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, 1 I - : - ■ ■ , ; . : : : • ■ : • • i , , . -, 1 1 -, 5 -, 1 3 7 I , . „. 0 •1 1 II 0 11 1 FIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile Straight. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 71880 1 M -., 1 127 I index Coursa DaBt TlmeTckOdds Wt St 14 H % Str Fin Jockeys Started Ord-r of Finish WATER WELLES, ch. g. 7 102 By Dick Welles— Parisienne Mrs. R. X. Miller. 1S276 Laurel SI f 1 :tM%fust 17 mo 22 p| K Kairtck :• Belamoar, Sacra I. K. Brysoa isle*; Laurel 3-4 l:13*fcfast 18 no 8 I 2 V V H Tioxhr s Bell ur. Lohengrin, J. J. I.illis 18144 Laurel 51 t l:0S%fast ::! 113 7 .7 i 8»* «*i J Callahan S Kewessa, Belamoar, Rheru I 17.- Laurel S-4 l:13%tast 21 111 r, 3 4 51 S1 .1 McTagrti2 Ella Bryson, Briar Path. Traald 178SS l.auivl 3 4 1:12 fast 32 :»s 1 4 4 41 «73 .1 McTagrl 7 High Noon, Hesterl*ryune. C ely 17459 Empire ., 1 1 "7 fast 1-3 117 1 2 1 l2 l3 S Davis 4 Altamaba, Hermis Jr.. toreonsli 17425 Smplre 5i f 1 -.Wifast 13 10 117 3 5 4 45 4« Browa 7 Waterl.ily. llalvimv. UlyOraM DINAH DO. ch. f. 3 105 By Burgomaster— Black Venus 87. 0. TalbotO. :"ll d fij f 1:21 fa.-1 2 |,i:. 1 14 5 7, I Hopkins 14 SlrW. Johnson, Santo, Chesterton 2471 Saratoga 3 I I II" IPS 7 7 7 1; 1". 1" .In. I. 15 Evelyn C, Jesse Jr., DerH Ktall 22120 Saratoga, 3 1 1:17 slow 13 hi Km 1 22 2" l3 M fiarner 7 Forecast, H1i.n1 Bora, Santo 21786 Belmont 3 1 l:13%fast S5 ur, :: 2 11 U F Hopkins n Minstrel, Qrampy, Mr. Specs -17s Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast ." kki 4 4 :: 2- -■ ! Hopkius :■ Fen mouse, Loo Blue. Asyiade 21139 Jamaica 3 4 1:15 fast 4* 107 4 S .r V 3-i f Hopkins o Ethan Alien, Outlook. Sinai 21013 Jamaica 1 l-M l:49*igood 4-6 HiO 3 11 2 1" li F Hopkins 4 Joe Deibold. Patricks., Iliinaty 20S75 Jamaica 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 12 85 2 2 2 2" 1" F Hopkins 15 outlook. Tinkle Bell, I". Iirysou ?07:k; Belmont 7-5 l:2S%fast 4J 105 1 2 3 3 3= 3*1 F Hopkins li Roly. Prairie, El Biod 20535 Belmont 3-4 1:14%fnst f, ]ui I 4 2 li l1 F Hopkins 11 SdMarah. Baratoga, D.ofDunhar 20027 H.deOce 6| t 1 n7/5f;ist 5 K14 7 7 5 4 443 M Buxton 7 Norse King. Celt... Protectoc 20806 H-deOce 6-8 lBVfctast 8 10. 7 7 6 4 i M Buxton 7 Acton, v.hv. Itriar Iath 18405 H.deOce 6-8 1 MHifast 2-6 IOS 3 11 V 2 H Bmrton 15 RefecUoa, Tin-ill. Bmelda IS239 Laurel 3-4 l:!Jfast 25 108 S 4 5 32 8*f U Buxton 11 I.nst Coin. High Noon. K.Martyr TINKLE BELL, ch, g. 3 105 By Poter Pan— Lady Gav J. Butler. 22690 Belmont 61 I 1:21 last 5 185 11 7 7 7 1" " It Hoffmann SlrW.Jnhnsun. Santo, Cb terton iral ga I I ■ %tast 15 166 1 :. 2 2 11 It Hoffmann Forecast Gloaming, Korfaage 31 Saratoga 1 l:46Hhvy H MS 1 2 S 3 ?.