Mount Royal Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-29

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MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL, Q.VY... Wednesdav. June 27. 1917— Mount Royal Park. Third day. Back River Jockey Clubs First. Meeting o: 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Sheridan Clarke, starter. William Murray. Pacing Secretary, Martin Nathanaon. Racing starts at 1:45 p.m. Chicago time. 12:43. 34020 First Race 1 1-2 Furlongs. No track record. Pane 8800. 2 year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner. 00; second, 1917.sh0; third. 3. K.iiiiv. Odda Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33844 Afr. Arrow lis 1- A Oarer 188-M8 83883 *Ham Pickett 109 V W Young 37r,-po 38878 ISemcena 110 :: .1 Dreyer K3-M8 3S878xStart Right Httj 4i G Loinas E85 100 83884 Cracow Ho :,- W Anderson E238-M3 33823*1:. UvlngStonlW ;-" A Johnson 7B8-M0 . •Mollah J2 7 W Bear.l.shall E13S-M8 Time. :55. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. African Arrow. .00 straight. S..rn place. $.3.10 show; Sam Pickett, .10 place, 82.88 show; Semceaa, .tM shew. BqaiTaleal booking odds African Arrow. 100 to 1l»t straight, 88 to llltl place, 83 to KM show; Sam Pickett, .".." ta loo plaee, 88 to loo show; Semceaa, ." •» to Khi show. Wiener fi II. Brewnea b. c. by Javelin— African Blare trained by D. R. McDaaiel; bred by Mr. II. liar! hy 1. Went to post at 2:03. At post 4 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 82883 Oonuaandgaa, 10«. 34021 Second Race -5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 23. 1818 -1:03 3 183. Parse 8888. and upward. Canadian-foaled. Claiming. Net value to winner, hB!0O; second, 1917.sh5; third. 3. Kquiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 83374 Aneter 188 li- f-7 Tnptln 896 188 33741 **Lady Betty *.6 21 H Brickson 835-108 :;3974 L. SpndthriftlOB :;- G Lomaa IX khi :3K 7 Banahore 1831 4 M Mountain 2280 UK 33S43 Cert Volant M8 B*l J Dreyer 7K-1M 33220 Athena ;il r. W Beardahall U48-MS 33828 M. Bradley 105 7- K Ryan 455 100 33971 My Joe? MS s1 W Taylor ZSM 108 33575 Rlvermeade M :• J OBrien MM M8 Time. 1:09. Track fast. mutuels paid. Aaater, .s21.90 straight, 0.00 place, .;;o show; Lady Betty, place, .30 show: Ladv Spendthrift, .88 show. K.iuivalent booking odds Aaater, 993 to 100 straight, 430 to KM place, nr to loo show; Lady Petty. 243 to 108 place. 88 to 100 show; Lady Spendthrift, 40 to 138 show. Winner- Z. Runions b. m. 7. by Btanhaae II. — Athleea trained by J. S. Whatley; bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Went to post at 2:29. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and ttiird the same. Scratched — 33974 IM.iid of Frome, 10C; 29233 Adomai. 103: 294.70 Moon Love. 99. Overweights — Raushore, 2Vi l ounds; Maiden Bradley, 4; My Joe. 2. 34.022 Third Rne — 3 4 Mile. Aug. 23, 19BL-1:13 — I — 103. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 00; second, 1917.sh3; third, 3. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 88888s *Corkey W. 188 l1 II Krickson 140-100 33931 Lit. Rebel 111 2 k D B.dand 1138-101 83888 Roacaa 1M Ii T Nolan lMO-100 S3843*ARamaha los 4i H Gibson M6B-M8 32«90«Curlicue 10.7 51 A Johnson 1015-100 3307C Divan 111 8»1 R Ryan 905-100 33918 B. A. Jones 110 7» C dross S88-M8 88888 James OakleylM Ss L Gaagel 16T..7-100 82942 Karly Riser 110 9l A Claver t 33031 Patsy Mack 116 M" W Mclntyre 171.7 100 33433 Bingen 1015 IV W Young 4010 K.0 SOd-iii Quick Start 108 12 N Foden t fMutuel field. Time, 1:16. Track fast. mutuels paid. Corfcey W., .M straight, .10 place. .40 shew; Littlest Rebel, 3.20 place, 0.20 show; It parse. ..r 0 show. Equivalent booking odds— Corker W.. 140 to 100 straight. 103 to 100 place, 70 to 130 show; Littlest Rebel. atU to 100 place, 410 to 100 show; Roscas, 323 to 100 show. Winner — .7. L. Rrannons ch, g. 4. by Barnsrtnle — Nellie Mier trained by J. L. Brannon; bred by Mr. W. C. Watkina. Went to iKist ut 2:37. At post 2 minutes. Start good for all but Quick Start. Won easily; second and tliird driving. Scratched— 33900 Bright Sand, 100; 339CC Delaney, 110; 33K77aScallywag. 115. Overweights — Bingen, 2 pounds. 34023 Fourth Race- 3 4 Mile. Aug. 25. 191ft— 1:13 - 4—103. Purse 8888. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 00; second, 1917.sh5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33925Glint 115 1» P Baker 1220-100 33866 Signorette 100 2 » 1 Scherrer 3415-100 32660 Royal Tea 113 3| A Johnson 650-100 33868 Wavering 10S 4 K S-nith tl865-100 33651 Zali 110 f. G Lomas 290 100 33877 Bad Prospect! 