Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-29

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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY.. THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1917.-Sixteenth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Sprin- Meeting of w-—m » 21 days. Weitncr clear. Stewards, I haries if. Price and T .1 Clay Judges, W. II. Shelley and J. It. Campbell. Starter, Harry MorrhMCy. Pacing Secretary. J. P. Campbell. 1"" " -"ts :lt -;:0 fj "• lli":igo time 2::;o p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. O/l FIPST PACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June T. 1999 18% » 98. 8898 Added. 2-vear-tlTUil olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Special Weights. Net value to winner 99BB second. 30; third. ! 70. Index Horses AWtPPSt H b % Str Fin Jock, ys Owi.era Equiv. Odds Strt 83898 AMERICAN EAGLE w II- 1 1 1- p 1- fi g Martin T McDowell TMB9 88997 * LUCKY P. w 112 6 2 4 4 M 1" C DishmonO Piunchi s •:, phi 88997 CLAIRVOYANT WB B9 1 S ■* ::j 4* 3?. C Hunt K Spence ssaVMO 88987 •AMERICAN w lot 7 I f E| 8| 4 L Gentry J Livingston 9VM8 88997 GREAT GULL WB 112 S t; C- f,« «- 5 F Murphy J C Reataara 9B9-M8 33285 KIRSTIKS COB w112 V. 4 3 2 f.- f,"- J CallahanW T Martin 3560-100 33987 DR. I.LAIR W 112 4 7 S S 7 7- W Kelaay A W Young 8M0-MO LITTLB PISS w U2 I I 71 71 8 8 C Tudor A Turney B9M hM Time. 24, 483a. 1:023. 1:09V5. Track slow. mutuels paid. American Eagle. Slti.LO straight, .20 place, SI. JO show; Lucky P., SO nlace. 84-98 show; Clairvoyant. .IH show. F.niivalent booking odds American Eagle. 710 to 100 straight. 299 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show-Lucky P.. 199 to 1H place, 118 to 100 show; Clairvoyant, list to KHI show. Winner Ch. C, by The Manager Star Cat trained by C. Kennv; bred bv Mr. T. C. McDowell Wont to post at 2:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AMBBICAN EAGLE, away quickly and given a vigorous ride, raced into a long lead at once and held away throughout. LUCKY B. raced forwardly and gamely for the entire way. CLAIRVOYANT ran well and outstayed AMERICAN in the linal drive. The latter raced wide most of the way and tired near the end. Scratched -339S7 Par One. 112; 33010 Quito, 112. O A -/l i SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. June 27. 1914-1 :11— 5—119. 87H Added. 4-year-olds Oary./ tr dfl andjawyd. Cl.rjmiiig. Net value to winner $«H; second, 30; third. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt j jj g Str Fin Jockeys Owners- "RniivTodds Strt S8884*SHINE 5 3 4 117 t, :i » i 1* V v Kelaay 3 Shields is5"lT0 38955 LUCKY R. w 4 117 11 4 fi :i- 21 2* L Gentry Hhekcy Bros 32G-100 £3853 ARDENT wn 4 117 12 1 U f V 2i C VanDunW Schmidt 4:i0-100 3390«;3SANTD w I 121 ;l 7 4" 6* 4= 4- F Murphy W G King-Dodds 1475 1110 33812 SOUTH. LEAGUEwn 4 117 2 fi 7" V S2 5« J Morya F Peyton 2900-100 33990 DICK WEST wb 4 119 4 9 9» » 7 C- C. DlshmonH R Varwig 4-X5-100 88899*M. P.. THUBMAN WB 4 114 7 2 2* 4- 6J 7i R WingfldW F Cisco 66".5-100 3908 J. C. WELCH wb 4 119 10 5 P Cs 8i »n J Hanover* Gering Jr 1350-100 33006 MIPS MINN w r, 119 8 8 8J 9» an 9h H Shilling J H Baker t21C5-100 33891 HELflN TROOPER w 4 119 1 12 12 KiJlO1 102 F Fuerst F E Brown t 330*THORNWOOD wn 4 114 3 10 ll?.ll- 11» ll5 C Tudor HJMdMMCk t S1009 RAPIDS W 4 117 ."11 H U 12 12 K LapilllcAVilliams Bros 2C10 liX IMutuel field. Tl—I. 235. 