Kentucky Racing Commission To Meet., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-29


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KENTUCKY RACING COMMISSION TO MEET. Lexington. Ky., June 28. — The Kentucky State Racing Commission, according to announcement made here yesterday evening by Secretary Sam 0. Nuckles. has been called to meet at the Lataaia clubhouse at 11 oclock on the morning of July 4 for the purpose of alloting fall racing dates and giving consideration to such other matters as may pro|»erly come before the commission. Messrs. J. II. Keene and John S. liarbee are arranging for a special train on which to ship their yearlings to Saratoga to be sold in August. They are planning to leave here July 28. Messrs Hal Price Headley, E. R. Bradley, S. C. Lyne and Carr and Piatt are arranging for a special to leave on August 4.

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Local Identifier: drf1917062901_1_4
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