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THREE STAKES FOR D0RVAL MEETING. Book for First Meeting at the Montreal Track Has Been Distributed Among Horsemen. The book for the opening meeting of tho Dorval Joe-ke-y Club, to be- held from May 20 to June B, in-rlasive, has been sent out to the various racing renters and is sure- to meet wilh the general approval of the- horse men. The-ri- will be- three- stakes run eluring tin- me-eting. with an added value of SI. MM, while the remaining parses will average five- and six hundred dollars. The book especially eat--rs to owners of Canadian -bred and owned horses each afte-rnooii during the seven days racing. Tin- Dorval plant will present almost a new appearance this spring. Several Changes have beea made-, the best of the Si in the- mutuel plant, which has beea Changed so as to make it more convenient for tin- public. The- clubs edTice-s at the- track have also bi-en alte-reil. The- jockeys r l has beea changed from tin- back of the building to the front and a galle-ry ov -r the offie-e-s will 1m- erected, so that the riders may witness the racing while not riding. Tin- la w se-lling race rule of the Canadian Baciag Associations will govern all selling or claiming races as th-- notice- in the book points out that all starters in a claiming race may be elaime-el. inc bid ing tie- winner, for the amount entered plus tie-value- of the purse to the winner. Horses may be claimed by anyone in good standing. The- trae-k is now in better condition than it has ever been, which is shown by the work-outs of same of the local horses now stabled there-. There will be practically no change in the officials over the autumn meeting of a year ago. Racing Secr.-ta-y Sheridan Clark and Manager Diehard have overlooked nothing in catering to the comfort of the public anil horx-men. Arrangenc-nts have been made wher-by the nub-ic will be carried to and treat the track by the special train ran ever the Canadian Pacific r.nd Grand Trunk railroads.