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EARLY REQUESTS FOR STALL ROOM. Horsemen Already Seek Stable Accommodations for Windsors Spring Meeting. Detroit. Mieh.. April 23.— Some Idea of the vast interest manifested in the- rich stake- anel e ve-r-night races to be conducted by the Windsor Jocke-y Club in July anel August e-an be- gained by the haste- of horse-men to be certain of getting stable ae-eomme.ehitious. Although the initial meeting is almost three months away applications for stalls are damped into the Joe-ke-y Clubs ofTie-e-s from eai-li incoming mail train, ami if the early requests are- a sample- e f the spirit of horsemen elsewhere- the club is destined to lie at a less to place them. In this respee-t a pre-ee-elent is eStahHnhad fe.r the-pieim-e-r racing organizit ion in Windsor. Entries fe.r the- fixtures will not close- until May 11. yet if iiei-e ssary the dab could conduct a meeting ami have- ple-nty of material to fill the- with on the- strength of asohraares horsemen have- given that they will be he-re-, eve-n at this early elate-. Cneiue-stie.nably the- im-reaseel added money f.,r all handienns ami stakes has ha. I the- de-sir.-el te-ndi scy to attract attention to the-m. It was hope-el that the- cream of the- Ain-rie-an thoroughbred world W.ulel Compete in the Frontier Handicap. gM,gag in adde-el money — ne.w it is a ce-rtainty. BesnestS for blanks from the- foremost stable owners in the-country, among the-m annual chalb-nge-rs for the-famous Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Hnndltsp ami other lurf events e.f high value- yearly ele-e ideal be-b.w the- Mason ami Dixon line-. Eddie McBridc Among Early Applicants. Eehlie- Me -Rriele. nan owner of Ce-orge Smith, winner of the Kentucky Derby last year, is among the- early se-e-ke-rs of stable- MServntteua, his letter asking quarte-rs for tea to twelve- he-ad. He- BUS a band e.f two-year-olds, out of whieh he eventually hopes to get the- e-e.ual of Ge-e.rge Smith, whieh he- pri.e-el so highly. Inle-ss the-re- is a e-h.inge of he-art be-twe-i-n now and when the time- arri-.i-s to begin shipping to Windsor new enters will btend with e.hl s and Strang-- faces will mingle with the familiar In tin- puddork. George E. ChsneeBor asked for stake- blanks, while I. W. Coakle-y ami J. Q. Russe-y got in early fe.r shelte-r for their Strings, None of the-m e-e-i- has ippearcd in Windsor for tin- purpose of enmaabrntag horses. Conktey plans on shipping t.-n head and fie- are- naincil by P.iisse y. George- M. He-mirie. presielent of the Windsor Joekey Club, eami- up to Detroit from Flnriela. Where be- was e.n a vacation trip, attended te. some-busim-ss ami slipped out again, ostensibly for Havre de- Grace anil Bow hi. While the-re- Mr. He-mirie-will explain more- fully the advantages horsemen would have for racing for the- events that total more- than SM,0gg in fourteen raeing days in ;;| -dlttea to eighty-eight overnight purses that nave an average value- e.f |8M, It is too Uliee-rtaill to guess how the- stake- events will fill at this time-, sinee- the-y will not eleise until May II. but if they attract as many as the lMg fix tares, which were- worth but one-hall" of whit this years an- no eoinplaints will be mule. Preliminary activities aroused in tie- heirscmen Indicate, it would seem that all local records for nominations will be- broken.