■ ."7 R HoffmanlO W. Wonder, Squeeler, Hapenny 22168 Saratoga i 1:47 mud 13 3 ; s 4 4 4 2 J 21 M Garner 5 Shyness, Brian Bora, Sam Sliek jjni7 Saratoga 1 l:42%alow 3-2 MS 1 7 r 4 5l. V*i MeTagrt :i Dryad, B.Spfller. Tboughtreader 21882 Aqueduct 8-4 l:13*tfast C 100 4 G fi «3 4-fi J Butwe II :i Presumption M.Specs, Ijilanijuiu 21710 Belmont 1 l:41%fast «, MS 3 0 4 1 l1 8 C Turner 17 Dryad, Napier, Dr. Duennax 21605 Aqueduct 1 1:88 fast S M 13 4 I 01 6" W J OBn 7 Baratoga, Kila Bryaan. Alln-na 21447 Aqueduct 3-4 l:l.",---low 8-6 MB 4 4 4 43 1; C Turner 8 Hiker Gilt Edge, Hill Stream 11374 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 15 ]0i 3 3 2 2 3J 3= .1 P Ryan in Yod.ies. Stanebenge, Beetaavcn DEVIL FISH. br. c. 3 108 By Robert le Diable— Water Nymph E. Herz. 22473 Saratoga 5 f l:00*£mud 2 mo 1 3 3 21 V 1 McTagrl 8 Korfhage, BeyelryJanies, Aneoa 22471 Saratoga 3 I 1 :1 1.-.tast 40 110 1 11 2i 3 G Byrne 13 Kyebm C.. Jesse Jr., Dinah Do 22198 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 hvy 0 113 3 2 3 3- 8»*U XeTngrtl2 B. Dell.og, SanVega, Bey.Ji-mes 22092 Saratoga andi f l:ll%hvy 10 110 1 22 V V I MeTagrt 8 F.Wussy, Bey.James, Menlol*ark 21881 Aqueduct 0-8 1:01 fast S 108 2 2 2 3= i3i J But well 10 Kl.-usinia. Hiker, Grapesbet 21728 Belmont 3-4 st l:12y5fast 100 104 3 3 7 V- 7"»M Baxton 15 T. as Steel. Grumpy, D.ofDnnbar 21778 Aqueduct G I :, fast 40 130 3 6 5 7» 716iT MeTagt s Quarts, Polarlns. fadopeep 20086 Jamaica 5J f l:0«%fast 100 102 2 5 6 fi 61S J Dreyer s Phosphor, lie will. Garbage 20434 Douglas ltniOy 1:46 hvy 31 111 6 6 7 6 6« 6" F Kengh 7 Bay all I., P. andStirs. CmleBryn Ale:;.Pk. Kng. 5-S good 9 4 126 1" E Whtley 12 Beynella, Load Report. Celano Fpsom Eng. 5-8 hard 10 116 10 E Whtley 35 Poivstome, Security, ienraut Dcasl.r Eng. 5-S hard 3 124 3«J E Whtley 31 Beneva*t W.Slper. C.hySt.Uenis Bath Eng. 5-8 hard 5-4 126 2* E Whtley 11 Aneuilla. Dneaai. Kih-uli GLOAMING, ch. c. 3 93 By Star Sheot — Autumn Leaves R. T. Wilson. 22553 Saratoga 6 f 1:08 fast 21 ios 11 7 fi 6 4" J McCaheyl4 Hantreaa, Ban Vega, Bey. Jaaaea 22467 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 8 102 3 1 2 3J 57 J Me al.ev !i W. Pitaer, I-Vnnioiise. II. Barbee 3400 Saratoga E f l:f, 13-6 131 7 8 7 5l 3 J McCabey 13 Pinkie Bell. Porecast, Korfhage 23093 Saratoga 3-4 3:18 hvy S 118 4 4 5 6J 732 J McCalu.v 7 Fenmoiise. LadyBarbary, Quartz 2016S Belmont 5J f st l:07j%slow 10 57 5 4 4 3s 3*J J MeCahey 6 T.othMorn.. T.Finn. Kaakaskia 20407 Belmont 7-8 l:28%mud 20 97 2 2 2 3 3 ZC Watson :: Flying Fairy, BSSSSBO !S4fi2 H.df-Gce 5J f 3:07%fast 8-5 306 2 4 4 4 4ri A Schugr 4 Brofim Flower, Alhena. Gaelic 18353 Pimlico hi f 1:08 fast 8-5 113 1 3 2 2» 1» J McCahey 8 KauMe. Sarseaet. Protector 17654 Laurel 5i f 1:07 fast 5 115 10 6 5 8* G» J MeCahey 10 II. Junior. Hanson, Disillusion 16996 Belmont 55 f st l:0fi4/6fast 11-5 108 3 4 3 2l l1 J MeCahev U Hanson. Rhine Maiden. M. Girl 16388 Belmont 6j t at l.