Fifth Race [5th Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-08

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FIFTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Handicap. 28900 1:12 S 1" KEWESSA, b. g, 6 109 Bv McGcc— Sanfara W. L. Oliver" . 22700 BlueBon. 3-4 1:12 fast E 105 E 111-1 il llanmer l«i Venet la, Sil 1.. -,r Mm .a-r D Windsor 3-4 7 5 107 1 13- 2" .1 Sm.Ul: 7 Venet ia, OtbeUo, tle«. Mo« HortErie 3-4 lHv.,good 37-6 102 2 2 1 l1! 1*1 J Smyth 7 SirKdgar, PanZareta, R.Bradl H835 Hamton 3-4 l:12-%fast 2-5 105 :: 111" V 1 ....per 8 Venghee, MrtlnCasca, I Junni 21783 Hamton 5J f l:05%fast 13-5 110 6 2 2 2 j • P Lowder 12 811 r Day, Con osia. Zm 1 21815 Hamton 3-4 l:13%fast 7-5 HI 2 12 2 42 J Metcalf 7 Carbide, BecoU, !r. Larrlck 21203 Hamton S-4 l:12%fast 8 197 6 5 4 4 3» 3 Metcalf 7 Pan Zareta. Carbide. Dr. Larrt 20821 BlueBon. 6*fl:07%faat 3-2 114 6 4 2 3 8 | L McAtee 11 /in Del. Squeeler, Slipper Pay 207"l Dorval 8-4 Himfast 9-5 112 4 4 3 IM-J l Mlbewi 0 Back Bay. DeiKwit, i - Pa 20644 Dorval 3-4 l:l3=hfast 8-5 114 3 11 li 3» H Hanimr 1; WaterLailv. B.CunardeO.nenoi PAN ZARETA. eh. m. i 125 By Abe Frank— Caddie Griffith H. S. hewmai.. 22657 BlueBon. 7-8 1:26 fast 3-2 122 2 3 2 2 2 J r •....,.■•!• H BackBay. TeuPoint. Hwumimi 22522 Conght 3-4 l:14%good 8-5 13s 2 1 2 f .. K Gaopet 5 Sir Edgar, BackBay, Pla1 LSI* 22163 FortErie 3-4 l:14Vsgood 8-4 130 E 4 I 41 ::-. F Cooper 7 Kewessa, Sir Edgar, It. Brad! 21877 Hamton 3-4 fit-slop 7-5 139 1 2 5 E 6" F Ooopec G Dr. Larrlck, Ed Howard. 21780 Hamton 3-4 l:ll%fast 7 10 140 :; 22 i"k k p Goapet 8 Sir Edgar, Dr. Larrlck. Bockvll 217 21 Windsor 3-4 3 5 136 4 1114 1*1 V Cooper u Commonada, Id Howard. Eteco 21628 Windsor 3-4 l:U%fast 4 5 118 3 11 l»" F Cooper 0 Back Bay. Iron Mask, lb -n 21258 Hamton 5i f l:08andfast 8-5 131 3 11 V l5 F Cooper D ShrEdgar, EdHoward. Hnnsema 21868 Hamton 8-4 l:12%aat 11-5 127 5 2 3 3l 15 F Cooper 7 Carbide. Kewessa, Dr. Lirrick SIR EDGAR, ch. c. 3 109 By Cunard— Stumpy H. G. Bedwell. 703 BlueBon. 3 t 1:12 fast 2. m:i l 3 5 1 T Etici l Kewessa Venetla, Slip] Da 22522 Conght 3-4 l:14*4good 5 Hi" 3 8 3 2- T. .1 Callaoan ~ PanZareta, BackBay. Pla.eGla 22451 Windsor 3-4 l:15%mud 17-10 163 1 2 2 2" !■ J Callahan 4 Ed II. ward. Ormolu, Othello 22163 l-ortKrie 3-4 i:i4igoodSl-l0 bi3 4 1 2 31 -:1 A Mott 7 Kewessa. PaoZareta. B.Bradh •.;7S» Hamton 3-4 lrllistast 3.1 as 1 11 2- l"k M earner ■ PanZareta, Dr. Lai rick. Bockvll 21258 Hamton 5 f l:06Vtfast 27, 95S 2 2 2 22 25 J CaBahan 0 PJgareta, EdHoward, Honaema 20842 BlueBon. 3-4 l:13%fast 10 105J 3 5 5 4J 43 E TapUn ■ Ban Zareta, Carbide, Deposit 1S457 H.deGce 5i f l:07 /5fast 9 lis 3 5 7 71! 