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BR00KLINE PLANS FOR 1917 SEASON. As evidenee that the calling off of the BtOOkUns mee-ting eloes ne.t mean the enel of raeing at the Country Club. When it has liee-n an annual event for thirty-five years, plana are now under way fe.r th" announcement for a new race, whieh will be of the richest cross-cemntry events of the country. It will be- a snbseriptten event, to be run in 191S. anel the idea is to inelue-e the subscribing of many ne-weomers. esaoriuBy in the vicinity of Poston. The c-onditions will probably be framed by Frank J. Rryan. se-entary to tin- Hunts Committee. His idea will pe-rmit subseribers to lease horses for the race- if de-sired. This plan has been tried and proved attrae-tive, for it manna the creating of an interest among the non-owner, who soon becomes eager to see one of his own carrying the stable colors. No announcement of details will be made until the war is over, but the matter will be thoroughly organized in the meantime, and when subscriptions are asked for, the response is certain to be in keeping with the success attained with similar rae-es at other paints. Rrookline means to fenny in line with the general progress of steeplechasing gene-rally.