-3t%faat 5 108 4 11 21 3° J McTasrtlO Spshooter. R.Martyr. Astrologer CHESTERTON, ch. c, 3 103 By The Scribe— Penitence II. J. MacManus. Imonl G] 1 1:23 fast 15 108 9 6 6 fi1 8*1 C Turner 14 girW-Johnson, Santo, Carlton G. 22471 Saratoga 8-4 l:14 nfsst la 186 8 13 12 13* :i".B »tt 13 Evelyn C Jesse .lr.. Devil Fish 22400 Saratoga 51 f 1 :uSV-fast 20 306 ! 7 s r, r..i 1: lit 11 Tinkle Bell, Forecast. Gloaming 21S19 Aqueduct 6. f 1 .19%fast 8 101 7 fi 5 5l 6" T Henry D Volant. Noareddin. outlook 21060 Aqueduct 3-4 l:16Hslop 33-u ICO 6 4 4 C 7=3 M Buxton 0 Isirose. Plantagenet. S.ofVaney 21471 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 slop 4 313 3 2 2 2° 28 M Buxton 8 Polarius. OOT, Sarsenet 21345 Aqueduct 1 1:40 hvv 12-5 306 1 1 1 2 5s 5" 1M Buxton K Saratoga. Minstrel, Joe Deibold 21040 Jamaica 3 4l:14%fast 9-5 310 1 2 2 3J li M Buxton S Ethan Allen. Alhena, lodeles 28730 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 11-5 103 1 1 1 1 1» 1= M rtuxton C Ur.Duenner. Jawbone. B*tkOVea 205SO Belmont 3-4 1 :13y5fast 7 H16 1 2 2 25 2=1 M Buxton 7 Ha Will, Forecast. Superhuman HUMILIATION, ch. g. 4 97 By Aeronaut— Millie A. J. Kelly. 22630 Belmont 6.. f 1 :21 fast 10 ln7 4 3 12 6*t P Lowder 14 SirW. Johnson. Santo, Chesterton 21881 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast 1", US 18 li M V Vf C Gordon 10 Eleasinla, Hiker, Grapesbot 21728 Belmont 8-4 st l:12 4fast 20 107 7 8 8 8 813iH Cavaulnr, T. as Steel, Grumpy, D.ofDunhar 20269 Pimlico 3-4 1:1fi slop 37-10 104 1 3 2 2= Is P lowd.r ! L. Travel-. York v i ID-. Beau. Belle :0219 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 16-5 300 7 5 2 2 J 2« P Lowder 32 Pharaoh. Inez. Patience 20384 Pimlico 3 4 3 :l*,*:niud 17 107 2 11 3°k 23 P Louder 12 Kavderoseros. Ortyx. Pharaoh 1S830 Charlen 3-4 l:17%good 4 104 2 5 7 6 Si W Ural 8 Dr.Bonphcrty. Zali. Toddling 18TSS Charlen 3-4 1 Mfislop 6 300 4 fi 5 7s 7"1W Hinphy 9 Ilvpatia. Sonny Roy. Mr. Mack 18738 Charlen 6-3 l:02%8lop 4 309 10 9 i 8i 9 "JW Cral 3.1 Ortvx. Sfaadracb, Holland 18693 Charlen 1 l:i::%mud 7 10a 2 1 2 4 6« 77 E Tiee S Balfron. S. and Stripes. CoptOWB 13838 Chnrlea M l:,fi-r.good 1 109 5 3 E 7l 7;J E Tice S Cannock. Dicks Pet, Ml-s Jean GROSVENOR. b. g. 6 112 By Voter— Belgravia J. M. Henry. Sr.1. 22690 Beln t •:.. t 1:23 fast 8 112 Left at the post. .1 MeTagrt 14 SirW. Johnson, Santo. Cln-sterton 2222*7 Saratoga 1 l:42%fast 7 112 1 6 :, :: 21 ::n?. D Connelly 12 Amain, Asyiade, Carlton G. Saratoga 1 l:42%good 10 102 2 8 8 7 S 6*| T Henry 12 Ella Bryson, MarsCasshly. Borgo 22144 Saratoga 1 l:46%slow 13-5 107 C :: 1 1 24 V T Henry 7 Guy Fisher, CarltonG., El Biwl 22045 Saratoga 1 1:46 mud 5 102 3 2 3 4 41 4" T Ilenrv B D. Maidonald. Shyness, Mnrshon 21879 Saratoga 11:41 fast 8 104 1 4 2 3 3-1 2-1 T Henry 8 Lindentbal, Amalfl, Forecast 23107 T.atonia 1 1 :40%pooo33-20 110 4 4 6 3 » 11 WW Tlorll Dundreary, Biika. Lackrose :::,: Latonia 8-4 l:16%bvy CJ 130 3 8 5 2J 2« C nanz 31 Fitzgerald, rreeman, MrgaretD. 