Blue Bonnets Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08


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BL UE BONNETS FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1915. Line Bonnets, tilth day. Montreal jockey flub. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy first four races, showery last three. PresMInc Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson starter. A. B. Dade, Racing Becretarj . w. Northey. Itaclic; -larts at 2:15 p. in. tlibvco time 1:15 p. pi.. *ln.liciios app.-eiii • v allowance. OO /l A IIRST RACE- 3-4 Mile TlEYnTi 1!2 5 105. s_no Added 3-year-olds and upward. 2 and I TTTT Sellim:. .v value Io v. it. .ei ,«i::i : sc-.tid. : t.iird. *:• . index Horses AWtPPSt -t . "1 Str l-itt Jockeys Owners E pti. dils Sirt 22569 1 iiN".iiiHT wa 5 111 ~ ii i-:" _ 1 W WartonT Eggen t715 100 22701 INol ILiA w 5 111 | j 7. I V - T Rl e .1 Polk 22385TALT L.LN xvu4 HKJ 7 4 P 3s I B Schorn G W Scott 1173 MO 21881 COY wa 5 113|13 s P I] P* 1 P GoldstnA .1 Relnfaardt 20846-tii;ri:i:TH wa 8 111 m in :, "• ••.".:... A Clover M B Howser 22164 III HAS BROTHER w 4 111 8 1 id 7 f.1 6" H McDottA Breast 22541 -HIXii; wa 8 103 12 5 HH 1" 7 1 : LonMM H Q Bedwell 22435 MiiAlPl wa -I 111 S 1- n 8»» 8J vl E AmbroseJ 0 Byrne ff I 22621*1. AMIS TAIL WSB t 112 1 1 ]oT i pd : . W W MenR Hanley 19910lSIMtlMLIASS w 7 111 14 11 a- 81 ! 1o- AS K.lsay K T McKeever 22324 SPOHN wn Hi 115 I :: J» 8 | 7| 11 .. G Boms .1 .1 McCafferty 22120 sATi UMS wn :! ins 11 11 1_- I2 121 12 W Ural A B Stelle 21155 IscHiruuiiBLK w S ins 8 7 it 131 1::- 1; a Rchug*rJ I. Bryan t 22658 Lit. BAKKLKV wit 9 114 1 Lf l::- 14 11 It II HanmerS II M .nteith t IMutnel tiehl. Time. 234.;. i83. 1:1423. Track fast. S2 muiiieis paid. Connaught, tiebi. sii;.::n atraigbt, 80.00 place. $::.!h show: inqnieta, 87.80 place. 15.40 ah iw : rapt. Ben. S5.5i show. Eipiivalent I king odd- Connaught, held. 715 to 100 straight, 200 to inn puce, 96 to 100 show; In- ouiota. Lit.", to 100 place. 170 to inn show: Capt. Ben. 175 to in" show. Winner b. g, by Maaagan The Mecca trained by J. I. Troxler. Went t.. posl ai 2:21. At posl 2 minutes. Stan good ami slow. Woti driving; second and third the same. 1il.N IN" A I 111 IT worked his way upon Hie outsile of the leaden and. nafshfng gam el: wai awaj at the end. INI ikta began slowly, bat moved up rapidly whfle roumling tin far turn and Bnl ied witii a rush. cAHT. BKN wis » forward contender i l the way. COY tired after taking the had uti the last t ii 1 11 The winner was tntcred for 8400; no bid Scratched 22o7K Quien Babe, 10O: 22408 Joy, 105. overweights— Coy, -i pounds; Snobji, I, O *■ "T A PT SECONI 1ACR 5 12 Furlongs. 86184— 1:66% — I— 114. 00 Added. 2 yi nr old -. — — I *jfc • J Sellu . t ratal to wiitmi 1420; • . ■ ml. ; third, |50. _Indc» llwrsen Vttlll Si 4 u ■■. sir Kin Joekiys PwnoT- I.-nu , odd-StcT 225931*WT.i.GA w n ifl_" j v |". |i ]i. E Forehd 8 Rosa 06 100 2£G.7 INVESTMENT w HI2 7 I 7- Bl SI . K McDottS Kloi 800-100 22697*COIIER KING a 88 3 I 31 3| 21 3»* A Collins J K L Ross 5200-109 22697* iTSH nsil i tn;*; 4. 4- 4- 1 R Jarboe Keystone stable 2900-109 22C97 I.YNX a nil j " 91 8~ !i- :.- A Clave* W Walker -j-jfioo-lou 22697XMARGFRY u lflg M - id 71 fi. t,1 Q Lomas .1 Arthur 6*0-100 22073 GREENWOOD « lit] I I W* 11- lo" 71 1! SchornG H Mailman 2400-100 22453 KITH STKHKl kNl a 8B 10 7 3ll 21 J1 8 11 HanmerH Q Bedwell 2207.! MISS IHILBIN -.-, In: J 10 g« !»• gi » | J WilliamsR 1" Carman 4300-MM 211 uiRADos w 107 I fi 6] fih 7* W .1 Callahan Marrone Stable 170-169 Ji..T «i VKA w M 1? 12 llj 12 H U* A Nerger Q A Alexandra 800-100 ju* w ion i n u jni 12 i2 w Kelsay S Pitcher t rMutuel field. [Omitted row entries. Time, 23. 48i, l:012/5, 1:0745. Track fast. |2 oautuelx paid. W elga, 811.80 straight, .20 place, .60 show; Investment, place 84.20 shew; « ■]•]» i kin:;. 