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WHAT EL 0R0 DID IN OUR RACING. The an.ieiit setting plater Id On was so hadlj cat d.wn in hi- list race tiiat his ra a. career ia p ot. bly al an end and la any even have ;.• is .1 atroyed. In hi- days he was, a isroBtalde borai t" own and soaae of hi- victories in 1012 and 1913 wen- not lai awaj from high class |M*rformances. He is well enough bred to make a lis, till sire and. if he is saved, may y.i bo represented in nciug by his progeny. His aire, Etbelbert, was one ol ln greatesl atayers of 1 lem American racing. L"l 11, .s record is as follows: El Oro. b. h. 1900. by Ethclbert— Dorotht-j. i ei -. Age. st-. 1st. 2.1. 3d. I up. Won. Litis 2 15 o 1 1 LtS I In 1900 5 12 1 i 1 Hi 388 1910 1 28 8 1 8 in 2.125 Pill 5 2s 7 1 5 12 2.870 1912 11 in !t 4 8 Li •;. 1X5 id 7 51 in + 1 in 4,945 P.H I s 45 :: :: 2 3a 1,065 1915 !l !7 2 2 1 12 ST: I retail ii -15 :;s 22 2s 1-7 Jin. 155