21268 T.atonia 8-4 l:12%fa*t 25 306 9 9 9 8 6«5 W W Tlor 0 Cliarmeiise. H.ODay, Bos. Const 21308 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 19-5 113 1 3 2 1J 3»i W W Tlorl2 Roval Tea. Langhorne, Sliadi -,i h PLANTAGENET. b. g, 8 90 By Ogden— Mamie Worth R. T. Wilson. . • m !., i.nont 81 f 1:21 fast 7 86 s : 11 -- I ■, 1. McAtee 14 SirW. John-.. a. Santo. Chesterton -•Saratoga oif3:33%hvy 3 307 7 7 4 4 .,. J McCahey s Devil Fish. f. Wnssy, Ber.Jamea 217*4 Belmont 5| tat i:O0%fast 13-6 105 6 5 6 6- 5« .1 afcCahey 9 Beethoren. Asyiade, Menh Park 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 3:34%fast 5 103 3 1 3 V 2h .3 McCaheyl4 Outlook. Menlol-rk, Fascinating 2ir«0 Aqueduct 3-4 l:lt£slop 8 92 4 3 2 2J 2» J P Rvan 0 Isirose. Songof Valley. San Vega 21306 Aqueduct 0-8 l:01%fast 6 1»5 4 7 6 81 S°J.T McTagrtll Gilt Edge, W.Lily. M.B.Knbanks 23371 Jamaica 5i f 1:07 fast 7 102 6 1 1 2J 2s W Lilley 11 Fenmonse, Minstrel, 8. of VaUey 21104 Jamaica 6 f 1:07 fast 7 107 8 4 4 4 Iff. J MeTagrt 0 Uncle Jimnue, Mamie K.. Sleuth 21043 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 4] 307 6 5 5 5J 6I3J.I McCahey 9 Palanquin. Yadopeop. Azyiade CARLTON G.. eh h. 8 110 By Carlton Grange— Resignation J. S. OvnTjevI ••lmont Oi f 1:21 fast 10 no 311 33 8 i1 I", W I.illev 31 SirW .Johnson, Santo, Chesterfcio 22628 Belmont 1 3:40 fast 32 310 o o 4 I 4.S 7i,: W I.illev 8 W. Shoes, Boblnetts. Beethoren - iratoga 1 l:4«%fast 3 302 2 3 2 4 4- 0" .I McCahey Shyness, Eagle. Don. MacdouahJ 22509 Saratoga 11:45 slow 6 US 5 0 6 5 54 3*i L McAtee 8 Volant, Booker BUI, Alhena 22477 Saratoga 1 1:45 mud 10 3 30 6 6 5 2 3b 33 W Lillev 7 Squeeler, Alhena, ThoghtreadeT 22447 Saratoga 13-16 2:01»fast 2J 3-10 12 2 I 2l V W Lilley ,r Napier, Marsbon. G. M. Miller 22297 Saratoga 1 l:42%fnst 8 loo 11 30 9 4 6= e*| W Lillev 12 Amalfl, Asyiade, Grosvenor 22119 Saratoga 1 l:44%hvy 7 132 2 2 2 2 i- V* T MeTagt 8 Lahore. Shyness, Booker Bill 22144 Saratoga 3 3 :46%slow 2J 305 5 0 4 3 3r- 3J M Garner T inv Fisher. Grosvenor. El Biod •J1S41 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 4J 312 3 5 4 5 5* 5rl M Mtbews S Nepfatbys. Alhena, Dr. Du.nne- 21764 Belmont 5J f st l:05%fast 7 335 9 6 6 41 4* M Mthews 8 Beethoven. Azyiade. Meals Park 21632 Aqueduct 3-4 3 :342ifast 8 112 5 2 4 4J 5J M Mthewsl4 Outlook, Plntagenet, Men. Park 20311 Pimlico lm40yl :45%fast 23-10 109 12 2 2 2J 2«a F Coleman 8 Sthenge. LsTnglnd, C.llollowav 20296 Pimlico lm70yl:46%fast 16-5 99 3 6 5 4 3* 36 J Dreyer 8 Prgresslve, B.Qulnce, J.DelboM 20260 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slop 29-20 115 6 6 3 3»* 57i T Nolan 9 Cannock, Gold Cap, Ahbotsford BARSAC, b. g. 5 102 By Mazagan— Amy J. J. Cuneo. 