Second Race [2nd Belmont Pk., Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08

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SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs Straight. 2-year-olds. Selling. 2K;sv 1:03%— 3— 108. SUCCESS, br. c. 2 117 By Waterboy — Enterprise Quincy Stable. ..... Belmont 3-4 St l:12V,fast 17-M 108 2 2 3 2*3* • McCahey 4 Hidden Star. HandsOff. B.Carrie 22170 Saartoga 61 t l:l2--.nnnl 4* 146 2 4 2 32 1" J McCabey 9 Fernrock, Stariliug. Hands »fT 21629 Belmont andi f st 1.-07 fast C lo7 7 2 2 21 2 i J McCahey 9 Hands Off, Tralee, Fernrock 21596 Aqueduct 2-4 1:15 fast 4 197 5 5 4 M 5*J J McCahey fi T.Caddy, Achieyement, Slipshod 21561 Aqueduct 6-8 l:04%alop 13-10 112 4 3 3 !• 2» .1 McCahey .5 M. Puzzle. Dad. Choice, Costunir 21446 A iueduct 5 s 1 :o:%siow 17-10 107 4 3 3 Ill1 J McCahey « BroosaTale, Mooastoae, H. Horse 21326 Aqueduct 5-8 1 :"2 fast 5 MS 3 3 2 24 2 J McCahey 5 Fernrock, Variety, Short Ballot 20955 Jamaica 51 f l:«7*fast 20 letj 5 4 3 34 31 J McCabey 6 Regina. Fernrock. Sun God §6619 Belmont 4S f st 62%faat 20 112 8 8 S2 86J.l McCahey t S. Ballot. Brooniyale. Fernrock 20536 Ceimont 6-8 st l:0;%fast 20 112 5 4 4 61 6*1 McCahey 7 Pleione. Sun God, Fernrock 9M3J Belmoat 41 f at 53%mud 8 111 9 6 6 67 ] McCahey 9 W. Hackle, Dnmrosch. Mustard HIGH HORSE, br. c. 2 107 Bv Hastings— Hautese II. A. Belmont. . : Uelmont 54 f si 1*6 fast 10 112 5 5 4 !- i- . McTagrl s Plumose. Edna Kenna, Beelise 22578 Saratoga 5J f l*8Kfast 17-19 113 4 8 3 2- :::J .1 McTagt . EtmaKenna, G.Cunsel, S. Vanity 0 Saratoga 51 t l*9%good 10 102 8 4 :. 1] l2 .1 McTagrt S Tralee, Serria, Edna Keama 22488 Saratoga 51 t lfcslow 18-5 198 1 11 j 4" -I MeTagrtll B.Boty, lmtant. B.of theKbea 22266 Saratoga 511 i:io%slow 10 MS 6 8 4 6- B** C Tataei 7 Importaat, Tralee. lolite 21446 A iueduct 5-8 l:02%slow 7 S8 3 12 22 44 .1 McKvi r 8 Success. Broomvale, Moonstone 21304 Aqueduct 5-8 1:02 fast 7 115 4 3 4 31 471 c Turner 6 Brooaavala, Plumose. Dr. Greater 21240 Aqueduct 6-8 1 :01V5faHt 1S-T. Iti8 7 1 1 l1 2" C Turner : Plumose. Tribalo, Ataka 21188 Jamaica 5-8 1 :01%fast 11-5 110 6 4 6 72 713 E Dugan 9 PdiiaKenna. Plumose. I.ittleAlta 21066 Jamaica 6-8 l:01%fast 7-10 105 5 5 5 41! 321 P Lowlier " Dune Site, Blue Keek. Flag Day SAL VANITY, b. f, X 109 By Salvation — La Reine Empress I L. H. Baxter. Saratoga 51 f l:08%fast 3 iu 6 5 5 61 4J V I.illey i; EiinaKenna, C. Counsel. H. Horse Saratoga 5J f l:09%good 8-3 108 8 I 8 7- 5*1 W I.illey 8 HIgb Horse. Tralee. Serria iratoga ■" f l*T44fast 10 104 1 12 V l1 W I.illey G Brmrale, M.Pbilbln, Important 22266 Saratoga 51 f l:M%Slow 8 107 5 6 6 5 514 W I.illey 7 Important, Tralee. Iolit - 21929 Aqueduct 6-8 l:01Vifast 41 105 2 5 5 V 3J V I.illey 1; Dime Site, Beeloae, K. Kallmann 21824 Aqueduct 5 s l:it0%fast 21 197 4 1 1 22 l"k V I.illey 7 Murphy. BoliRedtield. Dr.Grenier 21755 Belmont 61 f at 1:87 slow 12 110 Left nt the post. T McTagt 7 Celandria. tfalacblte, MiaaPasale 21707 Belmont 51 f at l:07%fast 12-3 107 5 3 2 l1 l1 W Lilley 7 Dr.Gremer, Recluse. E.Baumann 21672 Belmont 5-8 st 1:00 fast 10 104 6 4 2 24 23 W Lilley 7 IJttleDipper, Plumose. Stellarina 21808 Aqueduct 5-8 1:02 fast 20 If* S 7 6 42 42 W Lilley 9 Dune Site. Flag Day. Little Alta 2K 9 Aqueduct B-8 l:02fast 20 1«7 7 7 7 7 710 .1 Hanover 8 Variety. Plumose, Kdna Kenna SOUTHERN STAR, br. f. 2 97 By Marathon — Edna Shannon lD. E. McGinnis. 