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WORKOUTS AT LOUISVILLE SEVEN MACOMBER DERBY CANDIDATES SENT A MILE AT GOOD SPEED. Basil Gallops a Fast Half Mile at Full Racing Pace and I; Expected to Sl.ow Weil at Lexington — May Change Berlins Name. By C. A. Bergm. laodaillh, Ky„ At. ril 23. Yesterday e/itaeaaed the l.iti-st ni:ii her of work watchers of 1 1 1 » - season at the l«»i:il tracks, the rUUn being attracted by tin- fiii weather, sad the ianwna.Lt of witnessing stun.- t*;t t trial*. Those arha eaaae expecting to see the Maeamber eligible* e,o through their pacta, irere doomed to disapfmietoieat, aalesa they tbaed their visit :it the hour the milkman is making his rounds. Laaa; befete the ma had begun to paint the eastern horiaon, traiaer Jennings had liis Derby charges oat for mk stiff arark aad the few sleepy raitbirds who amde it their business to be aa hand were gteea niii-Ii food for serious thought, for the colts worked i..ttor thaa they had dawe since their arrival here. Ill pairs they wen OCWl ;i mile Bad all showed u| finely, with aa abaadaace of speed aad a disposition to g mi. They core red the aiile in 1:42 or thereabouts aad palled aa sound. North star 111. aad War Star went together :is aaaal aad the forani1 with Baxtea up was eager to run aad bad to ha hard held. Be could easily have owtdistaBeed his sfiidem. te. Master aad HoUister went together. ios.iv tamebed throughout. Le Cheresae aad star Gaaer aceompaaied each other while. Wal nut Hall was si nt out alone. Trainer Jennings was iuhilant after the gallops and more especially thai of North Star III., which in- heiii v. s is .-. real Derby horse. He is also pleased With the others and declares that any one of the manlier is good enough to be seat after the Derby. All Star Working Well for Patterson. All star, which is Johnson A Billings sec, ml in their Derby bow, was aalhwbered t. the t-ti-iu--. et.-iii of three-quarters, the colt trareraiag the • •;■:. me- in i:io:... All Btar is by Sun Star Falling Star, and was hapotted from Falkland. He is well tor trainer c. t. Pattersoa, Who may decide to start him in the Derby in the event that Omar Khayyam, the stables cheif aspirant, ia unable to start. Trainer Dan U -I1.-111 had several of the Middl.toli and Jones Derby eolta oui and he let them go right along. iuy Fortune and QaUaat Lad were the on.-s and they booked ap far a work at one mile. the former show lag the greater speed, raaaiag the distam-e in 1:47%, while Callant Lad made the dbttaace in 1:48%. Tin- beat perforsaaaee recorded at the Downs this spring waa that of Basil, ■ three-year-old in the WickliiTc Stal-h. which galloped a half mile in 47-1.-, . This was a splendid showing, in view of the fact that the Roin waa somewhat deep. This colt is almost un to a race and will give a Rood account of himself at Lexiagtaa. Some other Rood moves included the followhag: Fair Mac, seren-eightbs in 1:32%; floanj Laaete and Sunllasli. mile in 1:49; F.d lump, three-.puar-ten in 1:15%; WBhlte, half in J.-.. At Don-las Park Harry Kelly ami Creeii Jones were Riven short spins to open them up for some ambitious work before being sent to I.exiiiRtoii. The Baker eoH weal live-eighths in 1:94, while the Seherr crack displayed three-eighths in 3s. John E. Madden, accompanieil by a party of friends, motored over from Lexington and spent tl.e entire morning lookiiiR over his big -table of horses at the Downs. Behayter I.. Pirsoas, prominent eastera turfman and a steward of the lackey Club, has closed a deal With II. Neilsteter. whereby he secures tie-contract on jockey L. Lykes, one of the most promising riders of the day. The consideration was not made public, hut i! is mid to be a huge amount. It is stipulated that Lykes is to be turu.-l to his new employer at the ead of the coming Douglas Dark aieetiag. 1 util that time Howard Dots will have first rail aa the boy. .Mr. larsons has arraaged to have tin- toy ride Koh i-Noor in the Ashland Oaks at Lexington. Tijuana Selling Race Rule Favored. J. S. Ward was around both local tracks yesterday getting the horsemen to attach their sig-nattircs to a petition to be presented to the State lacing Commission at its aext regalar meetiiiR. The petition emboilies the views of the local horsemen in regards to the coatemptated chaage in the selliuR race rules. It is practically the same arrangement Ihat was tried out so successfully at Tijuana last winter. Dade* this rule all claims for a horse must be made fifteen minutes prior to the raci for tin- selliiiR price, plus the Rross value of the purse. Only those having horses in a race an claim any other horse out of thai race. J. N. Camden has written Mr. Ward approving of the new rule and pledging his support to the same when it comes up at the commissions next meeting. The beshartea division of the Wickliffe Stable will go forward early this morning in charge of assistant traini r Alf Holberg. This division will comprise the following: Basil, Mida, Land League. Mcliorn. Poor Joe. Compadrc. Felicitation, llindu Dress, Noontide. Acabado. the stables chief Derby eligible, will be Best along later on. Denny Kleeg-er, the stables junior rider, will also go with the horses. In view of the fact that Berlin would undoubtedly attract much msmatt in the Derby, owner J. S. Ward, believing that the name at this time is unpopular, is seriously considering the advisability of making a change. The colt was originally named Sunny Jim, but was renamed Berlin by Mr. Ward when he acquired him. lie selected the name from a certain type of automobile body and not from the German capital. Kay Spence lias decided to ship psrt of liis stable to Lexington, and the following horses will go forward Wednesday: lied Salmon. Fight Fair. Miladi Anne, Macmonde and Lathalette. Claude Hunt will go along to do the riding.