, Alhena I r Daeaaei 21534 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 12 1 13 5 5 7 7 6 S*| L Allen 1 i Volant. Minstrel, Dr. Ihienner 21328 Aquedct 1 1-16 1:47 fast 30 Ml 3 3 3 3 3 8* A Nlcklaua .. Bae. Ben Quince 21102 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 7 105 2 2 2 I 3- 8* W Lilley 4 Hemds Jr.. OSullivan Batterv 20966 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:54y5fast 6 107 4 4 4 5 5» B»*|D Steward « OSnBivan, l: Quince. Dgerfleld 20792 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 15 in:, 3 2 5 6 6 63 D Steward 6 W. Shoes G U Miller MKIoeli 24464 Belmont 1 l:41Vsfast 12 110 1 1 1 1 1 VI I Steward 8 Orotund, Bobinetta. Itr.Du.uncr CAMELLIA, b. m, 6 110 By Stalwart— La Mujer Mrs. J. L. Paul. 21841 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fasl 3] Ml I 1 7 I I ■ 6"JvV Lilhy 8 Nephthys, Alh.-na. Dr Daenaer 21726 Belmont 1 1-8 l:53%faat 12 182 8 3 5 3 21 1-, V Lilley 11 Polly II.. OSullivan Napier 21603 Aquedct 1 1-16 1:48 last 7 Mi 3 12 3 61 4»J v Lilley C G.M.Miller, Saptioa, L.Marsh11 21131 Jamaica 11-16 1:49 fast H-5 MS 3 4 3 3 3-1 AV Lilley 5 Valentine, G Prime, Nenbthys 21067 Jamaica 1 1-18 l:47*fast 7 97 6 3 3 1 8* ::3 V Lilley 6 Or. Kripp, B.Qninre G.M.Miller 20996 Jamaica 1 1-14 l:5 iv-siow 3 MS 2 1 1 6 5H 4 AV Lilley 7 G.M.Miller, B.Qnince, Bobinetta 20902 Jamaica 1 1-14 l:49%fast 11-M 181 4 2 3 2 2« 2* W Lilley 6 OSullivan. Hermls Jr., Marshon 20848 Belmont 1 l:40%faat 3 M8 2 111 lak and V Lilley c, CuyFisher. Bobinetta, Beethoven NAPIER, b. g, 6 112 By Sempronius— Lillian Fonso J. W. Hedrick, Jr.. 24912 Aqueduct 1 l:39%faat 12 lei g -, ;, g «i 4:... Lilley .Alhena Volant Song of Val lev 21844 Aquedct 1 1-14 1:47 faat 7 MQ 1222 _•" ! G Byrne R Bobinetta, Sebenge, G.M.Miller 21726 Belmont 1 1-S 1 :.".3%fast 15 107 : 7 4 6 8| 2- W -I OBnll Polly II.. OSnUivan. Camellia 21710 Belmont 1 l:4H»faat 50 IIS 13 M 9 6 6» 9 V J OBn.17 Dryad, Tinkle Bell, Dr. Duenner 20072 H.deGce lm70yl :4i%last 27. 96 12 12 12 11 12 M*» J iartner 12 Buzz Around Al Block Cogs 20938 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%faa1 60 ]00 7 8 8 8 7- J Gartner 8 Braady wine, Al Bloeh. Joe Finn 19911 Havana 3-4 1:20 slow 4 113 8 8 8 r.-J J Plti 8 Nigadoo 1. Shark Ch.McPerran M852 Havana H f 1:M good 1 103 7 6 5 8*fj Gartner 7 el. Eyes. Tiger Jim. Sherwood DR. DUENNER. ch. g. 7 107 By Prince of Melbourne— Rossair C. K. Rockwell. 21841 Aqueduct 1 l:40*4fast . 109 1 2 3 .. ••. 3". it Troxler s Nephthys tlhena Rai uLighl 21710 Belmont 1 l:41%faat 15 Hi i; 6 5 4 Ch 4*1 It Troxler 17 Dryad. Napier Tinkle Bel] 21628 Belmont 11-16 1:48 last 12 107 3 2 3 3 3l 52i M Buxton 11 Paton coin Penalty - 3 Aquedct 1 1-18 1:48 fast 15 107 34 4 41 7,1 •■. ; Core G C.M.Miller. Baption, UMarshU 21634 Aqueduct 11:41 fast M MS 2 4 4 4 3! 