Training In Full Swing At Louisville.: Omar Khayyam, North Star III., Starmaster and Other Derby Candidates Working Well., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-19


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TRAINING IN FULL SWING AT LOUISVILLE. Omar Khayyam, North Star III., Starmaster and Other Derby Candidates Working Well. By Charles A. Bergin. Louisville. K.v.. April IS. Judge Charles F. Price, well-known racing official, who has probably judged more races than any other racing official in this country, reached his home in this city today, after a most enjoyable visit of over two months at Naples. Fla.. where he was the guest of George M. Hi tnliie of Detroit. His bronzed face and clear eye clearly suggest good health, the best he avers he has enjoyed in a good many years. The trip to Florida was .ludge Prices annual winter vacation, and usually follows the wind tip of his official duties at the .luarez meeting, over which lie bus presided since the track was fiist opened, fester day morning lie paid a isit to the Downs trail;. and was agreeably surprised to note the large number and excellent appearance of the horses in training there. He declared there was extraordinary interest lx ing manifested by all classes in the forthcoming Kentucky Derby and predicted the race would I lie of the best in the long history of tin- race. .ludge Price has occupied the position of presiding steward at Churchill Downs for a number of years and. previous to his acceptance of that po sit ion. he was for many years secretary of tin-New Louisville Jockey Club. He has always enjoyed a reputation for rainless and cm client judgment, and ha; performed tin- duties of the posi lion with entire satisfaction. This year, in nddi tion to the Dow lis, he Wll serve as presiding steward at Doucl.ts Park and I alfia He will also be in tin- stand at both of the Windsor meetings. Interest in the preparation of .lohnson and Billings" CSM Omar Khayyam for the Kentucky Derby, is heightened by the fact that exactly twenty years ago trainer Charlie Patterson, now in charge of the English colt, came within an ace of winning the Derby with Mrrumcnt. which at the time was regarded as the best thr year-old of the year. This was in 1S! 7. sad Ornament several mouths prior to the race, was a strong favorite, his price being i|iioteil at even moicy. This was his opening price the day of t lie race, but for some unaccountable reason, it went to nine to live at post time, with a big support developing on .1. C. Calms Typhoon II., which subsequently proved the victor. Clayton Blimed for Ornaments Defeat. I.onnie Clayton, at that time a famous colored rider, was aboard of Ornament and he was Massed for die coif-, defeat, by those who closely observed tiie running of the race, although the favorite-, defeat was generally attributed to the muddy track. In his subsequent racis Ornament proved to be a good mud runner. Moreover, the best trial at one mile anil a i|iiarter shown by Typhoon II.. in his preparation. was 2:11 ... while Ornament had worked in L:ds aad a fraction. Clapton had received waiting orders, but he made the mistake of waiting toa long and did not make his mow until he struck the paddock gate, where he was two lengths bail, of Typhoon II. In the elo mi: rush he took the favorite over ma,- tin- rail in the heaviest going, but despite this. Ornament was only beaten by a neck for first mom y. The suae year the pair met in the St. Louis Derby over a heavy track, and Ornament won easily, with Typhoon li. finishing third. Ornament later sa seared in tin- Latoata, Oakley and Detroit Derbys and other important stakes. Trainer latierson believes that Ornament was one of the best horses of his time, an I while h ■■ ii see not desiie to underrate tin- ability of Omar Khayyam, he nevertheless would give a good deal if the English-bred measured up to the same standard. He believes, however, that Omar Khayyam will develop into a real racer am! prove the equal, if not superior, of any of those named in this years Derby. This colts preparation is going on apace, am! yesterday he was sent another mile, which he cov end in 1:40%, aad caatered out tin- extra quarter. He wil. be shipped to Lexington next week and will probably be started in the Derby trial at one mile and one-eighth, which will be run the ninth