22487 Saratoga 3-4 IMOislovv 60 308 7 8 S S 6, II Cavanh M Win. Witch. Hes Prviine. Eagle 193.°.3 X.Orlns 1 l:39%fast 4 104 5 4 4 3 7 7«JC Dishmon 7 Old Ben, Impression. H.Temple 39273 N.Orlns 5Jf3:06%fast 6 110 5 5 0 5a 5*J 3 Warren S Jim Basey. Sir Dvke. Vilev 19126 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14%slow 8 111 8 6 fi 5s 0«i G Warren S Kate K.. K. Of Bavay. Itii-hwiXMl 18273 Dallas 3-4 1:13 fast — 107 2 4 0 5 lh J Furman 5 WildBear. MincoJlmmie, Orb 17621 Helena lm70yl:40 fast 4 112 3 3 3 2 l°k3T Nolan 8 Electric. G.MVbmont, rt.Somter 170S3 Helena 1 1-8 1 £2 fast — 119 5 2 2 2 2" 4*i W Leeds 7 Pert Suinter. Electric. TonvKo. h 17305 D.Lodge fij f l:23%good 3 124 1 4 fi fi fii 6»J W Boat a 7 S.sllill. Fitzgerald. Transparent OROTUND, ch. f. 4 102 Bv Hippodrome— Olevia L. Blume. 22557 Saratoga I l:42%fast 7 304 0 0 6 0 6»3 8"W Lflley U Borgo. Etohinetta, Alhena 22362 Saratoga 1 3 :12%good 20 302 s 0 r, 6 *■■ ••, I. McAtee 12 EllaBryson, MarsCassidy, Borgo 22219 Saratoga ll:44 5hvy 8 188 6 3 4 4 0a 0:,!I. McAtee 6 Lahore. Shyness, Booker Bill 21931 Aqueduct 1 l:4C%fast 8 300 2 4 5 3 32 22 W I.illev 8 Stonebenge. Minstrel. BrianBoru 21746 Belmont 11:39 fast 20 88 4 0 :, 4 4* 4- w I.illev 7 Harrr Shaw. Lazuli. Ben Quince 21 87 Belmont 3 1:41 fast S 105 9 6 4 5 62 613 W Lilley P Dist. Shore. Hedge. WoodenShoea 21601 Aqueduct 3-4 3 :33%fast 12 310 7 7 6 6* V J Butwell 7 11. Barbee, Volant, Presuniptn 21271 A iueduet 3 3 :4i,fast 4-5 307 6 2 2 3 0 0"1..! MeTagrt 5 Nepbthys, Peaalty. M.B.Harbor 23327 Jamaica 2.-4 3:12atfast 7 186 0 6 6 4- 3-j W f.illev 7 Presumption, Hnrakan, Dos 20793 Belmont 6J f 1 :2 i fefast 12 99 fi 8 4 21 ll W Lilley s D. Shore, B. Bryson, F„-thoven 20106 Belmont 1 l:4iy5fast 18-5 102 6 3 2 2 2" 14 W I ral 8 BLoLight. Bobinetta, D.D.nner CAMPEON. b. h. 9 106 By Alvescot— Florito J. Tucker. 22690 Belmonl 6 f 1:21 fast 30 no :, | 1 | ■-- ,1 Baxton ll SirW.Jobnson, Santo. Chi 35834 Empire :; I 1 .1 j-tast 3 us l t l 31 3* M Buxton 8 J.D.Wefleld. T. Emblem. G.Boy !ts: Latonia ! 1 l:lS%fast 19-0 317 0 0 8 8» lj:i l» Connelly s Cu. Hart, Boy. Tea Boy. Dainty ;l - Douglas :: 1 l:12Vsfasl 3:::, no 1 2 2 3- :■•,. I Howard 7 It. Candle. L. Moonet, K Painty 14330 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 51 U0 3 3 3 1. !■ V Keogh 12 First Dogree. J.Looise, F.Yankee 14194 Church" 1 2 1 1 :l2 afast 2* 11:; 1 | 2 lak ll W Oberl 13 Nash. Edith W.. Bryad 14156 Church* 1 ::il:i:: East 12 1 10 5 51 U c Peak 17. Mimorkiso, Gnisrenor, Lace Lexgton 8-4 1:14 fast 2fi 111 :: 2 2 U 1" C Penh 11 Grosrenor, Edith W.. Yengnee 13170 Charlen 3-4 1:16 good 0 11 2 I I 3 T ::-. .1 McCahey 6 Boy.Meteor. Chartier, RnyalTea 13882 Chnrlea 3 4 1:10 good 2 103 3 22 0- :,-; B Martin B K. Meteor, 1. Hnuson, W, Lady BORAX, ch. g, 3 95 Bv Golden Maxim— Housewife 1 J. Kilcoynel. ■ Belmont BJ. 1 l:20%fast 40 ma 1; 77 f 4-; r p*h,ther 7 Y. Notions, s. w. .!