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ADDITIONAL RACING FOR NEW ORLEANS. Thirty Days Sport Over New Track in Jefferson Parish Seems Assured — Latest Eastern News. By J. R. Jeffery. Baltimore. Md.. May 7. — That the New Orleans winter racing season is to be lengthened by the addition of some thirty days of racing over the proposed new track in Jefferson Parish now seems assured. According to Jail Bryan, who has just returned from a trip to Ne-w Orleans, ground has just been broken for the construction of the new course, aad it will be ready for opening on the coming Thanh sailing lay. Mr. Bryan, who is joint owne-r with .lames F. OHara of the Bowie track, has agreed to finance the late-st New Or-le-ans rae-ing venture- to tl Stent of taking all tin-stock that may not be disposed of locally in New Dramas anil vicinity. Mr. Bryan was accompanied north by Judge Fred A. Middleton of Jefferson Parish, one- of the original promoters of the new racing venture. Judge Middle-ton. who has re-ce-ntly beea honored by his fellow citizens by election to the- police magistracy of Jeffe-rson Parish, is enthusiastic over the prospe-cts for th" new racing organization. "Now that Mr. P.ryan has comet forward with the- promise to take any of our sloek that m:.y not be sold among our own people." he-said, "it is a sure thing that the track will he-built and at once-. In fact, we- have already lie-gun work. Drainage elite lies are- now being eiug and other preliminary work will follow as fast as practicable. We- plan to build our plant with an eye to permanency, and reckon that the- track and its eqalpraeat will cost seer S200.000. exclusive- of the cost of the land. The location is about two miles from the city limits of New Orleans and SSBM s-ven mile-s from the heart of the city. Transportation facilities will Ik- as good as could Im- asked. An electric- line adjoins the site of the track on one-side, while two steam railroads run along the property on the opposite side, one of which is the Illinois Central. "Our rae-ing will be conducted under the auspices of the- Jefferson Parr Association, and in connection with our annual meeting we propose to conduct a tea-days fair on a pre It aliens scale. We figure-that the prsceedS of the racing will easily finance-the- fair, which heretofore has been run at a deficit While we have- no definite understanding wilh the Business Mens Racing Aawcistlia of New Orleans, we feel sun- that our entry into the racing field will be we-lcomeel by the- members of that organization, since we- are- positively planning to have no coaflict with the- Fair Grounds racing plans in any way. Li fact, we- who are- behind the m-w venture- feel that our coming into the New Orleans fidd wilt materially strengthen the- position of the Baals I M Mens Baciag Asssciatioa and that aa will prove a valuable- auxiliary to that live- STgasJaatJea whose initiative has done so much for New Orleans through tin-restoration of racing as one of tin- attractions of our winter season. P.y providing some thirty days of racing in aelelition to the limite-el season at the Fair Grsaads, we- figure that New Orleans will be more attractive than ever to th- owners of important racing rtabtee and to the Ihrnasartl of visitors who journey to the Crescent City to enjoy the racing. Joseph A. Mirphy to Be Manager. "Judge Joseph A. Murphy, whose supervision of the lacing has been an important factsr in the restoration of the spirt at tie- Fair Grounds, lias agreed t- manage- cur racing and will be given a free hand to select his own staff of officials and othe-rwise- sapeiliss the raciri:.. which sicubl be rafficieal assaraace that our meetings will be con-dacted sa a high-class basis. We- plan to bsM onlv one meeting annually, opening on Thaaksgiviag Day and eontinuing until the opening of tin- Fair Grenada meeting January L As every bodv knows, the Itu-iness Baciag Association is under agreement with H. D. Brown, by the terms of tin- purchase of City Park, not to ran- before January 1. so we will only be filling in the gap tiiat exists on account of the Brews agreeaaeat. "Tin JeaTerssa Fair Asssciatioa is distiactly a local organization and we have- an Idea that Mr. Bryan will not have the opportunity of putting much money into it. A eonside-rable part of our capital has already been rabeeribed aad now that we- have-actually begun work, some Jefferson Parish p. oph . who have beea wavering, pmhablv will come far-Ward with heir sabscriptioas. in any event, we are grateful to Mr. Bryan for having made it possible to go right ahead with our plans on a definite-basis. Local e-ouiiitions in Jefferson Parish an- entirely favorable for our ve-nture. The district attorney has gone on retard as taking the same riew of the- legality of the stake- holding system oi wagering as the district attorney of Ne-w Orteaaa has entertained and since my arrival he-re I have-been appraised by telegraph that the pettcc jury of the parish has formally endorsed the plans for our raetag. Oar rtsckhsMera embrace some of the foremost citizens ef the parish." Mr. Bryaa sisde hi- recent rip t- Ne-w Orleans primarily for the par punt of obtai.iing first haul information in the interest e-f his J.owi ■ im •• ttaWBt, having beard that it was tic- intention of the 110-moters of the new track to toadail sarins -md fall meetings that would CSSBC in confliet uiih the raeiag elates at Bewie. Be was so ataca hapressed with tin- possibilities of the Jeffe-rson Parish raeiag [dins that he re adily agreed to render such financial assistance as might be req;-:r--il to carry them to fruition, upon the- understanding that there would !"