3-i M Buxton In Volant. Minstrel Lord Marshall 21306 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:24 fast 10 117 3 Fell. F Walker 9 Bonny Laddie, Brush, DixonPark H236 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:20 fast. 70 149 3 2 2 3 4 441 W Walker n Old Sail Svoaset Gan Cotton 21148 Bline Anil 5:00 good 6 IM 4 2 Fell. J Dapee 5 C.Malotte, BigSaady, Clie-.Kruin EL 0R0, h. h, 9 115 By Ethclbert — Dorotheo N, K. Beat. 20 5 Pimlico lmlOy l:tN/5niu l 37 10 111 2 G 5 7. 7. ;••. A 11. 1 11. v r 7. AlBloeh. C..I.1 |,,|!ow a v. M . ■enae 20249 Pimlico lm40yl:44 fast 16-6 1 07 8 8 7 5 5- lh C Fbther : Balfron, Dalngertield UKnglaitd 20208 Pimlico lm70yl:47%good 12 117 2 5 12 2.. 8» C Fbther » Coekspur, Rich wood. Vbhotsrord 20120 H.deGce lm70yl:48 good 10 115 4 111 into C Fl.tiieri:; L.oKirke.h. Mycenae Claribel 20102 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 110 13 4 4 3A :■",• l-l.thi 11 Al Bloeh, Coga. Paton 20059 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 20 103 3 5 6 4 4] 6*f J Met calf 8 CUfTFIeld, Progressive Locbiel M998 Bowie 1 1-4 2:12-V. fast I 112 5 4 3 I 6*1 8*1 J McTagt « Coekspnr, Paton. Da ingerfleld lr:i!2 Bowie 1 1-1« l::._"/ 8-5 115 2 11 l ll i» T McTagt 7 Abbotsford, Weyanqke, B.Lucas SIR DENRAH, ch. h. 6 110 By Peep oDay— Miss Marconi W. Garth. -1765 Belmont 11-8 1:54 fast 40 KM 1 2 2 2 •_•. 1" M Baxton oil..!;;.-. OSullivan. Lazuli 21428 Belmont 11-16C1S fast 4 110 4 3 2 2 in si" J MeTagrtll Patoa Coin Penalty 21239 Aqueduct 3 11:13 fast 10 120 7, 7 7 6 0"O Corey 7 Sleuth, Gill Edge San Vega 21124 Jamaica 3 1 1:11 faat Hi 1 10 1 2 I a 2- M I.uxlou 7 Andes, p. rth Boek Patrick S 20634 Belmont 1 l:41Vf,fast 26 110 7 7 7 8 7- 7" ; Corey H It. oLlgbl Orotund Bobinetta 20411 Belmont 1 l:43%mud IS ill 3 t S 5 4- 4" t; Corey 8 AlBloeh Bobinetta, Stoneheng* 18480 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 3 t 107|M M M 11 8 111" W lmvie 14 llmilistn Hnrakan P*gresslve 17770 Bowie 7-S l:20%fast 20 112 9 8 8 7 yl 9*1 V UhtmifelO Castara. Fn.ntiT. Jack Laxaon ANDES, br. g, 4 115 By Contestor— Hide and Seek A. Pinkcrton. 21710 Belmont 1 l:41%faat 5 lis 5 3 3 5 41 6T1 M Baxton 17 Dryad, Napier Tinkle Bell 215.a Aqueduct 1 1:M good 40 110 2 2 4 4 4 4"..l McCahey 1 Blue Thistle Harry Shaw S Gift 21217 Jamaica J-4 l:13%fast 7 123 1 3 1 I2 ::-.,. I BatweU 8 Talecarrler T.asSteel Bcktborn 21126 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 9-10 112 2 1 1 1* 1- E Dugaa 7 SirDenrah Perth Rock Patricks 21045 Jamaica 3 1 1 :1 H-Just 8 112 7 7 6 5 2 P Lowder 7 Ahara tlrapeshoi Tinkle Bell 20801 Plp.Rk AbS-4 l:13Hfast 6 103 4 7 7 7 711 C Welae 7 BMne Maiden riginnv Holiday 20763 Pip.Rk Ab3-4 l:lS%faat 2 133 5 5 4 35 21 B Lewis R Culvert, Stonehenge Ambrose 1*942 Belmont 6Jfl:l9 fast 3 loo 5 5 5 3 2l J MeCahev « Striker W Welles Fascinating 16S72 Belmont 3 4 l:12%fast 12 1r7 S 8 6 6 ..