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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART. NEW YORK. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1915. Belmont Park. Sixth day. Westchester Racing Association. Autumn Meeting of 1 days. Weather clear. l-rcsidim. Si-ward. F. R. Hitchcock. IresiditiK .Indue. . II. Pettingfll. Starter, Mais Casstdy Racing Secretary. A. McL. Earloeker. Racing starts at 2:36 p. m. Chicago time 1:36 p. m.». *Indlcatea apprentice allowance. OOf? FI1 FIRST .Ail: 7-8 Mile Main Course. 63117—1:22—5—126. RockvlBe Centre llandi _ _5 | O JL eap. 66 Ad, id. All .U. -. Selling. Net vatae to winner 65; second, 66; third. 6. li.iiex Hors.-s AWtllSt ,, _■ % Str Fin Jeikeys Owner o 11 1 S 2191U BLUE THISTLE wb 8 11t". 7 r.. :.. :.- 5* V J Bntwell H C Hallenbeck 4 4". 1*. 8-5 4-5 ,22020 TRli: VS STEEL w 4 lo 6 1 1 1- Ill* - M Garner P s P Randolph 4 •"• :;L S-2 3-5 22556 Il l.LI X w ii :; loo l I 2i _ _- :: : .1 McTag*rU Whalen 4 E 4 8-5 7 M 22555-UANDA PITZEB wa 5 106 5 5 ." •* ** 41 » M RTthewaJ s Ownbey I I ; 21 8-6 22608 RI NRS wa :: 88 •• s B* 8* 7- 7:1 5 P Lowder Ii Watterson 1", IS 15 5 -i 225551. AHORF. w 7 113 1 J :l V nJ •"- 8 W Ulley .1 L Paul 8 I I I I 5 2209.-! KEYBOIBX WB B 168 B I 4. :•- 1. 81 7 • K Martin W -I Spelrs 8 8 8 ! | 8-5 22520 M.DLF.AKAX WB 6 88 ! 7 7- 7* I4 i* V .1 sfcCaheyR T Wilson I t; E 2 1 22092 .11 :ssi. JR. ■ :: 88 1 S S I 9 S 9 J Gartner J W Hedrick Jr M M t" U 7 Time. 12%, 23%. 36. 48, 1:00%. 1:13. 1:25%. Track fast. Winner-P.. g, by Rlues— Wild Thistle trained by E. W. Heffner. w. m to .it 2:30. At post 3 minutes. Start -o.i and slow. Won handily; second and third driving, BLUE THISTLE liegan shiwly and was na the outside throughout, hut closed up rapidly in the final eighth and won going away. TBI E AS STEEL displayed much -| i in pacemaking, saved groond oa all He turns and hung on gamely. ITI.I.I X closed an menacingly when entering the hoasestretch, but tired in the Baal drive. WANDA PITEEB met repeate«l lot rference. Ki Ni:s was sore when going to the peat, fui closed ■ gap and finished taste than the leaders. LAHORE ran well and finished close up. The win j„ r was entered lor ,300; no bid. Scratched 22727 Yankee Notions. 116; 22693 Harry Shaw. lis-. 2202CsHe Will. «i7: 22628 Wooden She.-, mr 44hPT RT 4 SiaoND RACK 5-8 Mile Straight. 66683 38 L 1:22. i . MM, Added. 2 year olds. _2 __ J O £ rilli.s. All.iwaiie.-s. Xet vain,- to witin, i 50; second. Xlon; third. 6. TTa|T" llors.-s AWtllSt , _. -t, Str Fi: Jockeys Owii.;- it !l C 1 8 22469 , Il ss Tn roots w 124 1 2 1 1" I1 11 M Garner P P Keene 3 r. :: 5 1 i out 22196 MALACHITE w 112 8 3 -- 3 2»1 V .1 McTagrtA Belmont 5 3 8 1 2-5 22363 GRASP W loo :: l 21 2 P 3» -1 Bntwell .1 Cutler H 1". 12 :: 1 22607 11 OIKO w 168 2 S "•- 4r- 4* 4- M Buxton H T Oxnard 12 28 28 i I i 21101 LIU HEAVENS w 167 7 4 I c, r M .: Leonard 28 16 28 8 2 22609 BONNIE CABBIE w 161 5 I •- •■■ • P Lowder J E Madden 30 30 M I - 21573SPBINT wit 112 4 7 7 7 7 7 T McTagt Mixpah Stable 5 i 8 .- 7-M Time, 58%. Track fast. Witincr— P.. f. by Peter Pan— Star Cat tralBed by J. Murphy. Went to post al ".:07. At post ■. minute-. Start ikhI and -!