Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08


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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. The attendance at Belmont Iark Saturday was estln .ind at 15.800. Tlie tinal time of race 22888 at Belmont Iark Friday was 1:40%, Instead ■•! lie-.. .0 pi triooaly printed. Thunderer is described :i~ isae ot the •-■rainiest looking juveniles shewn on the American luif in recent Neats. The management of the Presidio track is arranging for a race some day this week with policemen as Juckej s on police horse;:. B. .1. Raaaaeya foor-year-old bay gelding Judge Gheens, bj Maria Santa dtetties Deceive,-, died at San Irancisco Senteiuber 1 Quince Blossom kicked trainer Han Morris and broke his arm a few days ago. Mr. Morris is train-11 ■: Qnlnee Blossom f.r Donald B. Neil of Lexington. Ai the Presidio track, San Francisco, bud Than day, jockeys c. Xaplin. O. Guntry an.; W. I OBrien divide. I the cant, each riding two ••: Me six winning horses. T. 1.. Carpenter, linstonville, Kv., his turned his three year old bay grtdlng, Kboildy, ..ver to .1. t.M.u. who will race him this fall. Shoddy i- bv Galvcston Raglets, by His Utghness, and waa a winner last mmi. s. C. Lyne has nld to W. II. Baker the yearUag bay .-oil by Peter Qnlnee .lc ssp. w.....-on i.v Scorpion. Tliis y ester is a Itatf-brotber !■ the stake wit r Ben l.oal. II. araa to have been aoM along with other Kentucky yearlings in New York op August 51 bui An. Bakers offer "as loo substantial to be denied, so the cell changed hand- at home.

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Local Identifier: drf1915090801_2_5
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