Sixth Race [6th Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08

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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-clds and upward. Selling, t.f.l 11 -1 :.7 . -,-. — 107. MEELICKA. ch. f. 3 102 By Meelick— Glassweed W. P. Fine. - ■■ BlueBon 3 I I : l-/-,fast 20 « 1 B B S :" .1 Morys " TheBnsylMxly, ZInDel, Srmpsllla 22701 BlueBon. 7-8 1:27 fast 19-41 BE 7 4 4 2 3 S| R M. Dotti:; Perpetual, MaClalre, Spirltuel • 570 Conght 8-4 1 :b"21,fast i 91 - 5 E • ■■■ A Nerger 9 Kts Differ. Wo. Ian. Bean 2243 Windsor 5* f 1 :06Vf;fast 3 Ins 2 8 2 21 14 J Smyth 7 Dignity, Coinmcnsia. Fair ra"li 22343 Windsor :.. f l:ici*-,hvv 24 Iff 2 3 E 7- 7l:;U Smyth 12 Videt, Cardigan, Langbori* 22188 FortBrle 6J f 17%fast 14 105 1 3 4 KakEH J Smyth 13 LadyMexican. GoldCap, 22109 FortErie 3-11:16 hvy 19 96 7 S 6 5i PIS McDott X Water Lily. MiesGayle. G 21926 Hamton 3-4 l:16*f,hvv 5 92 5 5 5 41 R;3 T McAtee s Fascinating. AdflAnne. Capt.Ben 1839 Hamton 1 1:49 fast 6 93 4 2 2 3 6U 0s] L McAtee lb Fncore. Valas, Carrie Orme -1710 Windsor 5jfl:.J6 fast 35 93 7 9 7 5- 3J H Stearns 16 Vaoetla, Peggy L.. Laafht THE USHER, ch. c. 4 105 By Ogden — Saratoga Belle Thorncliffe Stable. ""-Conght 1 1 16 l:".14:,good 2 Iff E 7 5 4 6 •"• . R McDott 8 Runway, The Rump. Beau Peru 22.".n.". Conght lm-ov 1:46 slow 2 103 2 3 2 2 l1 l;K McDott Bi Runway, Weyanoke. Zodiac 22385 Windsor 34 l:4aifast 27-5 1K". 3 4 2 21 2l A Claver H» Aristocrat, Capt.Ben. Strath. rn 16844 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1:56 fast 3 98 15 4 5 5» 58 R Shilling 11 Cenfauri. Fleuron II. . Trovato 16714 Conght lm20y 1:47 slow 10 102 6 6 4 4 3 3* E Ambrose 7 Hurry Si. aw. Font, D. Deodwoof 16627 Conght 1 1-16 1:51 fast 7 101 4 4 4 5 f 4 42 A Claver 0 Mediator. S. Holmes. Dilatory 16472 Windsor 3-4 l:16ftbvy 8-5 108 3 2 2 2£ 2" A Claver !5 Dicks Pet, RicUv.ood. Arrau 16398 Windsor 1 l:40%fast 4J 105 3 11 4 41 4*1 A Claver 0 Penalty. Mockery, Expectation 16133 Hamton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 15 99 5 3 4 3 4* 31* A Claver S Privet Petal. Barnegat. GoodDay 15014 Conght 3-4 l:13andfast 30 101 3 8 6 5J 5"J A Claver 8 Yorkvilie. Mar.iorie A.. Azylado MISS WATERS, b. f. 4 100 By Lord Esterling— Lucrece F. J. Pons. 22701 BlueBon. 7-S 1:27 fast It 102 12 10 19 8 8 B l -l Morys 13 Perpetual, Ida Cialre. Meelicka :.r- Conght 11 16 1:51 good 4 lni- 2 4 4 8 -". 