« . .T Kederis 8 Tarls. Yellow Lv. s Northerner JOE DEIBOLD, b. g. 6 112 By Irish Lad— Custance G. J. Day. queduct 11:39 fast 13 M4 7 7 7 7 4] A JG Corey 7 Saratoga, KUa Bryson, Allen. 1 - I Aqueduct 11:11 faat S 110 6 I S I ? :• G Corey 10 Volant. Minstrel Dr Dnenncr 213*. Aqueduct 1 1:45 hvy f. Ill 7 7 6 6 3= ::-. G Corey 8 Baratoga Minstrel Neohthys 21309 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 15 IM 4 2 3 1 I] I* G Corey •; star Gift Drvad itolilnetta 21193 Jamaica 1 1-M 1:47 fast IS M8 E I " 4 6 :. ■ it WaMron fi ImaM Double! Alhena 21013 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :49%good 3-2 111 2 2 2 1 2 2J It Waluron 1 Dinah Do. Patrick s Prlmar* 20879 Jamaica 1 1-14 1:48 fast 7 111 :; 4 4 3 :,- 6«» C Borel 6 Spearhead Orlin Krio.. Amilrt M2M Plmllco lm74yl:46%faf t 4 III 5 4 4 3 4-4" P OoldsPn r, Pareasive. B. Quince Carlton G TIIOUGHTREADER, ch. g. 4 112 By Mentor— Rustle E. Herz. : I Vdueduct I l:«%fast 10 117 6 S 8 7 7 b»l J Butwell S Stonehenge »,-,. 1 1 Minstrel iglas 1 3-1S 2:044imud 51-10 110 :; :: 4 4 L I ,r Keogh 11 Gold Color M:,,-Uo, 1 , 2049RDouglaa I 1-M 1 :49*mud 47-» IM I 4 6 S " 3 r Keoci, 7 ravfdara i.ov..1;,„,l I Gerrtb-man 20405 l ouglaj lm70y l:48»fcmud 24-6 101J 2 6 t 4 3* 3*1 W Meehan 7 Bonanza J.Reardon :BPktIioru 20366 Tiurchi II lm70yl :48%mud 1 KM 1 3 3 - 3* ::• M Garner n nv Port Acts i. t,,,,, 20257 Churchill 1 1-16 l:44%fast 39 10 112 2 4 3 3 11 1«* C Burgmc 9 ILKeenon! LGennwn PKugene 202M Churchill 1 1-14 1:47 raat 61 MS I 1 1 2 I* l ]X Lapallle 8 Brave. Buck Keenon sieeth M1W Lexgtn 1 1-16 l:48%slowlU-M M4 3 4 4 2 1" 1* K Lapallle 8 GoldcstGirL Coreor-ds, Tavolara NORTHERNER, rh. g. 4 107 By Yankee— Royal Gun A. A. Dunlap. 80 Aqueduct J-4 l:14%faat 7 IM 4 I E I 6*1 M Buxton 12 G Iwood Gall ." Nonhli-ht 174G B Imont 11x1:71 fast 15 M8 S 5 5 6 »»• 6" W Ulley R f?edg« OSnllivan I aiali 17M Belmont 1 l:41%faat 20 MB M IS 12 9 M«* 7*1 J Pita 17 Dryad. Napier Tinkle Bell 1612 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14%fast 12 108 1 I S 4 gjj W .1 I V ir„ n ,mrl.,k. ■," Me, uPark 21a74 Aqueduct 5-8 1:60 goods 110 6 ., | | ,, : p Lowder 7 Uncle Jimmie. Nonreddtn Hiker 19837 Bowie ! 1 1 :1 l«-iu i 8-5 144 I 1 4 V 2» W Lilley 13 T.Bnsvbod" Thes. ,, 1 Tr vera 19407 N.Orlna 6 ClM good S Ml 6 4 2 !J "",1-: Pool 8 Char tier, Vilev. Linda Pavne 18957 N.Orlna lmMy I:43*«good 4 Ml 4 2 1 1 1* * H Cbappell 8 HighCUss. Ford Mai. T. Hancock RICHARD LANGDON. blk. g. 5 112 By Dick Welles— Lass of Langdon R. Jackson, n i! Vqueduct 1 l:40%fasl 10 ill 4 7 G 7 :■■ T« c vi ■,.,- s Nephthvs. Alhena. Dr. Daennei 21718 Belmont 1 l:41%faat M 11". 11 11 10 17 17 17* » C Fbther 17 Dryad. Napier Tinkl" Bell 21487 Belmont 11:41 fast M IM 2 3 5 7 8* S-"- t Corev ft Dist.Shon H.