Ramapo to Trial by Jury: Outstays Sharpshooter and the Finn in a Gamely Contested Race, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08


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RAMAFO TO TRIAL BY JURY OUTSTAYS SHARPSHOOTER AND THE FINN IN A GAMEXY CONTESTED RACE. Puss In Boots Confirms Her Excellent Saratoga Form — His Nibs at a Long Price — Blue Thistle Takes His Race. Yv York. September T. — Trial lir .Tnrv. dipt. L. B. Camantts good three-year-old, scored ■ handy in i-i y in tlit- Uamapo Handicap at a mile anil a i ii-.in ii. todayM feature, over some smart racen ■ •f ids n ii axe. Sharpshooter, racing to his best form, went into toe lead at toe start wiih the lavv.iu ,,,ii neeend, bat while rounding the stretch turn T. McTaggarl seat Trial by Jury along ami at tli aad he easily wore Sharpshooter down. The 1- i ii ii. finishing with a rush on 1 1 - oaf hie, was third. trial bj Jary was ■ well backed favorite. The Ramap • wax instituted in 1886 ami rim at Morris Iark prior to P»»5. when it was transferred to Belmont Hark. It was discontinued alter toe 1808 running ami todays reaewal was its tii-t running sime thai year. Its condensed history since I.mmi follows: Ifear. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. looo Killasbandra ...120 X. Turner. . .,780 i:o.*. .. 11101 l.Iues 124 Shaw 1.780 1:54% it«i- Igniter 112 OConnor ... 2,010 1:54% 1803 Hirer Pirate ...108 I licks 2,210 1:54% 1804 Outcomi 102 W. Davis .. 2,080 l:5i;i, 1805 Cederstrome .... 88 V. Miller... 2.180 1:53% 180C Banning Water.121 W. .Miller... 1.8441:51% 1007 1 ausl .12 «.. Boras ... 1,820 1:51- I80t: Pelirinm 110 Gilbert 510 1:53 181a Trial by Jury... 118 T. MeTagrt. 1.480 1:45% Hun at 1 Is miles from IS.m to 10IS. Cuss in Hoots, racing to toe good form she dis played at Sarat ga. won ever Malachite. The wia-aer was sent rich alone from the rise of the harrier and. -1 1 i ii jx ■ faat pare, drew ■ decisive lead. Malachite linisheil fast and caused Gamer io take no chances and the Keene lilly was ridden out to toe etio. The fust race, which teemed an open affair on paper, attracted I good held of platers, there being ■ nly lour withdrawals out of the thirteen entries. Blue Thistle became toe winner by wearing down Trae as Steel in the linal sixteenth. The well I. a Bed 1u!!m was i hird. Iis Nilts was a mild surprise Wbea he took the id raic at .i long price ..cr name fairly good plater*. Wateiiown was the medium of all attempted dean up. ut after being hacked down from ■ i -li |iric« toe hone failed to -hare in the pane. The weather was warm and Mltry throughout the day. hut the attendance was lair for an oft day. Sp« culation on the lawn passed off |iiietly. with no ■i • m-. ami oral wagering proceeded briskly. Jockey McAtee loaea his apprentice allowance Septemhar lo. He rode his lirst winner. Corn Broom, a year ago. Tralaer Murphy, who has puss in Hoots hi charge, b ■erring his Brat year as a trainer. She is regarded as the best lilly id the year, especially over a fast track. Larry Carey was an arrival todav from Saratoga. His two horses, lift Field am: Tribolo, along with the Bcverwyck Staples Si;- .lolin Johnson, will he he ■hipped to Havre de Grace tomorrow Kimball Patl TSon ami Dick Miller have shipped I fiiiin Saratoga to Havre de Grace, Patterson with i Hi. Marrone horses ami Miller with Orotund. V. II. Karricks yearlings, which have been at Saratoga, wMl hae for Belmont Park in a few days and Frank Taylor, who has leveral youngsters, will I entrain tor the same place. Both the first and I second horses in the opening race today, Blue ■ Thistle and True as Steel, were claimed from the • Qnincy Stable. .f. 1. Mayberry has been i imSsaid to his home since last Saturday suffering from aervoos prostration . as a result of the a -eident in whicli his . wife figured at Saratoga. jockey I. oft us. while redncing this mareiag, he-rame ill and was aaable to meet his ridtog ent-gag meats this afternoon. exercise boys have heea in the habit of concealing . th.. identity of horses warming up at Belmont Park by turning the numbers on the saddle chdh inside out. The stewards have just issued a notice that in 1 ; Inline the numbers must he kept in view. I.. S. Thompson, in whose nanie the horses belonging to Harry Payne Whitney rare, leads the list of nominations for the Laurel Stakes, with 82 entries. Angus! Belmont, chairman of the Jockey luh. is next wiili 3ft. James Battler, who wen so many races with his youngster* last fall, has made :.s nomination-, and II. T. Wilson :M. Belmont Park work. nits aver the main track i with last going were: Adroit -Three quarters in 1:18. Air Man Half mile in 51. Bar Seven eighths in 1:32, Borg — **iks in 1:44. Burrow Half mile in 30%. Itrunsi Three quarters in 1 :22"-. Camellia— Mile in 1 :44%. f Cantara Halt mile in iT%. i ., Has Three-quarters in 1:20 . IHstant Shore Mile in l:4«%. Itlsturber Half mile in 17%. Hon de Baca Mile in 1 :42%. herarock Three-quarters in 1:17. I ..I urn Three quarter* in 1 : I.i. I i lai K"cl; Three eighth* in :: I .. i : ilner Mile in 1 : 17% . sillies Th •• quart* r~. in II |%. I ; loaning Three-quarter* in 1:17. linal Mile in 1 :42. High Noon Three-eighths in 35%. Lily Orme Half mile la 48. Mary Warren -Seven-eighths in 1 :-°.2. s M i - Iu/./h Fire eighth* in 1 : i::. i I. ii. Maid Seven-ciglith* In 1:33. I andean Half mil. ia 40. Ileione Three-eighths in 36. i.iinette Bleu Three-quarters in 1 :i4. Prime Mover Mil. in 1:1::. : Keuina--Tlnee eighth- in 38. !..; r Mile in 1 |::" .. Scaramouch Tiiree-quarters in 1:18%. Sc.itish Knight -Three-quarters in 1:17 Sluiuber II. Mile in 1:42%. Spcaihead Half mile in 5n. • Stir l|. Mile n 1:4.:. Sun Bad Half mile in 50. Tartar— Three i larti r* ia l :17. Ten Caddy Half inii.- in 48%. Tinkle Hell Half mile in 50. Trnmpator— Seven-eighths in 1:33. The training track workouts were: Annus Mile in 1 IT : . Brian lP.ru Seven-eighth* in 1:34. Cuke of Dunbar Mile in 1 :4V Devil Kwb — Three-quarter* in 1:21%. i:i Blod— Half mile in 51. Stiver Bry— Thr marten in 1:17. Ilousenala Seven-eighths in 1 ::: In ami Out — Hall mile in "Ht. Ji in -Throe-quarter* in 1:25. Jacoba— Five-eighths in 1 : »7. Maifou Three-qimrters in 1:18%. Mamie K. Three-quarter* in 1:20. Navigator— Three-quarters in 1:18%. Prairie Mile in 1:50. Iteiiance Three-quarter* in 1:23%. Star Inzer -Three ipiarliTs in 1 :!_ . Variety— Hve-eightha in 1:6ft.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915090801/drf1915090801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1915090801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800