-., u Kephthya -.177 Saratoga 1 1:45 mud I M6 J 2 4 n ". :•■■ .1 MeTagrt 7 CarltonG.. Squeeler, 21962 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13*»fast 10 111 7 12 12 HH 9" C F! titer 13 Ads, Asyiade, Mr Specs 21753 Belmont 3-4 l:34%slov 12 314 I 3 3 3 3° C Fbther 3 Noin eddin. Belamour 18769 Charlen 5jf3:10 slop 8-5 98 6 6 7 7 7"JU Hoffman 8 Col. lom Green, Carlone, Encore 17013 BlueBon. :,• f 1 us .fast 13 100 6 6 6 3J 1* B Neander r, D. Cortes. Betterton, J.B.Harrell 16900 BlueBon. 64 f l:09%hvy 13-6 106 4 5 5 43 2»t j Metealf 8 Fiuaiee. Don Cortes. Cardigaa 16702 Conght 5i f 1 :12V.hvy 30 307 9 9 6 68 l1 R Neander ;» Iscbgabibble. Kopje. Meellcka 16065 Saratoga 64 f l:0S%taet 40 lag 8 10 10 9« 613 c FT»tberl0 Luxary, PalrHelen, B.imdMortar 14821 Belmont 51 f st 1:06 fast 8 103 4 3 4 5 4l»W M.-Cahey 5 Amazon. Jester. Type CARLONE. br. c. 3 88 Bv Dr. Leggo— Napa Girl P. S. P. Randolph. 20186 Pimlico 1 i:4o-, mud si Il 4 - - - - ] 4*1 xx? oUtc » Warlock, Volant. Schnapps 20303 H.deGce Inioyl ll- r,fast fi NO 4 11 2 ** 4" W Ira! I Amain, Boxer, Ahbotsford 20080 H.deGce 61 f 1:08 fast c i„s j s S 5s 8*1 T Rice ll Andrew, He Will. DevUtry 20017 H.deGce 5-S :,9/-fast 30 r*4 13 12 18 31 B"» J McTag*tl3 NorseKing, Protecfr. N. Simplex 18792 Charlen 3-4 1:37 slop 1 102 2 3 3 3 2*j r shilling 5 A.N. Akin, .Jim Savage. Bamboo 18769 Charlen 6if3:lo slop 6 ios 6 5 i 31 21 R Shilling 8 CoLT.Green, Encore, Dr.Carmen 18720 Charlen 631:13 slow fi 306 5 4 4 4s 3J B Pool s Pennyrock, J.B.Harrell, F. Helen 18617 Charlen 2-4 1:1-; fast 13-3 1M 2 3 3 41 4" J MeTagrt 8 CoLT.Green, St.Cheote, siubrn 18576 Charlen 5-8 l:01-vfast 5 HS 6 ? g jwk 8*1 J MeTagrt 9 Colle. Dr. Cariiieu 18479 H.deGce 5i f 1 .u7 fast 20 30o 3 2 3 4 0° J Dreyer S Hanson. Between Fs. St al. Helen 18459 H.deGce 5-8 l:004cfast 12 M6 3 2 2 !» 24 E Ambrose » Reflection, H.Temple, J.Sarage 18440 H.deGce 61 f l:08%good 12 jyi fi 52 1** 2 1 E Ambroael? N.SImplex. CIlffHayen Anxiety 18398 Pimlico 3 4 1:14 fast 23 112 7 4 3 34 3*1 .1 McTauit 1 1 Her.Temple. Volant. Cue Drvn 18841 Pimlico 3 4 l:14/5fast 21 m 6 3 3 V 1" JMcTagrtll lb, Hand. Whit. -Metal. M, Casea : ,.; rjimlico 65 f 1 :08 fast 4 312 10 10 9 61 S» J Butwell 11 TJn.Bryn, Marvelous, LlghtWing 18164 laurel 3-4 1:10 fast 21 30 110 5 5 8 5= 5J J Batwetl 13 M.el.cka, In. Brvn. Light Wing 1S092 Laurel 5J f l:07*ifast 16 110 3 11 24 2" J Butwell 10 Dervish. Leenlane. Key NORTHLIGHT, ch. f. 4 107 By Northern Star— Torchlight E. F. Whitney. 23880 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :1 ! fi 113 2 3 8 3?. 