13 6i R Ryan 1250-100 33919 Cherry Belle 103 7i C Gross 1490-100 33651 Rose Finn KH H A Claver 1175-100 88888 Owana los n l. c.augel 260-luO 88887 Amazement 110 10J N Foden t 33937 C. .stumer 110 11J K Tsapllsl 930-100 32437 Slg H2i 12 J Dodd t tMntneJ field. Time. 1:18%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Glint, 828.48 straight. 7.90 pla.e, 1. Ml ahew; Signorette, $.9.90 pfarc. 3.80 show: Royal Tea. ,411 show. Kptival.nt l"«.king odds Clint, 1220 to 100 Straight, 795 to BHI place, 450 to 100 show; Sig-noi-.-tt •. 1888 to 183 place, 1888 ta loo show; Royal Tea. 170 to 100 show. Winner T. A. D.tvies br. b, 7. by Marta BanlB-— Tin Cap trained by F. Wilson; bred by Mr. 0. D. Wilson. Went to post at 3:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 32913 Golden List, M8; 33909 larhga-bibble. 118; S3878*thdnetry, MM, lv. rwei-hts Rose Finn, 1 pound; Sig. 2. 34024 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 21, 1813—1:4444—8 138. Purse 8888.. Overseas Handicap. 8-year aide and upward. Net value to Winner, 00; second, 1917.sh5; third, 3. Equiv. Odds had. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straltrht. 33970*1 .or. Russell 110 1= AV Orm.-s 305-100 33970-.loe D. 110 2" C, Scherrer 310-100 33970 Crepnecnkj Id ::» a claver 880481 33978Bogart 100 4 J Dreyer U2S-M8 33970 Broomsdge 10S S* A Johnson 375-100 33828 K. Neptune 109 6 11 Taplln 2S5-100 lime. 1:46. Track fast. mutuels paid, Gordon RaaseR. $.10 straight, 34.78 place, $.10 show; Joe D., .70 place, .90 show; Crepusculo, .50 show. F.iuivalent lMx.king - Cordon Russell. 305 to 1H straight. 188 to 100 place. 45 to 188 show; Joe .. S5 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Creptiscule, 125 to 183 show. Winner II. W. Plants b. h. 7, by Marchmotit II. — Tokaloii trained by 11. W.; bred by Mr. J. W. Iuller. Went to post nt 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. I Overweights — P.ogart. 2 pounds; Crepuscule, 1. 34025 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Sept. 25. 1915 1:41*4— 13 104. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 00; second, 1917.sh5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 3397 lB. Culbertsonl07 1| A Johnson 245 100 33971 10arlvmor.i 112 2» G Ahxdra Jr 375-UM 33972 Petit Bleu Wl 3* A Claver M8-M8 33932 = River King 114 4J 1: Taplln 070100 33815 Moonlight M8 5J W Taylor 4335 100 33972 Wds Wnderl07 6» L Gaugel 25X5-HK 33849 Klla Ryan 92 7 H Krickson 326:. 100 33718 Feath. Du.ter1l2 Fell. L Grav 8R4VM8 33938 Clara Morganl05 Fell. G Scherrer 600-100 Time, 1:43. Track fast. mutuels paid, Billy Cnlbertson, straight, 34.88 place. .so show; Karlymorn, .50 plaee, .20 show; Petit. Hleu. .90 show. Kipiivaleut booking odds — Billv Cnlbertson, 245 to 100 straight, KH to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Kirlymorn, 175 to BX place, CO to 100 show; Petit Bleu 45 to 100 show. Winner — K. Normiles br. g, 4, by Migraine — Dancereea trained by K. Dealy; bred by Mr. J. K. Madden. Went to post at 4:25. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 33871 Lady Worthington, 10S; 88389 Knjoy, 90; 33978 Paul Oaines, 106; 33978 Brown Prime, 109; 33972 Kismet It., 109; 33979 Mauioc, 188, Overweights— Worlds Wonder, 1 pound. 34025 — Seventh — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 21. 1916— 1:44and— 5— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 00; second, 1917.sh5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 33969 Say 113 In C Gross 310-100 33495 Marianao 109 2n E Taplln 220-100 33971 Pughkeepsie 101 3» A Claver 605-100 33818Gcn. Pickett 101 4J J Dreyer 680-100 33901 Phil T. 109 V R Ryan 3740-100 33878 Inez 102 6 F Baker 9S5-100 33927 Politician 101 7i A Alexandra 13990-100 33580 Voladay Jr. 101 8» A Johnson 3355-100 33971 Sem. BtalWarUM 9 N Foden 7300-100 SS838*Lady Powers 94 10= H Krickson t 33925 Love Day 104 11 C White 920 100 fMutuel field. Time, 1:44%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Say, .00 straight, .10 place, .10 show; Marianao. .50 place, .10 show; Pollghkeepsie, .00 show. Kipiivaleut booking odds— Say, 300 to 100 straight, 138 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Marianao, 75 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Poughkeepsie, 100 to 100 show. Winner — C. B. Johnsons br. g, 6, by Sals — The Rose of the Raucho trained by C. B. Johnson; bred by Mr. J. P. Palmer. Went to post at 4:58. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wou driving; second and third the same. Scratched— 33884: Counterpart. 101. Overweights — Ines, 4 pounds; Poughkeepeie, 2.

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