21 W Urol t Loa. Tra vers, Zodiac, Abbotsford 22457 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53%mud 22 86 5 3 10 8 P •■■ IT Hayea 10 La Mode, Moscowa, Strataeara 22413 Windsor il:4l--fust 30 107 4 1 1 2 2* 2. F ..Ionian B Asrisa, FUtaway, Dicks Bet 22382 Windsor 3-4 l:10*,fast 9 103 6 7 6 6- 7 J J Connors 12 Langborne, McCliutock. M.Caaca 22162 FortErie 3-4 1 :14%good 1-1 KM 9 8 81 Sj A Nerger 11 Dignity. Langhorne M.Johnson 2208 FortErie lmTOyl :454»good 7-4 97 2 2 4 3 2 2* j B McDott 0 FeUowmaa, Weyanoke, B. Sister 21826 Hamton 2-1 t:16%hvy 7 98 6 6 6 71 V 3 Morya 8 Fascinating. A. Anne. Capt.Ben aS38 Hamton 5J f l:07Vsfast 8 100 n 7 6 63= J Cooaora 12 Water Lily. J.Zarate. Marveloua 21714 Windsor 1 l:40%fast fid 105 15 3 2 3- 22 1 Kederis 11 Birka. Cliff Stream. Sim Queen 21523 FortErie 5 f 1:11 slow 73-10 106J 5 6 6 5n* 4=1 J Metcalf s Peggy L.. Toddling. Lather KINMTJNDY, b, h. 5 106 By Hermis— Countess Pepper G. B. Cochran. Conght ImaOy 1:51 hvy 20 102 1 2 1 1 2: :" .1 Cianc] S Marsboa, Astrologer, it. Around. Conght 11-16 1:51 good 6 112 52 2 0 •" t* 3 chin, -y 9 L. Travers. Miss Water* Zodiac _- Conght lm20y l:46%slow E 116 4 3 3 3 3- 34 A Schugr s L. Spirituelle, Astrologer, Cogs 22168 Saratoga 11:47 mud 12 P17 12 2 1 4:l .",•• K LapaiUe 5 Shyness. Tinkle Bell. Brian Bora 19841 Bowie ImlOv l:4:, ifast 86 loS 3 8 9 7 9 9"1S Wolstm 12 Oalngerfleld. Cockspur, Hermuda 19325 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46M;fast 10 109 6 6 7 7 71 718 F Moore it D, March, The Bump, Ins. Man 19297 N.Orlna 1 1-16 l:46%fast 20 106 7 8 8 6 41 4-1 F Moore 0 Petetos, Weyanoke, Bang.March 19261 N.Orlna lm20y l:45/5hvy 10 111 5 6 6 9 7» 714Ut Pickett 9 L"l Pato, Autumn. Gallant Boy 18829 Charlen 1 1:45 good 7-10 110 1112 Il 11 W Wholm t: MiltonB.. Benedictina, T.Hcock 18801 Charlen 1 1:45 mud Si 111 4 4 4 5 3 8* W WholmlO Ii.ilton. Font. Milton B. 1S771 Charlen 1 l:45%alof 16-5 116 9 9 9 9 51 441 J Smvth 0 Doqoesne, Husky Lad, Stentor 18759 Charlen lm20y 1:48 fast 10 112 7 10 10 10 IO10 34 F Moore 11 B.oflBOvoy, B.Aroand, CarltonG. SUBJECT, br. g, 3 99 Bv Migraine — Subjection W. H. Frey. 2659 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1:53 fast 9 99 16 E ■", :; ::• .:-, a Collins 1:, S. and. Cap. Runway, Mr.:: ._" 52 Conght I 1 16 1 :"l45gool 12 103 8 8 4 5 ■■■ E | .1 Morys 8 Rnaway, The Bump. Bean Pete Conght lm20y l:461fcalow 