481/5. 1:14. Track slow. mutuels paid, Shine, $.".70 straight, .30 place, .00 show; Lucky It., .S0 jlMHI. .00 show: Ardent 88.40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Shine. 1*3 to 100 straight, t;." to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Lucky R., 90 to 100 place. 58 to 100 show; Ardent. 70 to 100 show. Winner — 15. f, liy litem— Sparkle Ksher trained l y M. Shields; tir«d by Dr. C. W. Crowley. Went la I* st at 2:53. At past 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won easily; second and third driving.. SHINE raced into the ted on the last turn and ramc away In the stretch, to win as her rider phased. LUCKY it. gated steadily after going the first naarlei, i.ut raaM not get to the winner. ARDENT was bard ridden and showed the most early ■peed, but tired in the stretch. SANTO ran fairly well. M. BERT TUURMAN tired in the stretch. Scratched-33733 rteare, 122; 28824 Ladv laae Gray, 119; 23992 Cora Lane. 11_ : 88888 Busy Aliee, 112: 88311*Bb! KeUow. 11!: 88811 Prime Albert. 121; ISMS Panneraaie, 117: 83382 Sir William. 124; 33888 lle;ise Welle-:. 119; Jill S7 Irvin Arthur. ll!l; 88888 R— aim Q—ea, 117; 12814 Rifle Shunter, 12*2. * //| O THIRD RACE— 8 1-2 Furlongs, .luno T, 1909— l:0.V-.— fl— 93. 00 Added. 8-year- O TBT* /TT O olds. Killi-s. Claiming. Net value to winner tjflflj ■aeond, 3133; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt 4 _■ ;i Str Fin Jockeys Owners j-3qiiiv7Tdds Strt 33803 PRETTY BABT wit Ml 8 I L" 41 I1 I1 C Hunt K Sp. nee 358 KM 338M*L ITTLE PRINCESS w MS 2 6 4 r.1 2| 2« I ConnelfyB Vlley 1425-100 83888 BAKTERN PRINCS8 w 112 1 6" :. V V C DishmonG W J BteeU 550-109 83888 PIN THAT W 1 4 9 2 1| 1J 4J 4* B Martin J B Barbee 535 m S3S86 /.!" 7.V w K4 l 1 t* ;♦ :• •:.» h ThnrberW l R. ■ l 3420-100 33031*1 K II. KLK wit M 1 7 I S1 s a N Barrett W L Lewis 14845-100 33728 HuMil.n,! w los 7 9 V 7- 7 7» P Murphy J S Hawkins 190-100 33989 BLUE PARADISE WB 107 " a 3 | 2*i S] 8« II Shilling E R Bradley 1185-100 SZ?SS*SHIFTX SADIE w 98 2 I 7-999 R WingTldJ W Mav 17230 100 Time. 241,. 48 J,. 1:02%. 1:09%. Track slow. mutuels paid, Prettv Baby. .10 straight. S5.50 place, .70 show; Little Princess, 3.90 place, $«.3o ahear: Eaatera Prlaeess, 84.88 abow. Bjqnlrnlent hookiaa; edda -Pretty Baby, 3". to 100 straight. 173 to loo place, BS to 100 show; Little Prim ess. BBC to 100 place. l15 to loo show: Eaatera Princess. iur to loo ahew. Winner— h. f, l.y Sir Jolm Johnson 1 1 i r 1 1 Girl II. traimd by K. .Sponce; bred by Mr. John L Madden. Went to pest at 8:18. as, pest 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won h.-.ndilv: second and third driving. PRETTT BABT, Well ridden and kept forwardly from the start, stood a hard drive in the stretch and drew out in the last sixteenth. LITTLE PRINCESS saved much ground when l—te iato the stretdi and held .,n well in the linal itrive. EASTERN PR1XCE8S tired in lie- stretch. PIN TltAV showed the niMst arly speed, but tired badly la the last eighth. HONOLULU ran poorly. BLUE PARA-DI8E j"it. Bcrattbed 3308*»RoubwumI. 105. i Overweights — Little Princess. 1 ._. pounds: Pin Tray. 3. * , FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. June JT, 1914—1:11 -8— 115. SSOO Added. 3-year-olds. e *W t-jr-r Allowances. Net y.