2.80 -ho". ■equivalent boujtiug eddi w ... UW to 100 straight, 2io to 100 place, 98 la 106 show; liimslmtal. 290 to inn place, 110 ti •••» *bi w l opper King, ." 4n to loo show. Winner -Br. r, bj King lease* Wealth trained by I. . Garth. Weal t i*,-t at - 51 : peal I _Jaat ■ start poor and slow. Won easily; serosal and third driv-H-. WELGA began fasl ind drawing away in the mst eighth, led mulct restraint all the way. in-! VESTMENT began slowl bill gained steadll and saved ground on all the tans. COPPER KING was ■ t ward contender .ill the way, sol tired in the last sixteenth. LYNX closed a big gap. BOTH STRICKLAND raced well to tl- bint ghtli Th winner was entered for 00; no I • i l. S.-rali-|.,.,| 23020 It- — V H-v i"4 221-54 Col. Ginolius. lOg. 4 6 rj /• /* THIRD RACK 5-8 Mile. 78383 86% -2—108. Seventh Baanlag Provincial Nursery. ++ shi • tO 11.000 Iddad. 2-year-oMs. Owned, Foaled and Raised in Ptorteee of Qnebec; I ■ ■. ■ WqilIii. Net viliif to iniior «75; second. 00; tliiid. 60. : .!■ Mors.- V IMSt 4 _■ ■•■! Sir fin Jockeys Owners K|iiiv. tlilds Sir7! L2G72 lill.IA PBEW s Hs " :; i . i 1« P GoIdstnK T Dawes M 100 22429 l.l liltl. AMI ■ 113 t 1 A- !»• V .- I Barns P P Cowans 2S0-MQ 22072 IHX KudKltS m lis . 1 Ji _. 2 l J» A Claver .1 W Foster tl60»-100 2519 HOPEFlL :i w 118 Z 1 ::i »* 4" 41* G l.onias .1 W Foster t ALL STEEL w us :: r, :, -, :, G T Kk-e .1 a Denaalt 2100-1 h Konpled in betting. Time. 233/5. 48%. 1:02. Track fast. •- mataels paid. Billy Frew. .80 straight, »2.l«i place: Birdland. .*2..".t place; im show tnntiipls sold. Kcinivaient booking odds— BiBy Frew. 4n to K»n straight, 10 to too place; Birdland, :T to iim place Winner B. •. bj Oiseau Borne dAmonr i trained by V. F. PreagraTe. Went to .ii 3:30. At i.i-t 1 in • ii ii t • . Start good and slow. V •inleriim: secoad and third driv BILLY PBEW went to the front at once and, drawing away into a Ion:.- lead on the far turn, won in : canter. BIRDLAND irici to |werre oal while rounding the Far turn, bat wore nix BOGEB8 down in ii, last eighth ]ii BOGEBS saved ground on all the turns, imt was tiring at the end. HOPEFUL AGE showed speed. Scratched- Silk r.ifd. lis. 0 4 rj A rj fui kiii RAC About 1 1-2 Miles. iiMsr,— :::n7 -.,-:: ~i::n. i Steeplechase. 00 J I T i Add,, l . u . Idsi Allowances. Net value to winner .f470: see 1. .2.",: third. ¥J_ Index i:,.r-s AWtlPSt 3 fl ! 11 Fin Jockeys Owners O n C I S 20765 FAKER "a 1 : » - !4 l11. 1". ll li F Willnis L W Garth •■ K» 22474 It II- ri. m 1X6 i ; 12 2 2 B WoRte t; R Tompkins IE6-1M rtaac. 3:05*, new track record. Track fast. mntoels paid. Faker, .66 straight. Boaivaleal booking odds Faker, " to i « strai Winner— B. vr. hy Bryn stawr — Prestldlgltatrice trained hy L. Y. Garth. ein to post at 3:86. Ai imisi I minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second drivinjr. FAKEB drew into a bong lead in the ti » quarter, fenced well and held ItlFFtt safe all the way. 1 he latter made several --.line I, ill una a .1 in elf -its to -■ 1 to i he front. rj A Q FIFTH RACR 1 1-4 Miles. 66206— 2KH%— 4— 66%. 00 Add, ,1. i year olds and 24 __ I _:0 upward. S lliiiL. N I -aim- to vvinticr -SoS.,: second. 66; third. *.■ . "mii|c Horses A W : IIS i . i.. "•., Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Slrt 226J7-IIAKKV LAlDEB w •", 164 3 I B* lllk l II 1? R McDott.l F Sweeney 225 100 2S.702 AF.HOTSFOKn Wl 5 168 2 ! I - "d S : :;: 21 H HanmerW T Oliver tea KM 22726 IAl.cAliA wn 1 164 3 3 J» 3 | 2* -,J 3« G Loraaa l J Miles 22702*SHER. HOLMES WB 6 107 117 7 ■■ •;•■ I S Frown W Walker 7200-100 22659 WEYANOKE wa 5 113 7 S 4 I1 4*5 5 W WartonW Smith 850-100 22059!.. OKIBKCALDY wa 4 167 I I - 2»| 3] I" •:"- V lral S Louis 3800-160 1:2702 Wll.Ii HOBSE w 4 lit! 4 7 51 • 7 7 7 T Hic-e B Levy lSOO-100 Time. 24%. 49%, 1:15%. 1:42%, 2:08%. Track fast.

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