6 102 77 E ■""■ ■■■ • CaBahan S L.Situelle, Astrologr, Kmundy 22415 Windsor 1 1-8 lS3%iast i! 91 16 5 1 t*4«lT * 0 GidePost, CliffStream. Mockery 22139 FortErie 1 1-16 l:521fchvy 10 90 2 E E 5 B3 5-° T Hayes 7 Flitaway. H.Laoder, AfricaBeau 21950 Hamton 1 l:42%slow 6 sf 4 4 1 1 l* 1*1 T Hayea 0 J.Knaugh, Slumberer, Abtsford 3927 Hamton 3-4 1 :i6aBhw 3 109 9 9 9 9 9-K Keogh 10 AfricaBeau, Argent. E.Jenniaga 21830 Hamton 11:49 fast 15 MO 8 3 3 4 3- 44i R McDottlO Encore, Valas, Carrie unite J1622 FortErie 1 l:45%slow 2 102 4 5 3 2 21 4* .1 Callahan S King Cotton. Lenavaal, Harold :12»- Hamton 1 1-16 ! :.r,::-5mud 2 92 5 4 3 I 32 P* L McAtee 6 Slumberer, Aprlsa, Our MabeUa 21316 Hamton 1 l:40%Cast 10 304 12 6 3 4 32 32 R McDott 12. Aprisa, S. l.cmcr. PafllOIS CLIFF EBGE. b. h, 9 108 Bv Clifford— Aranza II. R. E. Watkins. 22723 BlueBon. 7-8 l:27%ast 28-3 112 11 10 lfl s 8 B»» 3 Morya 12 Kins Box, Louis«-Ti vprisa 22436 Windsor lm70yl :44mast 3". 106 6 3 .", 3 1".44 A Mott 6 Lochiel, Burwood. Luther 22386 Windsor 1 l:42%faat 11] 108 4 E 2 I c1 7 ] F Keogh .Birka. J.H.Houghton. H.Laoder 22164 FortErie 1 1-16 1:60 good 16-6 103 14 4 2 2l 44 T Hayea 8 Baby Sister, Kim. Harry Lauder 21S37 Hamton 1 1-16 ] :47fast 7 Iff 9 4 6 6 T.- 6*1 F Cooper IS C. Stream, Birka. J II Houghton 21784 Hamton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 15 me 7 7 6 4 54 6» J Metcalf 12 Fenrock. Dicks Be;. Dundreary 21744 Windsor 1 l:4 Hfcfast 67-10 lit 7 8 9 8 8" 71" A Keylon 11 Birka. Miss Waters, Cliff Stream 21621 Windsor 51 f Doil.fas-t 32 11112 12 12 12 10i:!JA Neylon 12 Usee it, Mann Johnson, Colle 21332 Hamton 3-4 l:14Vsslop 10 108 S 7 5 6s 3»i A Nevlon lo Astrologer. Patience, Van B11 11266 Hamton 3-4 l:14* ;fast 20 IM a 3 6 S= 63J A Neylon 12 Bendel LadyLondon. MhwWatera RAY OLIGHT. ch. c. 4 108 By Peep oDay— Freyja J. H. Loucheim. *1961 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fost 15 115 2 2 3 4 .".- 6»| B Hoffmann Dr.Denner, S.ofValley, G. Fisher H841 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 6 107 2 1 2 2 4i 45 L Allen 8 Nenhthys, Alhena, Dr. Dnennei 21634 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 12 HI 5 5 7 7 6» 6»J L Allen lb Volant. Minstrel, Dr. Dueuner 21328 Aquedct 11-16 1:47 fast 30 M6 3 3 3 3 3 V A Nicklaua 3 Bac. Ben Quince 21102 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47%fast 7 Iff 2 2 2 3 3- 8* W Lilley 4 Hermis Jr.. 08aBlvaO, Battery 20956 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:54%fast 6 107 4 4 4 5 5» 518H Steward i O.Sullivan, B.Quince, Dgerneld 20792 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 15 105 3 2." 