Sixth Race [6th Belmont Pk., Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08

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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 14870— 1:39%- -8 11T. ROBINETTA, b. f. 4 108 By Fair Play— Retained II. J. MacManuil. 22628 Belmoat 1 1:49 fast 10 197 7 7 5 5 22 22 c Tnrner 8 W. Shoes. Beethoven B Ouince 22557 Saratoga ll:42%fast IS 107 9 9 5 3 4 V C Turner !• Borgo. Alhena, Count ernirt 22219 Saratoga 1 l:44%hvy 12 111 5 6 6 6 6 671M Buxton G Lahore. Shyness Booker Bill 22045 Saratoga 1 1:46 mud 5 108 5 4 4 5 5 514 J Butweli ,r. 1. Macdonald, Shyness Marshon 21909 Aqueduct ll:39Vfcfast 8 95 6 7 7 7 64 fi" T Henry 7 Lazuli. Lahore, Lady Panehita 1. 844 Aijuedct 1 1-16 1:47 fast 7 95 6 6 4 4» IH T Henry C Stonebenge. G M Miller Nanler 21534 Aqueduct 11:41 fast 31 103 4 7 6 5 5s 54 J C Turner 10 Volant. Minstrel Dr Duenner 21309 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 6 105 3 I I 3 31 P M Buxton Star Gift Dryad Joe Deihold 21189 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:55%fast 11-5 102 3 3 3 3 3 Z» W Lilley 4 Ben Quince Loveland Paton 2099G Jamaica 1 1-16 l:S0%slow 4 110 6 5 3 1 21 32 M Buxton 7 G.M.Miller, BenOuinee, Camellia BEN QUINCE, ch. g, 4 108 By Peter Quince — Benita Brush E. Witte 22694 Belmont 11-16 1:49 fast 3 2 193 1111 2* 8* I. Mink 4 OSnllivan Faster Star Nanier 22628 Belmont 11:48 fast 15 997 2 2 2 2 31 4*| L Mink 8 W. Shoes, Robinetta BeethoTen 22397 Saratoga 1 l:42%faat 20 11419 :i 6 7 5*1 9»S|C Bond 12 Amalti. Asyiade Grosvenor 21909 Aqueduct 1 l:39%faat 10 100 4 2 2 3 5° 5« J Mciag rt 7 Lazuli. Lahore Ladv Panehita 21746 Belmont 11:39 fast 13 99 1 2 2 3 3« 3* J McTagrt 7 Harrv Shaw. Lazuli Orotund 21403 Aqaedct 1 1-K 1:48 fast 13-5 12 1 5 5 6 6 62 J McCahev 6 G.M.Miller. Suption L Marshll 21475 Aqueduct ll:45%slop 6 112 2 2 3 3 2 22 T McTagt S Dryad. Republican Patrick s 21328 Aquedct 1 1-10 1:47 fast 6 103 2 2 2 2 2; 22 J McTagrt .". Bac. Rav oLbht 21189 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:56%fast 11-10 107 12 2 2 1= I2 J McTagrt 4 Robin, tta. Loveland, Paton GUY FISHER, b. h. 9 115 By Sain— Appollonia E. F. Cooney 22628 Belmont 1 1:49 fast 41 115 5 1 I t 51 .,■•• m Baxton s w. Shoes. Bebinetta Beetbovetf 2-144 Saratoga 1 1 :46%slow 16-3 11 4122 Ill1 C Turner 7 Grosvenor. Carlton 1; Kl Rind 21961 Aqueduct 1 l:40%faat 4 115 8 lo 7 7 4 8 | C F*bther 11 Dr.Dnenner. S of v aliev n.ter 2162S Belmont 11-16 1:48 fast 9-3 115 2 8 7 9 8s 6 T McTagt 11 Paton Coin Penalty 21042 Jamaica 1 1-8 1 :54%rast 3 108 5 4 4 4 4* 4S1 G Byrne 5 Lazuli. Amalti OSnllivan 20S4S Belmont 1 1 :40%fast 2 2 113 3 4 5 6 51 1" G Byrne .Camellia. Robinetta Beethoven 20792 Belmont 11-16 1:47 fast 18-5 114 16 6 5 5* 57J G Byrne I W. Shoes G M Miller Hioei, 20753 Belmont 1 1 tfljfaat 18-5 110 6 3 3 3 31 41! G Byrne • Bac. ,. M. MIBer, Astrology SAM SLICK, ch. g. 3 105 By Rock Sand— Artful Cleveland Stablei 22671 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 1 111 1 2 2 2 V V- C Tnrner fj Rusila. Prime Mover Stir In 22362 Saratoga 1 1 :i2%good 20 193 19 11 M lo 92 9»f J McTagrt 1L El laBryson MarsCassldv Bor-o Saratoga 11:47 mud 6 lo7 5 5 5 5 5 4 - W J OBn 5 Shyness, Tinkle Bell Brian Born 21933 Aqueduct 1 1 6 107 7 6 6 5 !