■ no siri-uis coaflict with Bowie, which was an easy matte r to arrange, since no spring BMetiag lad been coateaiplated at the uiW trail; and tin- iil"is of its promoters as to the proper time for the opening of the fail meeting were agreeable to .Mr. Bryan. Betting- Decision May Not Affect Bowie. Judge- Constable, in the Court of Appeals at Anna- paHs, las just rendered a decision of baportaace to raeiag. The decision found the Agrie ultur il Association of Montgomery County guilty of a violation of the Marylanel law in ne-rniitting bestoaakiag and poolscdliiig without a Ueease. In his ooiuioii Judge Constable declared that hereafter race- tracks cannot Im- conducted with betting unie-ss they have obtained a lie-ense except in the c-ountii-s of Baltimore. Harford. Washington. Cecil and Anne- Aniinlel. which are under tin- juriseliction of racing coniini- -sions. The- decision will have 110 material effect upon thoroughbred racing in this stat-. except pe---sibly at Bowie, which is in Prine-e George County The status of this track remains to be determine I. Attorney -Genera! Ritchie being quoted as saying that he would have to compare the full opinion just reads red by Judge Constable with the local laws applying to Bowie be-fore he could decide if the de-eisioii will affect racing at Bowie. Jeseph McLennan, who fills the position of rae-ing secretary most efficiently at various Ami ri an and Canadian race courses, lias been busily engaged of late in soliciting entries for the valuade st ike-s to be aeetaed in Canada this year. He reports that practically all of the stables that have beea customarily campaigned over the tracks of the Canadian Racing Associations, will be seen in action there during the approaching season, and that there will be some newcomers on the circuit in addition. Those who have already sent in stake nominations and mean to ship their stables from this locality to the Canadian tracks, include the following: Ral Parr. ;. II. Browne, Mirasol Stable. .7. S. Tyrc-e, II. G. Bedwell. R. F. Carman. W. L. Oliver." J. Arthur, E. Trotter. W. A. Burttschcll. E. T. Zollicoffor. J. Powers. W. Garth. W. R. Mizell. F. Miisante, M. Smart. E. J. Crawford. J. Booker. A. L. Austin, J. I.umsdcn, E. McBride. S. Judge, P. Sheridan. J. G. Wagnon. R. E. Watkins and W. J. Press. Mr. McLennan is to serve as an official at all of the Canadian Racing Associations tracks this season, as usual. When Manager M. J. Winn of the Laurel track visited here a few days ago. Mr. McLennan icluctantly tendered his resignation as racing secretary at Laurel because of a conflict of dates between that track and the final meetings of the season on the Canadian circuit, which will this year extend into October for tiie first time siice the formation of the Canadian Racing Associations, as a result of the inclusion of the Kenilworth Park track at Windsor, in the circuit. Mr. Winn declined to accept the proferred resignation and Mr. McLennan will write the conditions for the Laurel meeting as usual and will actively take up his duties at this Maryland track as soon as the Canadian season closes. King Horods Mud Running Ability Questioned. The inevitable conclusion to be drawn from his race of Friday last is that Grant Hugh Brownes Kentucky Derby candidate King Herod is either a non mud runner or else is not of the calibre that his owner and others, who have entertained a high opinion of the colt, have so stoutly nuiintainod. It I is true that the colt fell after jumping the fence Continued ou seventh page. ADDITIONAL RACING FOR NEW ORLEANS. CawUuued from second l ag". while being prepared for his preliminary gallop just b for" tlii- race, bat trainer 1. R. McDaaiel and etben, who doeely inspected the colt after the mKiiap. v re ■aanfaaoaaly of the opinion that he had escaped injury . even to the slight t deal He. Hail liier. beea any suspicion that be had hurt himself, trainer Mi-Daniel declared he would hive Baked the stewards t i excoee tlie iolt from racing. Bui there was nut and King Hered ran a disappointiBK race withoui anv apparent CMOS except thai he ni.iy not he a mod raaaer. He was off advantage •aaly and. after foUowina; Crimpera pace .it an ••yen gait for soni three-tioartera of the mile journey, failed to respond to Iis riders arcing aiai was beaten eat ef a place, not only by Kentucky Boy. which be had beaten in his peer torn race ever a fast brack, under a leaa favorable adjnal meat of the weights, hot hf Warsaw as well. This h;nls to the assumption l.y suae hat he is a BM mini raaaer. The cell appeared to !»• m the pink of condition when trainer McDaaiel saddled him for the race. In fact, goed judges declared that he had iinpio.ed ia appearance NBCC his earlier races. There have i,.en mare than the usual Bnaaber of mishaps in eonaeetioa with the steeplechases through the Pimlico field this spring aad it is fortunate that the riders involved have escaped a-lightly as they have. One theory advanced to account for the freajaem -y with nrhieb the horses have been falling in these races is that the grass of the steeplechase coarse has l.ecn allowed to grow just a trifle long. It is explained that this makes the looting less scour- and has a tendency to cm -•■ a banc to slip when landing after a ramp. Two selling platers that had been winning in unbroken soaaeace since the opening of the eastern season. Sandhill and Bargfair, at liniiico a day or two ago and the formers measure was taken by Burglar, which appears to be a vastly improved racer this spring. It was Sandhills first performance in the colors of .1. K. Sweeney following his ac inisition out of I silling race for sI.ihmi. and the general opinion prevails that an ailing leg. which threatens a breakdown at any moment, is beginning to trouble the horse more seriously than wham he was being laced so successfully earlier in the season by F. A. Ilerold for B. Murray. Sandhill was evidently cut out for I high-class horse, but has* always been handicapped by his ailing log. The old fellow may not have many more races in him before the threatened breakdown materializes is the opinion of good judges. Trainer assert Simons of the Whitney stable is satisfied that Tippity Wltehefs recent defeat by Quietude was largely due to the fact that the AVhitnoy juvenile developed a case of bucked shins during the running of the race.