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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. JtEAV YORK. FRIDAY. JULY 30. 1915. Fifteenth dav. Empire tit.. Racing Association. Smnm.-i Meet Ing ol HI days 10 la.s ai Belmont Park and o days al Aquedwt 1 . Weither clear. Presiding St. vard. W. S. Vosburgh. iTeshMulTJudse. C. II. PettlngiU. Starter, Mars Cassidy. K.i. ins Secretary, v. 1:. Sehaumlwrg. Kaeing starts ai 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. 111.1. AV indicates whip, s sour-. R blinkers. Lis vu% iii parentbesea following the distance of each race Indicate iml, namber, track record, nge of nsaaa a;:.j w.-isht e.uaie.l. *lnili-iil. s appreliti, e allowance. 4 ~| QQ EIRST BACE 5-8 Mile. 05151 DO 2 120. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. SeUlag. _J _ ♦/ _J *J N.-I vain,- to winner 2": jjecoBd. Slo": third. S5Q. Lid, x Horses AWtliSt ., .. - sTr~Fin Jockeys Owaera _J U r ~ S_" il«ox iihnI:"" sni; wb !09 i i i- !■ •_" p .1 Rutwell 1: F Carman il-Gl3-313-."il-6 2-3 2I71IO 1 l;i:. l.l— 1: wb 108 2 3 :" : |k :• C Gordon MrsSMcNaaghtn 31 I HV-51 12 21024 *SAL VANITY « 105 5 2 :,-■ ;,- V 9 W Lilies L II Baxter l| 5 4" 8 »7 16 317«tEDITH BAUMANXwl Wt « C U G 0 4- C Fh tlur fcf J Leonard s lt b J 7-i tlfMDORADOe w M I 4 4.. If, :.. 6«* D Steward Marrowe Stable o s 7 q or. SIMS WAYFARER vvn lot 1 t 3 I 4 I .1 McCandbeyQuincy Stable I ■ I] i 5 7-10 Tim.-. 1:01 V Trark fast. Winner — is. r. by Singleton — Sand Dune trained by it. f. CuraMB. Vciii I.. |h st mi 2:33. At post 7 minutes. Start | 1 and slow. Won driving; second and third tee •■e, DUNE BITE, a rapid beginner, outran the othera to tee elbow and tired, bat rallied in the linal eighth tinder an energetic ride and outstayed BKCLUSE. The latter ran in closest parsalt throughout and rented t die front in tin- boane stretch, bat waa not well ridden in the cloaing drive. SAL VANITY began slowly and cloaed np steadily, but tired and just lasted long enough to withstand i:i i in BAUMANNS belated ru-h. The latter cloaed a big cap and HaJshed fast DORADOS and WAYFABEB showed speed. bat tired. The winner, entered for ¥ 1 . KK . was bid up to ,809 and roM to J. II. Caitajana. S. -latched -1 Tii! S I ■ 1 1 a 1 ■ina. IM. t t SECOND BACK 3-4 Mile. vai::.-.l — 1 :12— 5--i . i 00 Add. d. :: y. ar olds and up 21 JL t/OU ward. SeEiag llandieap. Net value to winner SI17,: second. Hto; third. 0. index Batata AWtiTst W M N sir Tin jKkevs Owaaca tt h c P s 21767 ll I.I.I we. S MO I ■" - i i i. ■ McTagrtJ Whalea :; 4. 11-61 2-5 /J1767 OTHELLO w4 loo l ii V V B* V Y Lille .1 W Goldblatt 6 « 2 1 21843 GRI MI w :; MS :, 4 4- 4- 4 1 31 C Tuner C .1 Brockmlller I 8 s 2.. -6 1 21728 I Itt i: AS STEEL w 4 111 :: 3 I" J1 "•■ 11 I Bwtwell P 8 P Randolph 4 0 7 SO 7-lt 21706 IS1KOHE w 0 114 2 - 1 -" -" ■" T McTagt J Baaford 2| I 13-61 2-5 1 2T7M BEETHOVEN wit S 08 11 10 « ■ -I McCaheyMrs B 1 Miller S 10 x 3 7-5 lime. 12, 233/5. 352r,. M. 1:01. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner— B. u-. by Aatroaoaaer — Helen OO. trained by J. Whalea. Went to post nt 3:65. t post :: minutes. Start good and slew. Won ridden out: second and third driving. llI.LIX went around the leaders with a rush on the far turn, and took the lead alter the homestretch, bat was ridden out at the linish to withstand OTHELLOS challenge. The latter began slowly and raced wide throughout, but finished with great speed. GRUMPY, made a game effort through the homestretch and bang 00 namely under punishment. TRUE AS STEEL and ISIItnsi; tired badly alter racing well to the stretch. The w inner w as entered for OLSOOj no bid. t O a THIRD RACE — I Mile. 80370 1:38 3—106. 1915.sh00 Added, •"•.year-olds and upward. 2-| JL ej/ O JL Bettteg. Net value to winner 30; second. 00; third. 4. index Horses AWtlTSt U -. 34 Sir Kin Jockeys Owners II C 1* S 21S44s8TON*£HHNGE am 4 112 4 11 1= 1- r- 1- B Troxler C K Bodnrell 1 4 i I S J i 2174d*OROTl*ND w 4 M3 1 2 4| 5* I* ■ - --_ W Lilley L Blame C 8 I I 7-5 •-IKII MINSTUKI. n 3 MS E I 21 2* -: 2- 3 .1 McTagrtA .1 Schneider 3 I 14-54-5 1-2 •.I8P2 BRIAN BORU waa 1 M ;: I 7- I* V I- 4* M Buxton J Long li 24 20 I 1 2t84M THOUGHTREDER w ill- 4 0 1 I 7; 1* 6" .1 Batwell K Hera M li 10 4 2 •2I8JO TALECARRIER w o 115 7 4 6* 41 51 El 4« G Carey Q .1 Day s I J 2 1 2 1842- DART WORTH wb 7 107 5 E 8* 3- 1. 4* 71- .1 McCaheyMarrone Stable 2 - 11 El 12 •-J1757 BEARDED LAHY w 5 106 1 7 :.1 0* 8 8 8 V Herbert R C inmill 00 40 00 20 10 Time. 12. 24. 36. 47. 1:00. 1.13. l:27/5. 1:40, 5. Track fast. Winner 1! -. by llastinga Ltada Stone trained by If. Smart. Weat i" post at 3:31. At post :; minutes. Start good and alow. Wea eaalty; second and third drii tag. STONKHKNGE took the bad at once and. setting a good pace, easily won all the way. OROTUND finished resolutely through the 1 leatretch sad. passing MINSTREL, waa going last at tee linish. mi.V STREL wa- shuttled back at the -tart and. closing a big gap early, made ;. game effort far the first three uuart is. but tired in the linal eighth. BRIAN BORU closed up -round and was hard ridden throngboat. THOUGHTREADEB and 1 A l.KCA RRIEB raced wide for tee eatire distance. DARTWORTH qait The . inner, entered lor 1915.sh1111. was bid op to 1915.sh05 and bought In. s.raiehc] L 17«.VO,Sulllvan, 115; 217I: Wooden Shoes, 112; 21»12Alliena, h»o: LUtlJ Commaaretta, P8; 20325 El Pro, 115; 21016 DalngerOeld, 112; 2190a lrank Hndaon. M"7: 217K7»Hammon Pass. mr. fc» 1 f » 4* rOURTH BACK — 1 1-16 Miles. 21010 — 1:44% — 1 — 100.1 Valhalla Handicap. .$ ;oT» J4 JL ♦/ O and Added. ." year-olds and apa ird. Net value to winner 15; second. .*HKl: third. 0. index Horses AWtlISt M K % Str Fin Jocfcayi Owners 0 H P S 21822 BAYBRY CANDLE w 4 H»s 1 1 1- i- 1 !• r .1 Bagwell .! l Greener 1 1 3-4 1-5 oat CUSt TRANSIT w 4 Iimi :. :; 9 2«1 21! 2* 2« .1 afcCaheyJ Wdoldblutt 4 4 41 7-5 1-2 21909-1. lli Ki: w 7 liiJ I * !• :;; :;■ " J« W Lille] J L Paul 1 H 4 7-6 1-2 21883 HANOVIA w :: 103 2 4 ::»t 41 41 tJ 4 M IT thews M A Colton ." In 7 2 4 :. 217261, I.I.V II. w 4 07 I E E E E 5 5 .1 McTagrtW Cahill M 12 10 2] 4 0 Tun. ■, 12. 233/5. 35. 48. 140%, 1:12S, 1:26, 1:80%, l:452/5. Track fast. Winner li. I. by Canard Tower of Candles I trained by J. W. htaj 1. Weat lo jiosi at 3:50. At post :; aUaatca. