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LATOMA FAYORLTES FAIL TRACK SOMEWHAT IMPROVED BUT NOT AT ITS EEUT AND ATTENDANCE FALLS OFF. Sedan Wins in Ea;:y Fashion — Owner McDowell Takes Two Rates with American Eagle and Manager Waite — Ma-iy Horses Claimed. Lataaia, Ky.. Juia- 28.- ful— 1 1 track conditions today mr ii a i of the in st ji the eatset, bat ha proved coasMeraM] aa tin afteraooa progress ■• !. Barken of choices agaia fared poorly, autaj of the favorites aaaas rtowa to defeat. The three iiaarters sprint raaaied .1. s. Ward to uncover ■ goad thing in 1 ■ i — Berlin, arhich area easily fraa Gay Fertaae mill opportunity. The bitter aaa ■ streag favorite, 1ml fatted to !"• in advaace of the arhaaet at saj stage and araa presses bard near the ead to oat stay Green Jones for third place. The rlaiaaera arcrc aethre daring the afteraooa. Larky H in the aeeoad race, araa rlnharl by Wll liaaia Bros, for ,100. The claim araa asaae possible I iy the pre ae ace of Rapid* ta the race. in the six tfa rare claims were atade for Sol Giloey, the winner, .-ml Alert. The bitter araa -■ ear d by c. R. Ha an far ,999. aa adraace af MM iit tin priii Roare leal liim for In bb biat start. W. II. Pearce claimed Sol GUacy la retaliation fur .8991 Thomas c. MeBwwena cetera were rarried to victory mi tara incisions at Latoaia this after uvea, including tin- featare, n aiile aad an eighth hand! rap for ■ purse of .-si. unit. Manager Waite t ri aaapfeed ia this aver Daddy Hotbort and Dr. Baaaaet, the aaly other starters aad ta which be was conceding weight. Maaag rr Waite ran in his best foiin this afteraeea aad was able t make the pare at hi:; leisure aad aria as his rider phrased. The other UrDoaret] victor was Aaaericaa Ragle in tin- initial rare. That ealt ahuajed a high fligln iif ■peed ami wni after hading throughout . with Lucky B. tabiag aeeoad place aad Clairvoyant outstaying Aatericaa. The bitter araa aa evcrwhelming choice, bat ran disappointingly. Todays ai tendance showed a decrease, probably due tn tin- threatening cleans, which presaged a downpour at any minute. Fourth Victory fcr Consistent Prince S. The wonderfully improve,] and consistent Priace B. inaile it hi foe.rth victory at this meeting, when lie triumphed in the .losing race avet good appeal" tion. . A. Binnchi. representing Mrs. J. S. Merle. the rarecd oaraer of Chartier, claimed Bedland for tl.NO and .1. .M. Goode ctobaed Jack UDowd far .V17IMI. Considerable concern is shown over the condition of lackey Gooee, who fell la Tu -days aeeoad race. Bog. mi -d as only ilightly hart, soon after the an banal he wmhjrnlT developed ■ grave roaditioa and had to be ream red to a local hospital, where three doctors were in coBstaal atteadaace oa him during last Bight, This morning teas other eminent physicians were braaghl iii for causal ta tion. us it was deemed that an operation was Immediately necessary. Meantime the iniured rider shaared some symptoms of improvement in. I the operation was aoatpoacd. Gooses ailment appears to hi la his kidney:- anil hack and the hemorrhages he has lieen afflicted with. seems to give the nodical men the chief cenconi. Lite this afternoon he was reported resting easier. Iiut he is still regarded as in a had way. The rich Cincinnati Trophy, to he run next Saturday, is coming in for much attention. The prospects are for at hast tea starters, including ■aeaba and Viva America. The former will have to carry 1117 pounds and Viva America will have up 121. Othera that will probably go la the pest are Ocean Sweep. Ufl; .las. T. I lark. 124; James Foster. Ill: Koaifacc, 111: American Knlgo, 111; ncecatter, 111; Big RaaacS 111- Owners are confront d with an additional expense as a resall of the Master Platers Aaaaciatiaa of America- decision to r.iis" tin ir price on platiag from *.! to :-t a Bet. The acw scale will go into effect July ."•. and is held to he on account of the increased cost and acarcity of material. Jock".v Murphy was suspended for five days liy the starter for disobedience at the post in the third race.