-mlo t«. wiat m r ggSj eecegd, 27: tliird, . "index A W tPPSt, : ■-, Sir fin Jockeys Owners l. piiv. Odds Strt 33017 BERLIN W MC C l l| 1V !• C DiahmonJ S Ward 770 W :.X!»4.»:, ;i v i ikti*NE will 1 8 t| V 2| .1* 1 Connelly Pastime stable 81O-M0 3:7«7 OiPPORTUNITT w 112 :. 7 4*121 II t1 L Oentry W H/oodard 135-1« 33S.-.5 GREEN JONES w Ml 1 5 ."• 61 1- 4* W K- laay W H Bmher 670-100 S3fll« BELIEVE ME l.OTSwii lo7 s 1 3k li 5" :.»t H Shilling E R Bradley HOa-Kfl :i:;9i« PHOCION w 1 J3 2 4 ."■■ :: »:= V N Barrett H Perkins l.-:.:, ioe 33322 AMERICA w io» 7 I ~ 7- 7 7- E Martin T « McDowell 1 i". i» 33*44 DR. BARXXyW wn lop. ?. I 8 3 8 3 K Mnrphy J S Hawkins 0«;7."»-i «• Time, 23% 47%. 1:13%. Track slow. 32 niiitmN paid, Berlia, 7.43 straight. tt.dO place, 33.83 ahew; Gay Kortune, .20 place, .20 show: Opportunity, S2.B0 ihow. i:.|iiival. nt booking edda- Berlin, 770 to 1H straight. 388 to 100 place, 7.". to 100 show; Gay Fortune, 238 t Iihi place, Ml to U"» slmu ; Opportunity. 2." to 138 show. Winner Br. c, by Jim Gaflney Aatolec trained by .1. S. Ward: bred by Mr. W. K. S.hulte. Went to potil at 3:48. .t poal 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and tliird driving. BERLIN showed hii:!i spied, net a fast pace and drew eat in the last eighth to win eating up. : V FORTI NE begaa Rlowly, hut saved much ground on the turns and. under strong riding, finish* d fast. OPPORTUNITY raced gamely, lot tired in the stretch. GREEN JONES ran a good race. BELIEi 1: ME BOYS tired in the last eighth. AMERICA began slowly and ran pearly. Scratched 33880*010 Mim, 105. Orerweigbta- BelieTe Me Boys, 2 pounds; America, 3; Dr. Barlow, lj. O A I /t •» llllll RACE 1 1-3 ■Baa. June 20, 1314- 1:.".0-. -3— 133. Dayton Handicap. 0*iv7"dtf_/ Purse 31.003. 3-year-elda and upward. N. t value to winner 7."i; second. 3150; third. ;,:7.~ . Index Horses AWtPPSt j k % 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners _ K.juiv. OdTls Strt ;.:t9l.-» MANAGER AVAlTEw"". 114 2 1 1* 1 i 1 i 1= 1" K M;irti;i T JlStmvIl 110-100 : :; ■»7:l .i . HOLRBRT w3 :71 3 :i Q 2 2a 24 23 J CaBahmnR P Brooka 27S-1W iSSflSSIDR. SAMUEL WB I Ml 1 2 3 :. :t " " C DishmonR L Baker 21and-10I Time, 34ji, 49, 1:14,, 1:40%, 1:53. Track slow. mutuels paid. Manager Waite. 34223 straiglit. 32.38 place; Daddy Heahert, .90 plaoe; no show inutueis So!,!. i:.|iiiv.ib:.t booking adda Manager WaHe, 118 to loo straight. 25 la 133 place; Daddy Helhert, 4.". la 188 id i.e. Winner Ph. 1. by Watercress La V. nganza trained by G. Denny: bred by Mr. James It. Haggin. Went to ps«| at 4:17. . t post L- minutes. Start :: I and slow. Won easilv: seciaid ami third driving. II AN AC KU WATTE was taken into the lead at mn e and easily won all the way. DADDY HOL-BKRT followed the winner rleanly and held DR. SAMUEL safe at all stages. DR. SAMUEL was well beaten after going tbree-qnarters. Scratched ::•;:! I Money Maker. 104. Orerweigbta Daddy Helhert, l _• ■nanda, *-%. A. i I * 1 i* SIX"1 RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 27. 1311 -1:42 3 99%.. Purse Ssoo. fj TT _ *_5_ 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner"iO; second. 00; third. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt j Vt 1L Str fin Jockeys Owners KqaiT. Odda Strt 33938 SOL GILSEY WB ill I ! 