day of the Lexington meeling. Yesteriay eras work day at both local tracks and before lie- morning tasks had been concluded, many fast move; were chronic! d. At ChsrehfJl Downs, from ■ time standpoint, tin-show ing of .. K. Maconibers pair of Derby eligible! Btnrmuuter and HoUister was tin- most cess-meiidalile. These two were seat a mile aad the raced like a team at an even pace, covering the distance in 1:43%. The easy maimer in which Starmaster performed his task impressed the spec tutors, ami created the belief that if he siarts. he will be a formidable competitor for the rich prise. North Star ill., and War Star wen- also sent for a journey of a mil-- and tiny acquitted themselves creditably by raciag the distance in 1:1«J-... They wen- going loo Cast in t!ie first quarter ami trainer .leiiuiiigs had to signal their riders to reduce their ■peed. Apprehension Over Swelling on Nortli Stars Knee. Some apprehension has arisen among a number of horsemen seer the slight swelling on tin right front kiue i,r Nortii Star ill. This is not apparent except to the practiced eye. an I has no effect whatever on tiie coifs speed. The swelling was there wln-n tin- cell hit England aad will probably remain until the end of his career. Trainer .Icnniiigs is not worrying oxer the matter, and says it is of slight co|isei|Uencc. Star Gaz.-r aad Le Chevesne, two of the stables other Derby eUgiMes, were also worked a mile, which they did in 1:17-.- Le Chevesne appeared a trifle lame after the trial, but he juii klv walked out of it. Some other moves by Derby colts at the Downs included the following: Acabado Mil,- in 1:52%. Defense -Mile in 1:48. Keawurd Mile in 1 : 17. Milkman Mile m 1 IS. Ticket Mile in 1:51%; Vague Mile in 1 : 17 .. Good trials bv ether than Derby colts were: Boots Mile in 1:49%. Dick Williams Mile in 1:50. Hesperus - Mile in 1 : Id ■ .. Kathleen — Three-quarters in 1:10. Roamer- Mil,- in 1:44%. Simbonnet Mile in 1:11. Verdant Mile in 1:11. Fast work was also the order of the day at Douglas Park, where a number of the speedy ones burned up the track. The best showing Was that of the English colt. Atwett, which went a mile in 1:41% and pulled up sound. Treviseo went a similar distance in 1:45%. Green Jones got na opener, when he was sent three-quarters in 1:15% and finished without distress. Best Mile of Season by Water Witch. The best mile of the season was made by W. .1. Youngs Water Witch, which covered the distance in 1:42%. This good mare is rapidly rounding to and she will soon be in gram condition for her engagement in the Camden Handicap at Lexington. She will have lo carry Kl.t pounds in this race. Another good one in the Young barn, that is working well for the Lexington meeting, is the two year-old Escoba, which yesterday worked a half mile in 40. This east, which is by Broomstick, will be seen under colors in tin Idle Hour Stakes. Whiskey Dick, a two-year-old colt by Dick Welles — Grace Commoner, a half-brother to Frigerio, in the stable of R. P. Marshall, the Pittsburgh attorney, is growing so fast that his trainer. "Chick" Dwyer. has found that it interferes with his training Therefore, for the present, the colts training has been abandoned. Col. Matt J. Winn announced yesterday that all of the 100 boxes at Churchill Downs, with the exception of a half dozen, had already been taken for Derby Day. Those desiring any for that day will have to hurry their reservations. The club house catering privilege at the Downs has again boon awarded to T. L. Solger and Company of this city, who will receive all orders for luncheons in the club house Derby Day. Charles F. Grainger, ex-mayor of Louisville, and president of the New Louisville Jockey Club, is enrolled as a full-fledged railbird. He is out at the Downs every morning early, and watches the gallops with keen relish. He has a record of having witnessed the running of every race at the Downs since the track was opened in 1S75, with the exception of the races run in 1892, when he was unavoidably absent in Europe. Green Jones, Treviscn. Mnnister Toi. Harry Kelly, Cudgel. Acabado and Berlin are all eligible to the Ben Ali Haudicap, to be run at Lexington the second day of the meeting. In all probability all of them will be seen in this race, which is at one mile and a sixteenth.

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