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BAYBERRY tAMd.i: set a fast pace all the waj and won under restraint. TRANSIT shook off LAHORE in the homestretch and finished gamely. LAHORE moved up menacingly when entering tee Itomcstretch, but tired under punishment. HANOVIA was outpaced and appears lo have trained ell. lOl.I.V 11. ran poorly. Mvi-fweiuliis :: ]"titnils. 4,-a 4. OO lliTH RACE 1 Mile. ..~ o.:7 ; 1138 :: n«i. 1 00 Added. 3-year otda aad apward. £ JL 7 O O SeUteg. Net value to wteaer .$.;!mi: second. 8100; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , ] % Str Kin Jockeys Owners H 0 P S 21710 sl SLICK w« :: m7 2 7 4 B :.- I" 1- AV .1 0*B*n Cleveland Stable I 7 0 2 1 1:1710: VALENTINE w t 110 1 1 l] T l" 21 -" C B* game J E Widener 2 2 3-3 8-61-5 21764 *M1:m.o IARK wa 3 1":. 4 4 7. 7 0 I1 3* T Henry .1 htaclianaa I E H 3-2 7 10 21726 RANDOW w t H 7 :; :: H " 21 "• 4s F Herbert North woodSt Die 1". 15 15 4 3 21652 KIS1I.A w :: Kir 4 2 .".1 4i ::- :.:l r, • .1 atcTagrtJ E Davis 2| 3 i 1 12 1819 TIDE w :: 11". ESI v s ,; 4* .1 Batwell K E Hose 10 1:, 15 ." 21 OHL8EN wit :. KI7 7 .". 2- 2 41 73 7° T IfcTagtH Watteraon 1". 20 24 t 3 21409 GAMMON waa :: 107 8 0 V- 5* 7* 8 8 C Turner B V Whitney 34 00 10 0 2. tDtaqaalifled tor fonL Tim.-. 12. 24%, 35%. 59, 1:12, 1:27V5. 1:40%. Track fast. Winner Ill. :;. by Bock Sand -Artful trained by I". Regaat. Weat to post at 4:20. Al i«.-t 4 niinules. Start good and slow. Won ridden OOt; second and third driving. SAM SLICK began slowly, but ateadOy Improved his poidtioa and. escaping Interference in the bi.metitretch, drew out into a decisive had. VALENTINE showed the most early speed, but qait in the h.inesii,.|, 1, Bnd, interfering with SANDOW mid RITSILA, was dis.pialiii. ■ !. li:l.i PARK s;,v ..| mound on all turn- and closed .1 big gap. RCSILA waa cloafaaj Bp last when bumped. OHLSEN pulled ap lame. I ho winner was entered for 00; no bid. fc-| |-_ O A SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 85451 -r,!t-l»— 1». 1 SltKl Added. 2 year-olds. Allowances. J X «I/0 4i: Nt value to winner 33; -cud. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt % _■ *4 Str Iin Jockeys Owners 0 H O f* 8 f21845Sl-. ISIDORE v 1°" I I - V Is 1- T McTagtJ Sanford f4-5 4-8 3-5 Oat— 21668 BlCK SHOT W 110 2 E " | -i 21 2* M i:uxt»n II 0 Corrrstock 4 B B 7 i :: a 21821 WHIMSY W 108 7 2 43 44 :; 9 W J 0*B*n Cleveland stable:;. 1 18-S4-E 1 2 21632 MKA1K0 WORTH we. 108 1 7 B1 8* V 4" Q Byrne H C Hnlbiibeck l" 20 IS « 2 31888BOYALIST w 107 4 1 l1 U ll" .1 atcTagrtJ Baaford t*-5 4-8 3-5 out— I 81747 SKY IlI.dT w 11 E 4 4" 5 "■ 4J .1 McCaheyQuincy stable 4 1 S 2| 1 r SATURN w lux :; H 7 7 7 7 C Fbther D Gideon IS 20 20 6 2i tCoapled In betting; no arnarate place or show betting. Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g, by lallor— Oaaga trained by II. Hagaes. Went to pest at 4:54. At post r. minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving ST ISIDORE saved ground at tee elbow and drew oat in th" final quarter to win with speed in reserve. BUCK SHOT was hard ridden from the start and tired in the Baal eighth, but outstayed WHIMSY. The latter tinished gamely and would have been second in another stride or two. MEADOWOBTII cloaed ici steadily and was going rapidly at the linish. ROYALIST set the early pace and dropped back when si ISIDORE took lie lead. iierweiuhls Whimsy. 4 pounds: Saturn. :..