-.i-e WoodenKhoea •1598 v.tie.luct 11:lo fast 16 113 11 5 S 12 13 li** C Fbther 13 Amalfl, OSullivan. Stonehenge 20296 Pimlico lm70yl:48%fast 27-5 106 1125 S 5" McCahey n Pgressivc B.Quiace Carlton G 2*KS6S Pimlico lm00yl:4x slop 41 D 1M 3 4 4 4 4* #»• C Fbther R Orprrrh Coekspnr J ■ Delliold MMi PlallCO 11:13 good M 112 3 1 1 1 l3 l«k II Lafferty o Warlock. Ely llouie, LocUkl GALLOP, b. c, 4 110 By Martinet — Common Sue Marrone Stable. LISSi Vqueducl 3 I 1:11 ;.i-t I] Ml 11 13 21 1 Steward 12 Goodwood. Northlight, Chance 21127 Jamaica 3 I l:13%fast 20 11" -1 7 7 7 710 .7 OBrien 7 Presumption, Hurakan, orotund : :1067 Jamaica 11 M 1 : M M? ill 2 4 5" ; Corey 6 Orlin Kripp, B-Quince, Camellia 20S79 Jamaica 1 : 16 1:48 Cast 89 11" 2 2 3 5 t; ; ; Carey 8 Spearhead. Orlln Kripp, Amain iratoga 7 S L..-.siow 11-5 in 3 2 1 1 l1 4* M Buxton io Armament, Mary Warren, Armor 15S5S Kmpire 1 1 16 1:49 mud 0 M Ma 111 1 T -- M Buxton 1 Kins Box, Afterglow, Exeeutor 15785 Empire 1 1-14 l : iv--.tast M-5 J or. 3 111 21 1 M Buxton 7 Camellia. Lohgrin, S.andSlripes - Empire 1 l:40%faat 9 Ml 4 E r, E E E •• .1 Kederis 5 Pom. Bleu, J.J.Ltllis, I "daunted 13364 H.deGce lm79yl:45%fast --5 tt 5 111 Ml1 J McTagrt 7 Soim.v Boy, Polly H., Coca | SUPERSTITION, b. r. 10 107 Bv Aldine— Evangeline Cisneros H. N. Price1. 21844 Vquedcl 1 1 l« 1:47 fait 20 l"o fi 4 :. I 8 l"»f. Allen i: Robinetta, Sebenge, U.M.Miller 21710 Belmont 1 1 :4H5fast 1". 110 9 7 6 8 81 1118,.T Butwell 17 Dryad, Napier. Tinkle Bell .!•.. Belmont 1 1 16 1:48 lust 15 107 16 5 5 4* 74 I Steward il Patbn. Coin, Penalty 2W03 Aquedct 1 1 16 1:48 fast 99 1"2 I ; .: ." 2j ■■ 1 Steward 6 U.M.Miller. I.,. Marshall. Camlin 21219 Jamaica 1 1 16 l:isv-,fast 89 ]tt| r, 7 7 7 71 B»l 1» Steward !i i .Si 1 1 1 v.i :i. Suelieage, Ml" Bline Abl 3-8 2:244 good J M 4 4 4 4 4 4*4 H Tucker -4 Willing. Eadbald. Cloud 211M6 Bline Al.l 1 8 2:021 slop 7 147 1 E E B B Bw CapCKKl 5 Eadbald. Cloud, Willlag l : Pip.Rk Abll llftfaat 4 150 :i s I 4 4- Is- s Joseph] 9 Clond, Sandow, Senegamblan ■758 Im Rk Aid 1 -S fast fi IB I 3 4 I 21 2 M Bbersrr K Cloud. Kadlmld. Willing MONMOUTH, br. g, 5 107 By Heno — Mamona D. Douglas. I Vqueduel 1 1:40 fast 40 HE 7 t 9 9 1" 1"" W McDottlO Volant. Minstrel, Dr. Dnenner i..n; .1 an i 1 1 i v.i-,ir....d 20 99 I 1 :. I I 9** J licTagrt 6 Hermb Jr.. Marsbon, Battery lamaica 1 I S 1:55= fast 15 99 6 6 6 1 4] 4 * •! Dreyer • El Blod. Coin, Hermi Jr. OS75 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fefast 60 112 13 IS IS lr. 15** J Dreyer 15 Dinah Do, Outlook, Tinkle Bell ■ Empire 1 1 14 1 :•:,!-, mud 30 MR 7 7 7 7 6* •*• A Nlcklaus 7 Loveland. CallantBoy, Heartbeat 14935 Belmont 11 2 2:24 fast io MB 3 3 4 4 ■.