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MEN AND HORSES REACHING LEXINGTON. Lexington, Ky.. September I. — Arrivals at the Kentucky Association track today wen James Bverman with nine horses, a. L. Ktrbj with four, belonging !•• .1. B. Beapess, George Land with 8ve, ti.e property of .1 hn W. Seaorr, and .1. s Ward wiih six. Bverman and the Rfspesi stable came rrom Latonia, while the Schorr ami Ward burses came from Louisville, in the Ever nun string are T. M. Green, Cane Bun. Wander and otben. Kir by b rough 1 Dignity, Miss Fannie, Insurgvul and Erin. The Schorr hors«i are Lindenthal, Aunl J ah . Rifle Shooter and one other to nice and Mcl.ul.o. which is going t" J i». Keeaea farm to be retired I., the stud. In Wards string are Solar st.u Dodge, Franklin and Mabel Dulweber. The track was still in bad condition this morning, though drying out rapidly this afternoon, and then were few gallops worthy of note, fin Gndot went a mile in 1:54 and Amazon and Coppertown three-qnarten in 1:24. After the coiiisc Ice! dried out . . nsiderablv lather Riley worked three-quartet in 1:22 and Hank Oli.v Bve-eighrtha in 1 :ir.i. Jeefeej Fred Herbert who 1 turned to America from England about thirty days ago, his Btade nn- plicatl a lor a license and expects to rid.- here, John I. Smith arrived here today to look after H. 11. Hewitts breeding Interests the coming year. The horses Smith was training for Hewitt he turned •ver to A. J. Goldaborongb to campaign at the eastern meetings. Mr. Hewitt intends to get together a good band of mares for Cie stud, at the head of which is Coy Lad. He already baa several marc- quartered at the Meadows. Fidget was sold today bv Clay Brothers to . .. Williams. Bngene Elrod and Lis pari-mutnel exes arrived here today. The machines were placed !• position and everything is ready tor Thursday. Among the regulars who arrived today re JObn Miirphv. Bud Bo_c,s. Carroll Kohl. Mose Kossioau and W. J. Weber B. B. Bradlej arrived today from Chicago, whither he wenl tor a short visit • in I- th Saratoga meeting. .lohn Miller brought fr New York t . Ktanrstoi] farm tmlay tour English niar.-s and threi recently pill-chased Io. William B. AllhtOII to. ofl gan ,V McKinneya Wtckliffe Stud. In tie aaa hi wis auuhsi p., imout-- iteik View, which was at »e tie- Knrsery stud.