2»» l» lJ 1 | 1" 1 ConnellyA Bailer " ioiMOO ;:::88!t day HREAM wMSN •• i 3| B» 8 2" C DbdunonJ K Redaaoa 958S-10Q 33348* VALOR W 1M 5 I 7 5» .! 21 V F Marphj V J Yoaag 3096-100 33954 -MONOTONY wa i,s 2 :; v 7i 7: V 4- H Shilling J II Baker 1310 WO 32341* J. Rl t-is wbM8 8 7 » »; 4 :.- V r, w Car* II A i. Kirby 1083 1 « 33888**SISTEK BMBLEM w :ts ; f. IJl" !•■ c." 0 B WlngTIdO W J Bisaell 1210-100 :;::889 vijCRT wiM ; 1 8 4 8 7 ;• . Barrett W H Pearce 27* 100 11 1 KINGTON w Ml 5 :i ■ .• .• V sH H TharherM C M •■• 22150 H» 3388S i:i:i.l. COW W MS I 2 t " v" 8* : - :i T Henry J S Merle 12545-101 3383 1 CUNBO WB Ml »»M M M M M .1 Darsch C E Rowe MKSO-lOu Time. 2*--,. 49%. 1:14-., 1:41-;,, 1:46%. Track -..low. 82 mutuels paid. S. 1 Gilsey, 34.88 straight, 33.50 place, 33.13 show: Day Dream. 2.10 place, 311.80 show: Valor, 1.38 show. Rqairalenl buokiag adds Sol Gilsey, 180 to D 0 straight. 73 to 188 place. 58 to loo show; Day Dream, 1.720 to 100 place, 4S8 ta 1 «» shew; Valor. 4i.." to 188 show. Wiieer Br. c, by Ilaudit Dixoletta trained by A. Batter; bnd by Mr. A. Vogeler. Went to p»st at 1:44. At post 3 minutes, start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Sol. GILSEY raced Into a good bad. then bad •• l«- bard ridden in the stretch, but finished gamely and outstayed DAY DREAM at the end. DAY DREAM gained steadily after going three-quarters ami was fastest at the end. VALOB raced prominently and only tired slightly near the end. MONOTONY closed ■ good gap. S1HTRR l.Ml.I.PM and ALERT tired badly In the stretch. Scratched 33836 Tom Jr., los: 33833 Velvet Joe, 114. Overweights Bell Cow, 1 pound. « /§ f A "J SRTENTH BAI 1: 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7. ISM— 1:43%- 3 122. 3833 Added. 4-year- * O ri: 1 T I olds and upward. Claimiiig. Net value to winner 3383; second, 24; third, ti. "index Horses AWtPPSt %• ru Str Fin Jockeyn Owners Kipiiv. lds Strt 23355 PRINCE 8. w 8 114 :; :; V*H I 8» 11 W LfcUey J L Paal 7"o:rpii"! 3S833SJACK ODOWD WB 4 lilt 1 _ 81 21 2- li 2i L Gentry .T Livingston 383-181 S2h59YEXGHEE WSB T 1M E S S»l 3* I 6 :v W Kehmy G Borkel 24.".-1ihi 23SSSS*REDLAND WB 3 M8 7 I r. |s | 1 4 • I Dnrach Knebeikaorp ft Howerton 3SO-1O0 23358 WADSWHS LAST W 5 113 4 ! 4i l« 8| I1 S| J Hanover .1 M Goods 1M8-1M 23733*MAKY H. WB 4 MS ; 1 lJ 1*1 H -b ti N Barrett J N Huffman 738-108 23740 CHARTIER W I 11J 2 7 7 Palled up. T Henry .i 8 .Verio lh;i., liw Time, 24. 43%. 1:13%, 1:41%, 1:48%. Track slow. metaebi paid, Priace s., .lt;.lo straight, 35. 23 place, .30 show; Jack ODowd, .0 place. 32.73 show: Yeaghee, .S2.7 show. i;.|uivalenl booking odds Priace S.. 70.7 to 103 straight. ICO to 100 place, 39 to 100 show; Jack ODowd. 88 to loo place. ;.7 to 138 show: Yeaghee, 36 to loo ihi vv Winner B. g. by Cimpus -Sympathetic trailed by J. L. Paul: bred by Mr. T. L. BhUling. Went to post at 3:17. At post 1 minute. Start bad and slow. Won handily: nTiad and third driving. PRINCE S. dosed a big gap in the last naarter and drew out to win as his rider pleased. JACK ODOWD raced in closes! pursuit to the ■treteh, bat tired after taking the lead. YENGHBB snffered from interfer-iee from JA K ODOWD and laid on well in the tin al drive. REDLAND came fast at the end. MAIti II. bad mach the iMst of the start, but tired badly after leading to the stretch. Scratched i34011Gipeey George, 124.

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