3*1 D Hoffman 12 Goodwood GsHop Chance 21786 Belmont 3-4 l:l.%fast 20 334 7 12 5| :,• D Hoffman 9 Dinah 1 ... Minstrel, Grumpy 21757 Belmont 1 l:43%slow 16 311 1 1 1 2 2" 4»«|D Hoffman 8 Iron Duke, W. Metal. CyMerrick 21i 10 Belmont 1 1.411ifast 20 113 2 1 1 3 V W D Hoffman 37 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bell 21869 Belmont 1 l:40%fast 40 98 3 1 1 1 2 !•■ P Lowder 8 Bine Thistle. Commanretta. Bac 90 Vqueduct 8-4 l:l«Hslop 20 110 7 7 6 9 V» T sfoTngrt 9 Isirose, Piaatagenel S. of Valley 2; 117 Aqueduct 3-4 l:15%slow 20 113 3 6 7 7 7*»|T Dnviea s Tinkle Bell. Hiker. Gilt Edge 23324 Aqueduct 3 4 1:10 fast 8 112, 4 I 10 32 13-» J Butwll 14 Palanquin. Hiker Ban Vega :070 Jamaica : ii:i: fast 2 110 2 I 1 1* 1« M Buxton 7 D.Madison. D.ofDunhar Gammon 2017 Jamaica 51 fl JandKgood 6 1!2 6 2 3 3 A ,T 3itv: 10 Nephthys, CyMerrick Woodfalr lamalca 3 4l:3l.rast S 133 30 10 S S= 0« .3 Morys 31 Valentine. D.ofDnnbar. Nephthys ■ -" I lamalca S 11:14 bust 3 130 5 5 7 7 7«7.3 Dreyer 7 Noarrddia, D. of Dunbar, Vans SONG OF VALLEY, b. g. 4 97 By Isidor— Queen of Song F. Tannehill. "I:,1 nJ ,;j r, ! ,! f ii! W7 1| 32 3? 12- 13" 11 coitneii, 11 sitWJohnsoa Santo. Chesterton ■ 1. ]:n. .ot .. 1 l:i_ -Vast 30 112 8 . • fi 7 7" S--.1 Mclagn s t. a- Steel, lh- Will Sarsenet 23981 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 5 108 18 8 9 6 2 *J T MeTagt 11 Dr. Dne r. Guy Fisher. Napier 21912 Aqueduct 1 l:39%fast 35 307 2 3 3 3 V VI .3 MeTagrt H Alhena Volant Naoler 21820 Aqueduct 3 339%fast 20 m: r 4 2 ° H 3:!.3 MeTagrt S Bac Laltore Taieearrler 21710 Belmont 3 3:4!%fast 20 110 34 14 14 10 lfi» 10-» M Mthews17 Drvad Nnnier Tinkh Bel] 21612 Aqueduct 3 4 1 :14-.,fast 13 10913 9 8 7- 61 Stewar.114 Outlook, Plntagenet Men Park 21560 Aqueduct 2-1 1 :lfiV£slop 25 102 8 8 7 0- 2" M Mthews 9 Isirose, Plantagenet Ban Veca 21324 Aqueduct S-4 1:15 fast 20 112 9 8 3 84 7»j It Wnldronl t Palanquin. Hiker, San Vrn 21219 Jamaica 1 1-16 lMSfcfast 7 302 4 3 3 3 2i 4" M Mthews 9 OSullivan Rnehenee HermisJr 21171 Jamaica 04 f 3:07 fast 25 134 8 7 7 42 4° It Waldroall Fenmonse Plantagenet Minstrel 21110 Jamaica i h f l:07%fast 12 113 6 6 4 45 a*| U Lafferty a nTaTfrMge, u. Mre, M.B.Eubankt MAMIE K., b. f. 3 95 Bv Peep oPay— Wantage H. S. Kcarnevl. ratoga ■! i I 08 fast 12 146 4 3 2 4 5" M Barton l! Huntn San i Bev. James .i. i i ».i-nni - . 4 4 4 • I MeCahej ■ Korfhage, I1 ul! i !i Bev. James aratot . 5J i l:w£good S b 7 .. 