Opposition To Racing At Phoenix.: State Executive Takes Stand Against Leasing Fair Grounds for Racing Purposes., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-19


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OPPOSITION TO RACING AT PHOENIX. State Executive Takes Stand Against Leasing Fair Grounds for Racing Purposes. Phoenix, Ariz.. April IS. Governor Campbell has issued a statement regarding the granting of ■ five year base of the state Fair Grounds for a running meeting with pari-nmtucl machines as the medium of speculation. The Governor said that having heard rumors that the fair commission was planning to grant a lease of the Fair Grounds for a running meeting at which the p.iri-mutucl betting system would be in operation, h«. wrote the secretary of the commission asking that no contracts he enter* d into at this time. The letter was referred to the commission and three days later the five year lease was signed by Homer Wood and Charles Layton. granting Cecil I. P.oyce tin- right to use the Fair Grounds tor five years and providing for the use of the pari muttiel system of wagering at the mM meetings. Governor Campbells statement says in part: "Considering it incompatible with my self re-sqioct and Ix-math tin- contempt of the office to which the citizenry of Arizona have elected me, I shall not allude to the childish demeanor of the officials in charge of the Fair Grounds, but I wish to go on record here and now, that the use of state property at a time when the state of Arizona and the Cnited States are in the throes of a world conflict of unprecedent-d proportions, the most serious consideration of the expenditure of every dollar possessed by our people, is a sacred responsibility. It has too much the appearance of providing the favoritism of questionable frolic for some, as against death for others." Governor Campbell has wired the War Department offering the use of the state Fair Grounds as a mobilization center. Cecil Boyce. lessee of the Fair Grounds, declared that the first race meeting would start April 28, as planned, regardless of the Governors action.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917041901/drf1917041901_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1917041901_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800