6 6 ••» D Steward 6 W. Shoes, G. M Miller, IBIocb 20636 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 12 110 1 1 1 1 li t»l I Steward s Orotund. Robinetta, Dr.Duener ZODIAC, ch. g, 4 105 Bv Star Shoot — Lady Vincent L. W. Garth. 2269R Conght 1 11 2:15 mud 5 103 1 ■"• 1 " •"• -: " Cooper R Marsaon. D.Deodwod, BeaaPere Conght 1 1-16 !::.! good :: 2 104 :. E E 4 " 8*1 Cooper 9 L. Travers, M.Watet tbtsford ■ Conght lm20v 1:46 slow 83 MS 1 2 6 .". !■• i E Forehd 10 The Usher, Bunway Weyanoke L 138 FortErie 1 1 16 1:54 hvy ls-5 102 15 3 1 V- 1". F Cooper , Stratbearn. Vtsford Weyanoke 22078 FortErii 3 11:11 slow 59 101 7 8 7 7l 76; E Porehnd 8 Marj.A., Pontefracl Broomsedge 21528 FortErie lm70yl:48 slow 14 M0 3 3 6 6 4* 41" K Forehd 7 JoeFinn, HdvHowdv Weyanoke 21490 FortErii lmTOyl :54%hvy 32 98 2 I t 4 4 4s K Forehd 7 Aprisa. Del. Hollo way, Pliant 21397 Hamton 1 l:4Mfcrand 5 lot 3 7 7 4 43 #• E Forehd 7 Bendel, L.Geonre J.H Honehtou 21296 Hamton 1 1-8 l«%fast 4 1-M s 5 3 2 2 2= E IorehM 13 L.George. J.H.Hhton, L.Travera 21227 Hamton 11 "r Fast 12 l"l 5 4 2 2 2J 2- E Forehd B Rowdy Howdy Weyanoke Cogi O092 Conght lin70y LKifast 12 9S 6 7 7 7 7i 7--E Forehd A flnpusac. L . c cge, B. Welsh SEAUMONT BELLE, ch. f. 4 108 By Ornament— Pauline Deringer R. B. ■telle. : I 1 Conght 5j t l;12%hvy : la, 0 $ s 6 ".i I Acton If: Kempaillo, Inquieta, Ml r. 22570 Conght 3-4 1:1" 20 98 6 6 4 3» -1" J Acton ! KnightsDiffer. Woilan. « 22486 Con ghl I 1-16 l:52%hvy 20 102 4 12". 9= ."-J Acton HI Matshon. Balfron Sun. a nMBJ 22017 Saratoga 1 l:42%slow 30 Iff 7 :» 9 B 9 9-1 T Par g ton !i Dryad, B.Spiller, Tboiightr iiilVr _ :" Hamton 3-4 l:i2,fast ?, «s 2 S 6 8* V* L McAtee S Kewessa. Yengbec MirtinCasca 21057 Conght 11-16 146 mud 8 103 8 7 4 5 6s «"J Acton 11 Beau Pere Cogs Burn 20990 Conght 1 1-16 l:V? slow S Hill I 9 11-J.1 Acton 14 Kcdlin.i. L.Splritnelle Dnouetne 20893 Blu.don. 1 l:43%sIow 11 105 10 8 6 3 2 3» J Clancy 12 liaise Travers Bogart 20846 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:54%fast 15 97 5 3 2 5 6 6LM McDott 6 C. Haven. Orperth Cuttvhunk 20688 Dorval 1 1-8 1:-.6%fast 8 94 3 3 3 3 3b 2i L McAtee 8 VeladayJr., B. sister. I-.lohaon 20617 Dorval 1 1 -16 1 :49%fast 7 M4 4 4 3 3 4= 44? I, M At-- 7 Ciityhunk. Getrard Zodiac TAT.ECARRIER. br. h. 5 113 By Armeath II Jumbly Girl G. J. Day. KingEd Ab6Jf i.