713 R Troxler [4 Boxer, Hanson. Dr. Larrlck 18432 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 good 3 112 1 11 l1 lh R Troxler B Kgmont, Stal. Helen. H. Junior 18115 H.deGce 5i t l:09%mud 7 111 1 2 5 5* 583 F Keogh 7 Gaelic, Sar.vnef. HaaaMO VENETIA, b. f, 3 106 By Solitaire II. — Salvatrix P. Sheridan. 22700 BlueBon. 3-4 1:12 fast 18-6 ME E E 4 r. :■ .1 CalUbai IO Kewessa, Sir EiIki Sllppi?r Di 22249 Windsor 3-4 l:13*fcfast 7 1 97 2 2 1 1 1 .1 CaUahar T Kewessa. OtheDo. Thi W. Ab-. 22081 FortKrie 51 f lK»6%good 12 -5 85 4 4 4 1- T; H Stearns 7 South. Maid. Vogue, Between I 21740 Windsor 5J f 1:06 fast 23-5 10s 1 l 1 l* 1° F Cooper W Peggy I... MeoUcka. Laaghorne 21683 Windsor 5 f 1:12 hvv 29-10 106 3 1 1 l1 D£ F Cooper 1 Meelicka. Ktbartne G., Moscow 21587 FortErie 5J f 1 :0»%slow 29-80 9T, t 1 1 la 1 M darner o fengbee. Lamrhorne. L. I-.nilot 21466 FortErie 3-4 1:26 hvy 12-5 106 4 1 3 31 411 J Metcatf ; Brandywine, Kate K., Joe Kiuu 21286 Hamton 3-4 1:l4/5fast 8 106 7 1 1 l2 2i» J Metcalf 12 The Spirit. Sir Blaise. Videt 209S7 Conght 5* f l:10.slow 4 91 6 2 1 lilj T Hayes 1 A. N. Akin. Deposit, M. John so 20420 Wdbine 3-4 1:11 fast 28 KM 1 2 2 3J 54J J Metcalf 1; Ban Zareta, BecoU, Shyness 20175 Lexgton 3-4 l:l.j%hvy 18 100 8 6 2 4- 6"1A Mott 111 Billy Joe, OHagaa, Ho.nir WATER LADY. b. f. 4 102 By Waterbov— Ductless cf Towers J. Arthur 1. 22700 BlueBon. 3-4 1:12 fast 11 103 3 E 6 51! 55 B McDott IO Kewessa, Vem-tla. Sir Bdgar 22040 FortErie :, 4 l:17%hvy 7 10 4 4 4 4 8*1 C Hfcrat 4 Th.-W.Moun. BackBay, Dr.l.url 21: 7 Hamton 1 l:4L%slow 3 108 2 2 1 1 ll 81 L McAtee 8 Schemer, Recoil, Progressive. 21780 Hamton 3-4 l:ll%fast 10 103 7 6 6 6* 64 R Shilling 8 Sir Edgar. PanZareta. Dr.LarrtC 21742 Windsor 1 1:40 fast 3-5 97 1 2 2 2 3= 33 L .McAtee 8i Foimlain Fay. Schemer, Bendel 21790 FortKrie 3-4 1 :16.slow 3J 101 1 3 1 l2 1° D McAtee S Vogue. Bendel. Squeeler 21009 Conght 3 4 l:14%slow 3 110 4 4 4 4 4*3 W Obert 4 Recoil. Back Bay, Pan Zareta 20961 BlueBon. 1 l:42%mud 11-10 84, 5 3 2 1 Is 1* L McAtee 8 Squeeler, An;etv. Harbard 20920 BlueBon. 2-4 1:14 fast 2 103 4 4 3 32 Is W Obert « Proctor. King W..rth. Back Ba; 20822 BlueBon. ll:39%fast 19-10 106 5 2 2 2 21 35 W Obert 6 Cmonada. B. ie~. Shynoa 20S44 Dorval 3-4 7-5 104 6 5 6 4* 1" R Shilling C Bvef unarder, Kewessa. DeposJ THE WIDOW MOON, br. m. 6 95 By Stalwart — Slippery Keystone Stable. 22700 BlueBon. 3-4 1:12 fast 13 :ni 7 4 2 2- 7"H.; Morya 10 Kewessa. Vcnetla, Sir Cdirar 22657 BlueBon. 