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CONNAUGHT PARKS ANNUAL MEETING. Ottawa, Out., October 31. Satisfactory statements were presented at the annual meeting of the Con-naught Park Jockey Club. The board of directors of the club for 1!17 was elected as follows: E. S. Houston, T. Ahearn. J. K. Paisley, W. A. Allen, Sir Clifford Sifton, II. B. McGivcrn, Stewart Mac-Clenaghan, F. W. Carling, Captain T. F. Ahearn, Hon. Senator N. A. Belcourt, E. S. Skead. L. N. Bate, V. A. Irvin, F. E. Paradis, !. E. Fauquier, W. A. Grey, C. Ross, W. II. McAuliffe and W. E. Powell. The following wore elected as officers: Honorary President, His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire; president, Hon. Senator N. A. Belcourt; vice-presidents, Sir CHITonl Sifton, G. E. Fauquier and T. Ahearn; honorary treasurer, E. S. Houston; honorary ; secretary, C. Ross.