- w. Won easily: second and third driving il ss IN BOOTS led under restraint for the entin way and, easily holding her advantage when chal h-r.ged, w.»i, under a poll. MALACHITE raced forward!? and finished welt. ;j;as! «bowed great ppeed In th, earlj running, but tired under panishment. ll.DIKo finished gaawty, Ikixxiiv CABBaH was _uOtriuccd. SPBINT ran ■ dull race. • ■ gF Bcratched 226H9iHidden Star, lOB: 22o7". Lorac, 165; 22706 Feminist, 112. I Iverwi iglits Lily Heavens. 2 imiinds. O 4 ey p o THIRD RACK- 1 Mile. 16876 1:36% 3- 117. Parse 66. :;- ..-,■■ oids and up-_J dS 4 O O ward. Selling. Net value to winner .S4QQ: -eend. s7Q: third. 6. _3el H-a-e- AWtllSt , .. :| Sir Fill Jockeys Owinr- O II I S 17178 HIS NIBS wb 4 K»7 R E I - r 1- - T M Buxton G F Johnson Jr 28 S S 1" B 22400 -•foRKCAST wb 3 lfto i« 2 4- 2* 2* -- 2*1 T Henry Oneck Stable 4 E 4 8-5 7-M 22628 DA1NGERFIELD w R 112 8 l" 1" 7J " S* V C Turner i: Newman 12 K 15 8 :: 22692 WTEBTOWN WB :• 168 ■■ 4 3" t- Il C 1 J McTagrtA .1 StafforrT~« I E B| a 2-5 20730 I WItoXF. w B 112 7 1 2" 31 ::- ft E» .1 Bntwell .1 O Talbott 8-5 1 - 1 1-2 22477 THOIGHTBEADEB w 4 112 1 6 •■ 5* 7; -. 8* 1 Byrne E 11, rz 12 28 28 I 4 22090 -*svro w :; os I 1 : . 8" ■ 7:: L McAtee w G Klng-OoddslO u 8 3 IS 22028 -I.FFTIIoVFN ail 11- - " •" s: s" s 8" M Garner R I Millet 10 IS 12 E 2 22172 ioiN ■ 8 1o7 I I 8* 8j : - • •■ W Lilies J E Widener 6 8 7 2J 7-8 21901 SIB DENBAH w R 116 l I 7* l « 1" 1" 1" C F*bther W Garth 26 M M in r, Time. 12%. 24. 36%. 48%. 1:01. 1:14. 1:28. 1:41. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g, by Uacie— Couateai Wanda trained i y J. P. tsayaeTry. % Win! to post al 3:36, At post 1 minate. Start good and slow. Woa drivtag; second and third the .nil His NIBS it a | 1 pact I i the tart ind, altei hi lag taken under restraint mi the last tarn, fini bed gamelj and withstood FOBECASTS challenge, POBECA8T closed up teadily in the bomeetretiefa ind finished wearing the winner down. I A i.i. tin I LI.D wa- huttled back ai the start and forced to race wide throughout, bul finished fast under punishment. JAWBONE quit after racing well for three-quarters. The winnei was entered for 06: mi bid Scratched 2262S2Boblnettal 112: 22600 Hammon Pass, io7: 22727 Ncphthv-. 165; 22;.io Song of Val-ley. IQ7. 4 4 rj tKA FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. t!i.-..:tt--1 : 44 %—."»— l2o. I Fouifeentli Running Ramapo __ __ | OtJc Handicap, aiue ,666. 3-yaar-oJda. Net vatae to winner ,466; steaad, ::."io; tliiid. |130. : In, ley 1I--1— - AWtllSt 4 % 4 Str I-in J.cke.v- Owners o || I S 22706 -TRIAL Bl .11 KY wn lll s 1 2 2- in in 1 I" McTagt K B Cassatt 2. 2. 2 7 KM 3 22490 SHARPSHOOTER w 11" 7 I V I1. 2" 2- 2" T Davlea S n Parsons :; 1 13-61 2-5 22706 fill: fin.n wit UN i I * «a a p ji .i McCaheyH C Hallenbeck 2. SJ 31 8-61-2 225291. ADV BOTHA w 10S .", 2 4 F 5" I1 4 I Butwell A Mill.r 7 lo lo .. I S 22399 SARATOGA W 113 8 1 t V B ",s »»• J McTagrtI I l.-arv 7 M 8 I 7 7 22728 rCHABTEB MAID w .»7 4 6 7- 5 «- id 8* l» Lowder J E Madden 28 28 18 I l 22692 ALL SMILES wb loo 1 E 51 7 7 7 7 M Garner U Kelly 18 4* 18 lo I 22668 HACBEKK w 168 2 7 8 8 Fulled up.C Turner Shoshone Stal.le 15 16 12 E 2 tAdded Starter. Time, 12, 24. 35%. 48, 1:00%, 1:13%, 1:26. 1:38%. 