7-8 1:26 fast 160 96 3 11 1 S1 6*1 3 Morya S Back Bay. PaoZareta. TenPoin 22595 Conght 1 i:47%mud 8 ME 2 11 1 V E»| A Bckflgr 6 OoraJcan, Pardner, Plate Glass 22522 Conght 3-4 1 :i4%good 30 96 6 4 4 41 5« R Mcli oti s Sir Edgar. PanZareta, BackBa] 22454 Windsor 1 l:43*fcmud 31-5 % 3 1 1 2 21 31 R McDott 4 Hodge, Barnegat, Scrutineer 22903 Windsor 1 l:4o%hvy 1 100 3 1 1 2 2i : J Callahan 0 Celto. Harbard. MoTing 1ictun 22249 Windsor 3-4 1 :13%fast 28 105 6 4 4 tl 44 L G ntry T Veoetia, Kewessa, UtbeUo 22136 FortErie 1 l:45VBhvy 2J 97 1 1 1 2 3* 4i It McDott E R. oil. Pardner, Black Broom 22040 FortErie 3-1 l:172 ihvy 26-5 92 2 1 1 1= l5 I Lewder 4 BackBay, WaterLadv, Dr.L.irricIi 21925 Hamton H f 1:07 hvy 2 90 1 2 2 2e 23 L McAtee 6 Carbide, B. Hensley. EdHowan LADY BARBARY. br. f, 3 105 By Galveston— Barbary Belle R. F. Carman. 22700 BlueBon. 3-4 1:12 fast 66 ME s 7 8 f* 9" 3 WIBIainslO Kewessa. Ven lia, s:. Edgar 22526 Saratoga 3-4 l:14%good 15 115 4 5 4 6 ci F 8 Coa. Tower, Grumpy, LeoSkolnj 22487 Saratoga 3-4 l:15 7 102 3 12 2. flK Martin 8 Win. Witch, Hes .Prynne, EagV 22361 Saratoga 11:42 good 20 100 7 6 0 3 r. b»J E Martin s Kogret, T. by Jory, Lady Rotho 22262 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 .slow 12 115 9 9 3 2 2J J Butwell 11 Snpten.lent. Grumpy, L. Skolay _2 16 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 hvy 6 93 1 5 5 5 5«| M Garner :. Pixy. Leochares, Superintendent . 093 Saratoga 3-4.1:18 hvy 5 114 6 3 12* 23 3 Butwell 7 Fenmouse. Quartz. Grumpy 21843 Aqueduct 61 f 1 :20%fast 12 US 6 6 6 7 719 J Butwell 7 Harry Shaw. H.Barbee. Polarlna 1564 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14Hfast 15 121 5 E 4 4- V* J Butwell • Hanovia. HelenBarbee. S.Jaekroa 11190 Jamaica 3-4 1:13%fast S los 4 4 4". 6"JG Hu.stis E T.othMning, S.Sbell. R.Maldea 18479 H.deGce 5 f 1-07 fast 8 110 3 3 2 2" 4=1 R Trox*er B Hanson.. Between Cs, S tal. He leu GREETINGS, ch. f, 2 90 By Glorifier — Glad Tidings F. J. Coleman. 21591 FortErie 51 f 1 :ll%alow 17-20 MB 1 I 4 Fell. M Garner 7 AotLAnstin, Larkin. Bi nStrao 1527 FortErie ■ s 1 :o4 slow b-5 104 4 4 4 2 21"; . I Acton 1 Investment, B. Straw, A. Austhl 21311 Hamton 6 8 l:ol%fast 5 104 5 5 2 2* lh J Acton ! Servia. CBomer, Broom Straw 21222 Hamton r.-s 4 104 6 6 6 7s 67 A Schugr S Gentlewoman, Will Cash, 21O06 Conght 5-8 1 :"4-~,s-iow 13-6 Mi it 7 5 61 5*1 A Schugr 9 Gentlewoman. W. Cash. B. Straw 20393 Wdbine 6-8 l:02%good 7-10 105 3 2 2 21" 1" A Schugr ." Cincinnati. B. Sinimi.-. Larkiu 20388 Pimlico 4J f 56y3good29-l0 p..". :; 6 E 7" 711 A Schugr 8 Glomer, Golden List. Divan 20613 H.deGce 1-2 48%fast 4-5 105 9 3 2* l1 E Ambrose ! Golden List. Divan. Ttalee 19040 Bowie 1-2 49%fast 9-5 10S 2 4 45 2- E Ambrose ft S. 1 via. Cincinnati. In rease 19S55 Bowie 1-2 49%fast 13-5 105 5 21! I1! E Ambrosell Cincinnati, B. Straw. MargaretO.

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