4 i 9 I McCahey 12 Sarsenet Evelyn C, Santo 21306 Aqueduct fe-S l:»l0Mst S 103 7 8 S 7- 6| J McCahey I ! Gill Edge. W.Lily, M.B liilunks 21239 Aqueduct 3 4 1:13 fast 5 Ml 3 5 5 4i 4»| .1 McCahey 7 Sleuth, ;ill Edge, Ban Vcca 21171 Jamaica 51. f 1:07 fast 3 loo l 6 4 61 I1**! McCahey 11 Fcnmousc, Plantageaet, Minstrel 21104 Jamaica 5* f 1:07 fast 4j 105 2 3 2 2* 2»J J McCahey it Un. Jimmie, Sleuth. Plantageaet lamaica 3-4 1:15 slow 8 105 2 5 6 8 StsJT McCahev 8 Alhena, Superhuman. Minstrel 29934 Jamaica 5J f 1 :08 fast 8 103 4 2 3 5i 68i J McCabey 0 Prairie. J. J. I.illis. Superhuman 2029S Pimlico 7-S 1:29 slop 61 103 4 4 4 7 7 7J" .1 McCahey 7 Corsiean. Boxer, Faker 19183 Plmllco 3-4 1:16 mud 51-20 99 2 3 F 51 7"*J McCahey 7 Faker, Joe Peibold;. Crosshun SANDOW, eh. c, 4 97 Bv Stalwart— Princess Nettie Northwood Stable. 21933 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast If. 107 2 3 3 2 ::. 4" P Herbert S Snm.Slhk, Valentine, MenkiParfc Itelmonl I 1-8 l ;f.r--fas; 40 :«; 3 1 2 1 :. ■ B* J MeKrer n 1 .,n. H.. OSuIUran, Napier ■ 02 Pip.Rk AblJ 2:41%fast lo 138 2 2 2 1 2* 2= II Tucker it Clood, Sncgambian, .Vvenluross 20383 B.Ter. Abl 3-8 fast lf IH 4 5 6 6 ii V Mr M Bgr « Cloud. Superstition, Nosegaj 20347 Bel.Ter. AMI — ■ faet 4 ill ::s Mi.ITkor 4 Zellwood, Ham. Pass. Mr.8niggs 20262 M.Brook 1 i1 fast 18-5 140 4 2 1 1 :" "• T Wright 4 cloud. Zellw 1. Exemplar 14340 Bel.Ter. Ab7-S fast 20 1*4 8 8 M 8* C-4 Huff 11 p. Bet, Cagliostro. Knick Knack 14261 Bel.Ter. Ab3-4 fast 20 M 2 7 10 lo 1- D Connell 13 Election Bet, Delegate, Babtsa 14104 Rkway 3-1 fast 8 113 64 Bensn 9 Babiaa, Cagliostro. P.oml.av 12416 Bel.Ter. Ab7-S fast 20 104 5 7 7 C1 7=2 II Radtke 12 EleetnBet. Delegate. Arlington OVERYONDA II.. br. f. 4 102 By Marta Santa— Concert E. Deasy. 21881 Aqueduct 5-8 1*1 fast 59 lie 4 3 7 10 I9»* A NlcklauslO I.l.usinia. Hiker, Grapesboi 21216 Jamaica 51 f 1 : .;%fast 20 lio 4 2 2 33 SR Troxler 6 P. race, D.ofDnnbar, D.Madison 14104 Rkway 5-4 fast 11-5 109 - C Grand 9 Bablaa, Cagliostro, Bombay 12491 Gt.Neck Ab-S hw 6 12s 1 113 t»| VanP.ten :: Knick Knack, Bombay 12319 Bel.Ter. AbEtf hvv 15 lot 11 11 11 11-" II-4 Bobbins 12 Pining 1 1- t . Virg. I. ass. Delegare 12188 Pip.Rk 11:45 fast 20 l» 27 27 26 26 26 26 H Radtke 28 Andes. VIrglp.Lass, Elect ionBet 12040 Pip.Rck Ab3-4 l:104ifast 20 US 24 Nicklaus 2S Some Kid. Virginia Pass, Habisa ANTRIM, ch. f, 3 100 By Celt— Diamontina A. Nicolai. 218SU Aqueduci :: 4 l:14%fasi 50 MS 4 r, 4 8 B»*iA NieklansLJ 1; I wood. GaUop, NorthUgbt 21819 Aqueduct 6* f lOBffcfaat 25 M 7 7: s • i Hopkim a Volant, Noareddin, Outlook 21324 Aqueduct 2-4 1:15 fast KlO 106 5 6 !t 9l 9"1A NicklausM Palanquin. Hiker, San Vega 20S87 M boro Si f 1:10 fast 4 107 6*1 P Ford 1 I.ailvBrvn. Babe, If aid of Honor 20800 Mboro 51 f 1:10 fust 6 MS 8«i A Nicklaua 8 Miss Brush. Onar. Booth 20668 Prospect AbS-8 ltfPandfast 3 100 I2 A Nkklaus 9 gfear. Knight, C. Squaw, Ianama 20475 Electric 6-8 1 :oo-Tlgo ul 4 104 4 V Doyle 10 Royal Onyx. Remarkable. Phew 37.M" Empire C 8 l:02%slow C ion 7 7 S 8 8** C Grand .1 Goodwood, KMaid, I.Marquette 17423 Empire 5 8 1 :u0/sfust 12 Ml 2 2 5 52 S1.1 N Huff 10 R. Maiden. HeWill. Carlavrock