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HARRY SHAW SHOWS WORK WELL. New York. June 28. -Harry Shaw was the star of the Jamaica track yesterday when he galloped a liiih- J,, 1:13. The fractions were 50, l:ld%, l:2»%, 1:13. Atom, a maiden from the Whitney barn. went three-eighths in 30. The work outs follow: Atom, three-eighths in 311; Burlin-gaine, mile in 1:14; Barry Shannon, mile in 1:41: Fair Mac, mile in l:lti; ieneral Neville, live-eighths in 1:02-.-. : Duke of Devonshire, live-eightlis in 1:02%; Gloomy Jus. half mile in 50; Sti| ermaid. half mile in 49; Willfound. half mile in 49; Heart-stung, half mile in 4H: Harry Shaw, mile in 1:13: Milkman, half mile in 53-.-,; Nominee, half mile ia ■9%; Wavvbeek, half mile in 99%; Old Broom. thrce-i|uaiters in 1:19%; Portlight. three-qoarten in 1:M%; lmperator. half mile in 50; Startling, tliree-tiuarters in 1:19%.