22732 H line. in ."■ r si 1:06 fast 38 M4 1 4 5 61 Pi K Campbli H Ih »e, Kdna Keana, Recluse 22358 Saratoga 3 1 PrSfjfcgOod ih H9 4 3 :. 8* l2 V Lilley 12 Sevillian. Kdna Kenna. Venture 22214 Saratoga 61 f l:ll%hvy 5 ill 1 2 1 22 4 11 Troxler 13 Baddys Choice, Bigtodo, Nolli 22115 Saratoga ."• . f 1 :r_-;.slow 10 112 1 1 1 V -- R Troxler . Whimsy. Moll ie Elliott, Bigtodo 221 .Saratoga 51 1 iTD6siow 12 100 f 5 5 «- 6" W Lilley 10 Disturber. Ilaria. Bhtck Beauty 22069 Saratoga 51 f 1:18 hvy 8 109 1 111! :;° R Troxler .1 S.Kgkt. B.ofT.Kben, M.Pllbin 21990 Aqueduct 6 I 68 that 12 109 6 6 6 9* 8i4« Traxler 8 stellarina. E. Keana. B. Redfleld 21908 Aqueduct ." S 1 :00 fast 2 109 I 4 4 4 5s R Troxler S Maif-u. Fairweather, M. 29327 Church I 41 f 64%faat 77 M 110 7 7 7= 7:4 J Butwcll 11 Cardome. Bessie N., Onnta SUN GOD, ch. c, 2 117 By Aeronaut: — Sunrise E. B. Cassatt. 22170 Saratoga 51 f l:12%mud 15 100 :i S B s 7", K Campbl 9 Success, Fernrock, Startling 22064 Saratoga 51 I l:10%hvy 20 110 5 5 5 4 :7i. T Dayies 5 C. Vennie, W.Hackle, Damrosofa 21727 Belmont 51 f st 1 :06%rast 13 111 5 6 5 4° 32;T Davies 5 White Hackle. Ildiko. P. Willow 21629 Belmont 5i f st 1 :07 fast 8 112 9 7 7 42 633 T Davies 9 Hands Off, Scccesa. Tralee ll.i , Aqueduct 3-4 l:U%slop 3 115 3 3 8 8 1* T lai. s 6 lal.Baumann, Tribolo, Cswinthe 21344 qjuedoct 5 s 1:04 hvy 4 5 112 1 2 4 11 1* T Davies S Nolli, Maifou. Startling 20955 Jamaica 51* 1 :"72.,fast 7 95 1 5 5 4" ¥• V. Campbli G Regina, Fernrock, Success 20536 Belmont 5 S st 1 :02,ifast 20 107 7 6 5 41 2 E Campbell 7 Pleione. Fernrock. Broomvale 20406 Belmont 41 f at 54 mud 20 MB 4 I 8*| I P Ryan 7 Fernrock, Broomvale, Blue Rack 2036 Belmont 41f at 53%faat 8 MS 6 7 7 7"J J P Ryan 8 Grasp, White Hackle, Broomvale LITTLE ALTA. b. f, 2 106 By Golden Maxim— Personal Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Belmont 5 f st 1 :064-,fast 15 KG 3 2 2 I1 . ■ . .1 McTagrt « Edaa Kenna, tralee. D.s Choice 22488 Saratoga 51 t l.-09%alow SB 105 s s x 8»1 9«*1F Hernerl 11 P.IVuty. lmtant B.of tneKben 22424 Saratoga 5l. f l:07%fast 12 MTi :» 7 7 K- 8" M Buxtoa u Ilaria. Good Counsel. PdiiaKenna 22227 Saratoga 61 f Ulhvy 6 107 3 3 4 2l 2-2 M Garner ■« Poppee, DoUna, Kdna Kenna 21769 Belmont 5-8 st l:00%fast 41 107 1 11 2 4J M Buxton 7 E.Baumann, G.Coonsel, StelFina 21752 Belmont 6-8 st l:00%slow 20 109 4 1 1 21 3 i F Herbert 10 BroomTale, B. Redfleld, KditbOlga 2M08 Aqueduct 5 8 1:02 fast 15 109 6 1 1 11 l«| T McTagt 9 Dune Site, Flag Bay, Sal Vanity 21529 Aqueduct 5-8 l:02%fast 20 105 1 2 3 tj 4!J .1 McTagrt 8 Variety. Plumose. Kdna Kenna 21188 Jamaica 5-8 l:91%fast 25 105 3 3 3 32 34 J McTagrt! Kdna Kenna, Plumose. Lvun 21044 Jamaica 6-8 l:01%fast 7 96 2 5 5 5s 3T1 P Lowder 7 Lily Heivens. Tralee, Plumose 88977 Jamaica C-8 l:0l%fast 30 109 2 12 33 3=.1 McTagrt 14 Ataka. BessUea, Stellarina 20829 Belmont 41 f st 53 fast 15 108 9 9 9 9 916 M Buxtou 1 Lit. Dipper, M. Puzzle. Feminist

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