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TIMELY TURF GOSSIP FROM KENTUCKY. LooteviUe. Ky.. Beptemher T. — The coming meeting at Lexington will nave roaaUerable bearing on such events at Douglas Park as the Autumn Inaugural Handicap. The same const 1 uc Hon can be put on Lexington racing 1 far as the coming meeting at CbnrchiU Downs is concerned, the Calls 1 it. Handicap and the St. Leger. The reason for this is that the majority of the crack horse.; 11-gaged in these important races will l e raced at Lex ington with the purpose on the part ol their trainers to lit them for their engagements in these four important local events. The gnat impi veinents at Cliurehill Downs at the Fourth Avenue entrance to that course, arc now rapMly liein rushed to completton and will all he Qnished long before the opening day ol the com ing meeting. It will be, when completed, a most siitiv portion of this heautifii! and costly racing park. i. 1. Van Meter, a prominent horseman a few years back, has decided to return to racing. He his purchased a h at Beechaaont. near Douglas Park, and is at present in the market to buy at least a docen yearltiigs, colts and lillies. 11,. states that he intends to develop the youngsters be secures and sell them privately nexj spring. If possible, t r good in ices and tlios.. which the In- -tallies make no offer for. compared to what be considers their value, be will train and race in his own colors. Van Meter was, when on the running turf, unite successful with the yearlings that la developed, rarely ever training a youngster that did not turn out to Ik- a winner. An n the ood louses that cat lied his coin- were The lad. Cream, Nobby and Princess Industry, and with the former three be beat soaae of the beat two-year-old* out in their years, lie no* owns bnl am- thoroughbred, thai being the Kentucky Oaks winner Cream, which he now has in 11, ,. stud. He had her mated last spring t ■ T. c. McDowells great bone The Man ager and thinl ■ she is now In foal. The yearlings Fan Meter will o.ot together this fall be will winter at Churchill Downs, when be can train them on the newlj covered winter training track at that plant. Thorns n H. Marphy. owner of Waldeek Breeding Stud, has bought of George Lindenbcrger the seven year-old mare Wishing Kins., by Hick Welles Mary I.avana. by St. Andrew. This mate was mated last year to Zeus. s,,n of .Adam, bat failed t. prove in foal then, but since has again been mated to that horse and now is believed to he 111 foal. Wishing Ring enjoys a unique reputation on tlit" running turf, she having on June IT. 1912, Wi 11 a race at f.aioiiia in which she paid the record price of tois form of betting, a two dollar winning ticket on her In that race cash ins In for St.ss5.5n. she paid on a two dollar ticket for second place s il.r.n. and f.r third place a two dollar ticket cash, ,1 in ..n Lei- for S1T2.0=L Wishing Rings dam was a high-class race mare and she is a young stud matron c : g 1 confirmation and rich breeding dear through ber pedigree. In another year Mr. Murphy will mate her to the home sire at Waldeek Iann. the bone Golden Maxim, a brother to Jim Gaffney. n f the s1" d racers out ihis rear, undoubtedly by Golden Maxim, is the good til 1 v Lady Botha, and another smart performer by him is the two-year-old tiliv Golden List In H. G. BedwelFa -table. It is worthy of note that the latter of the beat two-year-.•Lis racing in Canaib this year was -m it an im-prouaising racing prospect as a yearling, that she passed through the sale ring and only elicit. .1 a bid of a hundred dollars For his chances in hi stud Golden Maxim lias !„■. a a wonderful success and. surrounded bv go.,,1 mares. a~ be will be now. on at Waldeek Farm, be is sine to ;.ir tun] a high-claw winner in the near future. I. II. Mead will, as usual, open his fall rant-pagin at Lexington with a strine of live bones, namely, Alkauet, Wildwood. Irish Gentleman, Tobacco Box and Brookfield. None of these has been raced since the Latonia meeting ended early la-t Iul . and .luring the summer Mead bad the stritiL at the Churchill Downs track. They are now all well freshened up fot the hie fall meetings and si.ouM give a good account of themselves in any races they participate in. W. G. Vanke fas nut a bargain price on the three hois,, lie :, ,w owns Oakland, Wiihite and Billy Joe an 1. in all pr ibility. all tlo- trio will shortl 1 e sol, 1 privately. This Californian turfman announced some time ago. and so informed trainer W II. Buckner. that he has decided to quit the turf as an owner, at least for th- present time. it s understood that Taake has in view an early , 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ; 1 i trip t England and, i,, al! probability, wlnn ho a;:. mi retarna to the track as an owner, his colon will In- worn by horses ••! stake class llki the greal Round the World, he Bnl hots,. ,,1 note that 1 .0 , d in hs ow nershlp Trainer L. B. Williams has now a Dongle Iark 1 .it.. 11 rear! bags owned by 1 1. HoUaud. Iliey are. perhaps, the most promising hunch Hiili.nn; has I. ad under his care tor Me vera I rears and he ht much pleased with several in the collection. I he fourteen youngsters an equally dlvbled as 1., ~ . there being s,.v,.M eolt* and 1I10 sanic numbei of lillies. The list in lull followi Chestnut colt brother to Gainer ind II 1 erf.. b] Martinet Drnid, bj Sir Dixtm. » Cay colt brother t.. Intention, by Ililariou -Darling, by M trtinet. chestnut roll brother •• Gallop, bj Martbaet -Com 1 Sue. by The Commoner. Bay by Ilawlo soa of Plaudit 1 ana 1.. Haley, by Lissak. This i~ this goml race lirst real.] Bay colt, bj Martinet Whip Top, bj Martagon. This is n,is marcs Bnl foal. 1 Chestnut colt hall brother t-. Eland, hi Hilarious - Strife, by St. Carlo Chestnut eolt. bv Hilarious Rrnu sister to Flab- hergast, bv Martinet. Hi BUy, bj Hilarious Rusetinge, by -issay. Chestnut hlv half-sister to forge and 1. initio B.i. b] Hilarious Blessed Da niosel. bj Cm | Monaco Chestnut lillv. by Hilarious— DoUie Hollars, bv T t! lington. Chestnut lillv. bv Martinet Hostility, bv St. Liaise. Chestnut illy half -sister to Gregg and Fraud, bv Hilarious Ethel Scruggs, bv Fonao. Bay lillv slstei to Hafts, bv Martinet Lacene, by Ingoldsby. Chestnut idly half-slater to Ddena ami Inserta- lion 1. by Hilarious Estrasa, by Amio. What horses trailer .7. !•. Schorr seeds to Lex- Ington, he will phip Caere next Tueada] with tlte racing strin-T of Weber A V.ard. Trainer Ward in lends to start. Solar Star in a couple of three-quarters races daring the coining Lexington aaeet-1 bag and thus, in this way. let him race into con- ditioti to till his engagementa here ti the Douglas lark Inaugural Handicap and the 80.000 Louisville Cup. The noted Ive e.- • d went a coo mil, hist Friday in a shade better than 1:15 and came out of that work, to all appearances, per e My sonad But trainer now has great confidence that the sou of the Imported star Bheet will stand training for racing his fall.