Proof Of Sports Strength.: Shown in Survival of Racing in New York State in Face of Hostile Legislation., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-29


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PROOF OF SPORTS STRENGTH. Shown in Survival of Racing in New York Slate in Face of Hostilo Legislation. New fork, .luiu 28. — "That liorscracing has survived in this state is proof of the sports strength in the face of hostile legislation nctaaUy, though not ostensibly, directed at its dest ruction." says the New York World in an editorial of .Monday last and goes on t i say: "It has lived on and this year has assumed a character that ought to put it well beyond attack. There has been an emphasis placed upon the development of the horse and a repression practiced with regard to the usual concomitant of betting. "It. is. of course, true that wagering is Mill indulged in on the racecourses, bet it is of a legal and private nature. No prOviaioB is made for all coiners. lersonal acquaintance is an essential before a bet can be made. In this way the spurt is no different from baseball. football. tennis or rowing, in fact, it is a certainty that more money is wagered by a greater number of people on each of the great football games than is wagered on any one day at the race tracks. "Bit" to a real love of racing, the men who were charged with responsibility for tia sport have brought it through tie dark iaya, and if it. succeeds in giving us the answer to our remount prol-h in. as indeed experts say it is already doing. it deserves well not only of this community, to whi-ii it contributes a fascin iting aspect of metropolitan life, but of the country as a whole."

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Local Identifier: drf1917062901_1_8
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