■■ 3* .1 Kederia 4 Paton, Taj Pay. Loweeo M771 Belmont 11:49 fast 8 MS I I I B B* I* -1 Kederia 8 Little Nearer, Lily Orme, Belray CARBURETER, br. g, 4 107 Bv Salvation— Directa J. F. Smith. Vyueduel I 1 unsfast 30 il" 11 in 1" 1" 10" C Turner 12 Goodwood, Gallon, Korthligbt 1998S Bowie :• f l:08%last loO 196 7 7 1 M1",.T Connors 12 Faithful, Patrick s.. Americas . Howie ". f 1 :"". fast 00 1".". 9 10 10 10 10- A SchuterlO Viley, Richwnad. Al liloch 14827 Mboro 64 f 1:25 fast 4 lot 7**1*1 Dreyer 9 JimCaffrey, TbeUrchin. PceCbap 14672 Ab51 f 1 :09%fast 21 195 41* A Pickens 8 Ynca. Silas Grump, Starboard 1451 Electric Al.t.f l:24%fast 6 102 3« H Chappell 8 Belfast Regards, Bobby Cook 14312 Pimlico 3-4 l:15«jkfaat 7 98 2 7 S 7* 7 * J Campbell 8 Elsewhere. Gates. Batwa 141 0 H.deGce S-4 l:14%fast 6 90 12 G 3 3J 1 J Smyth 13 CapL Elliott. Klma, Abbots ford 13920 Jamean lm20y l:448fcfast fi MS 2 5 8 8 8 8» J Callahan 8 B. Around, Mycenae. L. Innocence 13991 Jamesn In»79y l:4S%gwod S kill 3 3s 9*4 J McTagrt 7 Son. Boy, Peacock, Portarlkigtoa COLONEL ASHMEADE. b. g, 8 112 By Sain— Antipode C. C. Smithson. 1105 Jamaica 51 f l.-07%fast 15 112 7 4 5 P fi3 W I.illey 8 Elkrldge, G. Edge, M.B.Babanka 20422 Electric 61 f l:25%slow 6-3 114 1- B Tractor 8 Deviltry. Page White, Barlymorn 8 : Pimlico 1ml v 1 C.niud 14 HS 5 1 1 4 C " 9* A Schugr 7 Norua, Petelus, LairdoKkkealdy :■ 0 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 9 M5 9 2 2 2 * 1" A Schufgrll Ven.Strome. Vorkville. Q.Plome •ih.|7 H.deGce 1m7" l:45 12 107 C 4 5 7 S"82H P.r. s. It 9 Tow. Field, O. Kripp, Ven.Strome 3MA99 H.deUce lm70j l :4Sgood 40 112 5 11 3 fi1 7"UII Breach 10 Met muda. C. 9*. Graiager, Pa ton HAMMON PASS, b. g. 8 107 By Hammon— Pass E. B, Ackerman. Btdmont l 1:11 fast If. lit 4 5 4 4 4" :. -M Brabaxn 5 Lit. Nearer, Perth Rock. D..ublet ••.., p.Kk Abl 1-16 l:5!%fast 10 1.".- 12 3 3 2*1 2 1 B B Lewis:. Ambrose, Absconder, Kllerea • n i iir. Abl fast 4 157 2= T Chandler 4 Zellwood, Saadow. Mr. Sniggs Ro i uy Ab 2 ■ fast 18 5 U9 1 nan out. T Chandler 4 Dreraeer, Kash.Wlng. K. Pardee BEARDED LADY, b. m, 5 105 By Hippodrome— Black Beard R. C. Winmill. Vqueduel 1 IM.-.last f.o 1".". 7 3 fi 8 8 s" V Herbert S Stvnebenge. Un.iund. Minstrel . Belmont 1 l:43%slow 30 104 B 2 3 I 5] t;TV Liltoy ! IronDuke. Wli. Metal. CyMerck 17919 Pip Rk Ab3 1 Mli-.fasi ir, leu i 1 :: :: :: ::"".V Ural 4 Lily Orine, S. Board. S. Laddie IC1O8 Belmont 1 l:39%fast io 197 fi 2 ! 3 4- 41SM Baxtan 6 T. as Steel, M.Oaranagh K 19 Saratoga 3-4 l:14V4good 39 MM1 8 9 9 fiJ 9*1 M Boston 14 Yadopeep, Dakota, M.Oavaaagh 1C29I Saratoga 1 l:42%slop 10 103 7 R 8 fi 5" B"iK Karrick 8 EasterStar. Dakota, Dane. Master 16233 Saratoga 3 4 1:14 slow 15 107 12 13 13 8- 9,*4J MoTagrt 13 Well Known, T.asSteel, Eas.Star lfj765 Kmpire 1 1:11 fast 10 1"1 i fi I E 41 V II Sumter S S.ofVallev. Belray, GoldenPriUM