1:45%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. c. hy lair Play Princess Chie traiaed by J. s. Healy. Went to post a, 4:05. At |iost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and ihird driving. TRIAL BY -II ll followed the early pacemaker under restrain and. finishing gamely under urging, won going away. SHARPSHOOTER set I fast pace, but succumbed when challenged. THE FINN began -lowly and closed a hii: gap while rounding the far tarn, hut raced wide all the way. LADY ROTHA saved match ground on the turns. SARATOGA quit a- i: short. HAUBERKS rider broke a stirrup and he wa- pulled up. Scratched--22701. Iron Duke. Ills. 4 4 rj pr 2*r FIFTH RACI: About 2 Miles. 16863— -4 Km- -5—153. Steeplechase. $ ;oo Added. __ __ | tl .".year olds and aayward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner .f."i2r.-. second. 00; third. s.VI. Index llor-es AWtllSt :; t; ;t 12 Fin Jo,-k, y- own- , t n I S 22630 SW is n w 7 152 :: .7 r, • 1.. 2 V- C M Tigh-- T Hitchock 1 .", !f lo:; :, 1 :. out 22670 LITTLE 1IFBII ws 5 134 5 2 2" 2" 1. 2- 2- M HensonW Stockton 12 12 M I 8 5 22670:DIX tN PARK w 8 138 1 1 B B « 6" 3| "."• I! Haynes J II Collins I 8 I 21. 15 21472-ADVi:XTIRl-:sS w 0 133 I 3 Is 1- 4- I1 4l R XVaugh L Jacob 8 7 « s , 7-10 22671 REPENTANT w 8 140 8 t 4* V V E i W Allen P Stevenson 3 1 4 7-5 12 22670 BADBALD w s 133 2 8 8 8 8 F.rul.r .11 WillmsJ F Flanagan Jr28 20 28 ♦; I Time. 4:13. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by MeOee — Frou Frott trained by .]. Lambert. Went to po-t at 4::!4. At post 1 minute. Stan good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SWISH raced under a stout pull until in the final half, then look the lead with ease and won pulling up. LITTLE HUGH fenced well and set a fast pace, but readily succumbed to the winner. DIXON PARE fenced cleanly and easily disposed of the others. ADVENTURESS quit after lead-tag for a mile. REPENTANT was under pressure throughout and quit as if short. EADBALD los: his rider at the eleventh lump. The winner was entered for 00; no hid. Overweights— Kadi, aid. :: pounds. 4 4 rj pT f* SIXTH RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs Straight. 21688- 1:03% 2—166. Parse 8466. 2-year- £l _5 I *J J old-. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 86; second. s7o: third. 6. Horaea AWtllSt -t __Jjt Str Fin Jockeys Owners II u V F S 22695 SAND MARK WB 1 « 7 11 :!i 2! 2:; li T McTagt J O s 5 :i-,, ;r, Il 4 22695 FLAC DAY WB 107 8 I 11 l1. 1 2* M F.uxton E F Coon.v | D | l ]- 11636* BENJAMIN w 104 -is 21 ::■ S ::- p Ix wder Cleveland stable ir, ir, s 3 a , 21965 DANCEB w 116 I 2 8 6" 4* 4 C Tamer .1 Sanford ! 3 :: i i • 22695* Dl-: -ONSIIIRE HoLLYw loo :i t 4- 4*15* 5" W LUley ! A Cochran 8 10 10 4 2 FLAGGING SPIRIT W M8 1 2 -" i;- 8* • C Clement L A Livingston 20 rio M 10 5 22531*1.. OF THE KITCHENwB 100 10 3 s- V 7" 7" L McAtee J T Smith 15 M 12 ■ 9 20224 CARMEN w 104 3 E 7 8* s- m t Henry s I. Parsons 12 15 IS 6 8 22627 JOSE w los 7 :.- :•" t; :, n HoffmanG Preece 17 Rj 25 I -1 LAST CHANCE wit 112 2 10 in io lo io J pfta Mr Earl.- 88 M 18 hi ". Time. 1:06. Track fast. Winner — B. f. hy Burgomaster — Sandria trained by W. 8. House, Went to post ai 5:05. At po-t 2 minutes. Start _-o,«| and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SAND MARK raced in close pursuit of the leader from the start and outstaved him in the final drive. FLAG DAT set a fast pace and drew clear in the homestretch, but tired near the end BENJAMIN raced well, but swerved badly in the tinal eighth. DANCEB had a rough race and finished ramclv DEYONSHIRE DOLLY showed -peed. The winner was eateerd for 66; no hiil Scratched -2270S la-1 Ma-ter. 112: 221 K 5 Tatiana. 105.