• I2 W J OBn s Valentine. Menlo Park. SmSow 21710 Belmont 1 1 :41%fast 20 103 17 17 17 13 13* lO-JW Lilley 17 Dryad Napier Tinkle Ttill 21452 Belmont 3-4 1:14 fast 39 lol 10 10 9 9-"- 9™ H Horner 10 Gnat, Sherwood True -iV steel 21577 Aqueduct 1 l:41%faat f. 197 2 4 2 2 2* 2- G Byrne 8 Cain. KvelynCT! Miss McGinla 21399 Aqnednct 11:41 fast M 98 5 5 6 6 54 5» F Hopkins 6 Star Gift. Dryad. Robinetta EL BIOD, b. g, 4 112 By Sandringham— Victoria M. Mr. Earle 22628 Belmont 11:49 fast 7 M7 4 4 7 7 7- 6" J Butweli s w. S n. Bo tta Beetborea 22144 Saratoga 1 l:46*4s!ow 4 112 2 2 3 4 4 ll J Butweli 7 GuyFisber Grosvenor Cnrltotti 21726 Belmont 1 1-8 1 :53%fas1 6 ]o9 6 5 8 8 8- 8"MJ Butweli 1 1 Polly 11 OSullivan i.der 21628 Belmont 1 1-14 1:48 fast E 112 9 7 6 7 f,S A J Butweli 11 Patoa Coin Penalty 20.:,:: Jamaica 1 1 S 1 :55%fast 13 10 104 13 3 1 l«k 1» J McCahey 0 Coin, Hermbj dr Monmouth 20796 Belmont 7 8 1:26%fast 4 112 4 6 5 4 4a 4*10 Byrne Prairie Dinah Do 20083 H.deGce lm79yl:4S fast 13 10 108 3 2 1 1 Is p» J Batwell 11 G.Castle, L.Ineence I oKYMv 18812 Charlen 11-16 1:52 slow 13 3 102 2 2 2 2 21 3*1 W Oberl 10 Mr.Mack, C.McFera, T.Hanck SIR DENRAH. ch. h. 6 108 By Peep oDay— Miss Marconi W. Garthl 22753 Belmont 11:41 fast 39 IH 9 7 10 10 M |S*s C F*bther ll» His Nihx l..i-,.,-,.i 11 .i,,,-,.,!-,,. u 21961 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 10 lio 7 9M 9 19* -1 Steward 11 Dr.Denner S of v ill. v 1 • ii-i..i- 21765 Belmont 11-8 1:54 fast 40 104 4 2 2 2 2". 4" M Buxton U Hedge, OSullivan LaVnli 21628 Belmont 1116 1:18 fast 40 110 4 3 2 2 1 S " J MeTagrtll Paton. Coin pen-illv 21239 Aqueduct 3-41:13 fast 10 120 i 7 7 61 6141G Corey 7 Sleuth, Gill Basle Baa Van 21126 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 10 110 3 2 3 25 22 M Buxton 7 Andes, p.rtli Rock "l-itriek 9 20654 Belmont 1 l:411fetaat 25 HO 7 7 7 8 72 7" i Corey s R. ..Light. Orotund Robinetta 20411 Belmont 1 l:43%mud 15 111 3 5 5 5 42 4 « G Corey C AlBloch, Robinetta Stonebence 18480 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 30 197114 10 10 11 8 lo" W Doyle 14 HmlliatB. Hurakan Prresslve 17779 Bowie 7-S l:29fast 20 112 9 8 8 7 9 9*] V RhtmirelO Castara. Frontier. Jack Laxson MARYLAND GIRL. ch. f. 3 98 Bv Peter Quince— Miss Simplicity R T Miller 22«w Belmont 61 f 1:21 fast 59 199 2 10 10 H» 8 M Garner 14 SirW.Jobnson; Si Chesterton 21819 Aqueduct 4 f l:19%faat 59 112 2 5 8 61 9*» B Troxler 9 Volant. Noureddin Outlook 21728 Belmont 3-4 at l:12 4fast 30 96 Left at the post. J M,Kv. r 15 T. as Steel. Grumpy DofDnnbar 20266 Pimlico 7-8 1:29 slop 158 92 6 5 5 5 6 68U P Ryan 7 Corsican, Boxer pVl-,r 20144 Pimlico 2-1 l:13%faat 150 95 6 5 5 6 C-J.T P Ryan it Kewessa. Mamie K Volint 17689 Laurel 5Jfl:07%fast fid 109 6 5 5 5» 541 J Kederis 13 M.Mgomery, MaHard "averock 17552 Laurel E| t l:97Hfaet 17 104 1 2 2 44 5» J McTagrt 6 Gnat. Stalwart Helen Faarle 17516 Empire 5-8 l:01fast 2 112 3 4 3 2* 22 C Turner 6 Caverock. Marvelous* IB to-r-in- 17491 Empire 51 f LOT-Vtfaet 8-6 107 2 1112 l»U McTagrt 5 Change, Oa. MaW GVlaafcoroart 17456 Empire 5-8 l.-BHUaat 5i 107 1 1 1 1 1* PetrotT B Heetoeraph. Marvelous

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