Numerous Partnerships Registered.: Many Fashionable Stables Are Now Listed with the Jockey Club with Two Owners., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-24


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NUMEROUS PARTNERSHIPS REGISTERED. Many Fashionable Stables Are Now Listed with the Jockey Club with Two Owners. Ry Eel Cole. New York. April 23. — Numerous partnerships in the more fashionable- stables of race horses have h«-e-n re-gistered with the Jockey Club of late. Early in the season August Relmoiit re-giste-re-el Mrs. August Re-lmont as a partner in many e.f his horses, and his son Raymond in others. Following this registratieui came- xthat of Se-huyler L. Parsons, who gave his son an inte-ri-st in all his horses. In this months Racing Cale-nelar R. T. Wilson has turned over an inte-re-st in all his harass in training ami othe-rwise to his wife-. Mrs. Marion S. Wilson. In the- band are- eighty-two he-ad, twe-nty-thre-e- of wbie h are be-ing trained ff.r this ye-ars campaign, thirty-two broodmares anel stallions anil twenty-seven te.lts ami fillie-s of 1!1C, nad 1017. To have- the- wins auel families of sue-li illustrious borssmen ami nyortsnsea Interested in turf affairs is iiiinmenilable and reflects the- iele-as e.f perpetuation of thoronghhreil inte-re-st in the- b-aeling familii-s in the- Amcrii-an turf world. Aln-aely several le-aelers of soe-ie-ty arc represented in turf cin-les. notably Mrs. Payne Whitney, who owns the Greentree Stable. Mrs. Whitney is an enthusiastic sportswoman, de-VOtiag nuieh of her time- anil te. turf affairs. "A most aele.rable- woman" is the te-rm Useil |,y horsemen, from the highest to the- lowly rubber, ■hen W filling to Mrs. Payne- Whitney. She- rare-ly milieu a days raring, anil thoroughly enjoys the- oiit-ele.or sjM.rt ami e-xere-ise. It is unquestionably gratifying to Airs. Whitney, and [-leasing to the1 patrons of raring, to see prattle-illy all the club members ami many olhe-rs p.e.k towards Mrs. Whitney ami her parly, far she- is gene-rally we-11 surroumle-d by her he.sts e.f friends afte-r the- Victory of one of her horse-s. all raising their hats in a le.ngratulatory acknowledgment e.f what lnr horse has accomplished. Sin- no doahf considers it sufficient rennmerattea judging from ber slsrsys-pleaslng smile of rr rag nit ten More Acknowledgments Will Be in Order. Nov.- that other women of the exclusive sit are-owners e.r part owners of horses, more scknowl-edgasents will be- in orele-r. Both Mrs. P.i-lnu.nt and Mrs. Wilsni will be- te-mle-re-1 ions whi-n their horse-s are- Victorians. Sympathies, too. e-an be- expressed when they an defeated, it is goe.ei for the turf to have such women as Mrs. Itelmi.nt. Mrs. Whitney. Mrs. Wilson and others as owners or part owners of horse-s. Another registrattea of owm-rship will be- area ted with pb-asure by the- oiele-r schoe.l of owne-rs. It is t!:-- return to raring of Francis . Hi-he.i.. v !io at one time was saosclated with Andrew Milter in the Wewcastle stable-. Mr. Btehog never lost :n-terest in turf affairs, but it is only re-ently that bis name appeared in tin- Baring Calendar as part owner in tin- twe.-ye-ar-old Ne-ppe-rhan along with Gifford A. Cochran. The hois- will run in filename- e.f Mr. Cochran, but it may evi-ntually I. ring about a farther Interest in racing for Mr. Bishop, who always was and will be a Welcome aelelitien to the ranks of owners. J. s. Cosden has Joined hands with Bal Parr, a half inte-re-st having be-e-n taken in all Mr. Parrs he-rse-s. TheK are- nine-teen in the stable. Ifr. Cosden came into prnmiaenee last year when he pnrchnaed tin- English horse Crimper, by Main tenon Frizze-tte-. throngh Mr. Parrs suggi-stie.n ami inl!u--ne c. Since that time- the-re- has been a elose-r tinf allili-itie.ii between Mr. Ce.sile-n ami Mr. Parr, .judging from their roce-nt registration of ownership. Many e.f the stable are jumpe-rs. hut there an- also ten two-year-eats ami four three-year-olds. Crimper naturally is the star of the rottec-ttes ami will in. nonbt 1»- se-en in many handicaps this year. All the lmrse-s will run in the name and raters of Mr. Parr.

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Local Identifier: drf1917042401_2_9
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