--f.-t E 189 5 3 I : 1: Alley 5 Euterpe. Energetic, B. I aamJon Vqueduct 1 l:40%fast 5 us 4 5 4 5 51 8 « 1 ■ ,.-ey s Stonebengi Orotund. Minstrel 21820 Aqueduct ll:39»sfa«t S 112 4 2 4 4 «»• 4™ O Corej 5 Bac. Lahore Song of Valley 21217 Jamaica 3-4 l:l3%fast 25 117 6 5 4 21 1= R Waldron T. as Steel. Andes. Blackthorn 2:043 Jamaica 5J f 1 :07 fast 15 113 6 6 6 6s 4r R Waldron 0 Palanquin. Tadopeep, A ay tada 20143 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 140 118 4 4 4 4 4? M Mthews 5 Andrew. Hes. Prynne. R. Maiden 15831 Empire 5 f l:66Hfast 6 H3 4 5 E 6*» 5» E Alb v 0 Mater LOy Orme Garl 16290 Aoueduct 1 l:4"slow 25 12: 2 16 7 7 1»K Alley 7 fi-.Hv Dalngerfteld Heartbeat 14886 Mboro AbE-8 lMUVifast 10 107 43J k Alley 6 B.of B.Mawr. Boy.Dolly, Skoeta U:|72 PimlkQ 1 1-1 2;07 fast I 105 3 2 a 3 80 75 r wraldronJ0 Awbrose, Buskin. p:tiiejiBt LAFRD OKLRKCALDY. ch. g. 4 103 Bv Plaudit— Gunrod S. Louis. -..Is BlueBon. 1 1 j.i 8%fast 36 l"7 I 2 2 3 W .. - v Ural 7 UarryLandcr, Abbotsfd, Falcads 22669 BlueBon. l l 8 1:33 Cast t" itl im 12 m 8 u lji u-« u McDott 15 Stake and Cap. Baaway, Subject , 22625 Conght luijiv 1 ..ii in-. hi 97 J I I V 7 • J : R McDott S Kgmont. Boxer. Valas 22325 onght 1 l M 1:51 good* MM s I 7 1 7 7 -..s Brown DL Trarcrs, Miss Waters, Zodiac 22164 FortKrle 11-16 1 50 good 38 1»: 7 I I 7 7- ;,• . Mot I 8 Baby Sister, Kim. Harrj Lander 1 220S2 FortKrle lni70yl :45*4good 38 l"l 2 4 7 71 7T..I .v ion : I"l, man. M. Water-, Weyaaoke :i*iO Haratun I l:42%slow 23 98 9 8 8 I 8« s-r Cooper and Subject, J.Kranaugh. Slumberer 21S79 Hamton 1 1-8 l:57**slop IS 1«3 12 12 12 1 H*M»J Connors 12 S.ofLore. BabjSisti-r. Abbotsford Jiuv, Windsor 1 1-K 1:56 hw 4 99 S 8 8 8 8 8* K McDott and Kildav. BIrka, .1. II. Houghton 21692 FortErie I l:45*4slow 9-6 i«l : 3 4 I 2J v j Acton 7 Uncle Ben, l"ord Mai. I ■. nt 21872 FortErie lm20yl f.r-.-.hw 12 H-4 5 8 7 J 1 Z» w Ural 0 Font, Joe Stein, Weyanoke 2147n FortErh 1 1 8 2:ll%hvy 27 c:i 7 I . fi 6* 6«»iR McDott 7 Cuttyhunk. Bendel, Joe Bteta I 21159 Conght lm20y l:44%good 12 106 7 8 9 !i 9 9»« W Oberl » Ovation. King Radford, Ford Mai - 2HJ32 Conght 1 1-8 l:5f%good SO Ml 7 fi I 7 7 I* F Cooper 8 Fenrock, Jabot, Mad 8M FASTOSO. ch, p, 13 113 Bv Rey el Santa Anita— Aritta A. D. WorlcvV : ■■! J. : i ; 1-16 1:51 s 1 1" 11" 7 7 7 7 7 ." tlarer 7 Knter|:v. Stake and Cap. Minds - KingKd 3 11:16 fast 4 ii: 1 :. :: J- R Estep 7 Kuergctic, Totson ilOr, Droaii "- KingKd. 1 1 16 1:50 last 3 H 9 2 4 8 V W Cai-.iii 7 Kntrrne. Mini Sill. Tony K -li -»*» Mneuvi BJ f l:28Vfcfnst E ill 6 I :: J" W Gargan 0 lor. Russell. Anarri. PaulGalmfi -1MB Mneuvu 11 I61:48%fast 3 J09 2 1 1 Is v Gargan 7 Imprudent. Ratenal. duster 21794 Mneuve 61 f l:S2%fast a 112 2 3 2 3" w Gargan 15 Ven. Stromo, The Goreraor, Nila -1773 Mncuvi 6J f l:22%fast S no i 5 E 4* T McCullh 8 Iinprurtt, MIssFranccs, R. Ada ma ■ -•:• KingKd. 11 16 1 :.",7-.slow 4 103 5 4 l«J2j ]».»1,1 7 Knterpc. Mimesis, Spolin 21715 KingKd. 6J ii::i fael t$ IT. 7 3 2 P| A Mckeaa 1 v. Strome, Len.r Pride, Yanker ■ CAPITAN BKAVO. b. h. 6 100 By Ziephen— Grand Mary J. Walters. -• i Rluelkm. 7v!:jt Baal dd «Z 6 6 7 0 11* i . . . i u ;:: Ida Clair,-. Mceltrka , ;""i Uitonia 1 I 16 l :."n mud i.t 117 i m K 10 10 10»*JB ttt 10 Flylnfr Feet. I. a Mode Ilcrmoda ; 10214 FortErlc lm70yl I3 tfas 7 ni ! 1 1 l"t l R Goose 9 Ardelon, Spindle. Aunt Alice 988« Windsor t 1 . la.-.r.i-r :■ 112 13 13 19 U 1l"! |« c VanJDunU Terrible Bill. Dynamite, Coga 95.V5 Min.SpRS ll:43%iroodl 117 t 2 2 S V J:il Mcol r» Kira, RJeetrle, Wood PoTe . S811 Min .sps 1 ! :•: 1 :■ la.-l 4 1 11" 1111 1"| J:; C VanDun 5 Wood Dore, Marsaon, Kief trie ■117,,ma 1 1 16 1:46 fast 13 105J 1 1 J E 8 61* W Andresa 7 Sleeth, Worlds Wonder, Wander S40S lmTOj 1:4tf,fast Q 11 ; 112 2 J- ::• av AndresslO VoUta, Mockler. Trorato 9231 Ulonia 11-16 1:47 fast 77 10 Ms lill l| 21 Hv.f 7 Bonnie Faoise. J. GUI, Chartier 9112 LAtonia 3-4 1:13 fast a 11112 3 I 21 1 Nieol 10 Labotd. Billy Holder, W. Witch SIGMA ALPHA, b. h. 5 1G0 By Bannockburn— Anna Lyle A. C. Pratt.. 22S25 Cnng-hl 1 i 161:51 g;ood 30 inj 9 :i I 0 •■ : "■ 1: Oravea l L. Trarers, Miss Wal r* Zodia 22436 Windsor lm70yl I4%fast 80 M «t « 7 7 s 5«|K Graves 8 Cliff Edge, Loekiel, Borwood 22305 Windsor 3-4 l:15%hvy 102 l"4 .". r, 5 E .". ".1* Jiums S Droll, Commenaia, Loehiel 18237 Laurel 3-4 l:13Hfast 14» 115 10 10 M in i«*jj Kederia 11 D.a Pet. L. Lichtning, 1! Bele : 18068 Laurel 1 1 : U" 24-5 106 s 12 It I M lt«» W Ural 13 Karly Liglit, Mordecai, P.. Quince : 17S7« Uiunl 11-16 1:48 Cast 17 163 I 5 1 :i 3J : * R Shilling 10 Harry Lander. Napier. L I.anier : 17787 Bowie 3-4 1:14%fast 2" MB 8 7 7 7" 7ni l Loader 8 Batwa. Dr. Dougherty, flillla I7::s Wdi.ine 11 16 1:46 slop 4S loit 4 5 2 6 7 7 "MI LaJTerty 7 Holton. Astrologer, Patience 1732D Wdbine 1 1-16 l:48%fast 9 H I 3 5 3 3= :;♦ F Murphy 8 John Gram. Warlock. Teeawek M631 Conght 3 4 1:15 fast loo ion it 11 11 11 ii21 it Heaaderll MarJeA., Dr.R.Ii.Swgwr, li.Pct GALLOP, b. c, 4 108 By Martinet— Common Sue Marrone Stable. 22198 Saratoga 3-4 1:19 hvy 7 165 10 ! 6 .V :."M Buxton Vi K. Delliug, San Vega, Ber.Jamea 22120 Saratoga ::4i:i7 alow E 165 ", :, :: j» :.;- j Mdagrt 7 Dlaafa Do. Forecaat, Brian Bora 22068 Saratoga 3-4 1 :iii .-.hvy 7 no 2 1 2 --:l !»• M Boston 10 Annt Joaie, rreeman. Brian Born 21880 Aqueduct 3-4 l:llr.-vst 4J in 2 1 1 11 2* D Steward!:? 3oodwood. NortMhrht, Chiaca 21127 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%faat 20 110 4 7 7 7 T10 J OBrien 7 Presumption. Hnrakan. Orotnnd 21067 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47%taat M ]07 111 2 n ST G Corey It Ortln Kripp. is. Quince, Camellia 20879 Jamaica 11-16 1:48 fast 30 no i 2 I E 6 G" G Corey 8 Spearhead, Ortln Kripp, Amain 16299 Saratoga 7-S 1 :2syrslow 11-5 ill I I I 1 ]» 45 M Buxton 10 Armament, MaryWarren, Armor 1585S Empire 11-16 1:49 mud 9--10 ler 111 1 1 1* M Buxton 4 Kiag Box. Afterglow, Executor 15735 Empire 1 l-M t:48%fast 11-6 MG 3 11 1 I! 4 M Luxton 7 Camellia, Lohgrin, S.andStripea KIM, b. g, 3 104 By Cyciadec— Allcharm W. T. Martin. 22701 BlueBon. 7-8 1:27 fast 11-5 MB 11 7 6 U 12* VP* I Rlee IX Perpetual, Ida Ctafa-e, Meellcka 22484 Conght 3-4 1:16 hvy 8 100 1 .-. 4 4 7- I Callahan 7 Laura, The Bosrbody. Vldet 22318 Windsor 1 l:43%slow 17 K 7 5 3 4 %t 7-- .1 Callahan 7 Lady Mexican. Bendel, Loeblel 22252 Windsor li:llfast 315 :»s 2 1 1 1 l3 li J CaRahaa 7 Redland, SlwartHelen. Kneel, t 22164 FortErie 1 1-16 1:50 good81-10 96 Ell 1 T VI J CaRauan 8 Baby Sister, H. Lauder, C. Edge 22106 FortErie 1-4 l:17%hvy 141 a7 10 n 7 B» 4i.l CaUahan IO BcanPere, LadyLondoa, Par. Boy • 22051 FortErie 1 1-8 1 :." ;-:.lis y 3t 100 :: 1 1 2 4- ip« ,T CaHalian 7 Moacowa. S.anilipp. Ahbotsford 21699 Windsor 3-4 l:14%slow 30 102 1 2 2 31W,2JJ Callahanll. Sir I.. Joe, Scrutineer. Schemer 21435 FortErie 5J t l:12%bvy 14 -jit t f. 7 7 7;l J Callahan S Reflection. Inquieta. Colors Z13M Hamton 1 l:40%fast 41 39 2 1 1 3 9: 111S1L McAtee !- Aprisa. Bcbwner. Subject

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