Plenty Of Racing In July., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-29


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PLENTY OF RACING IN JULY. The month of July will he a busy month in a racing way, no less than eighteen racing organizations having mw tings scheduled for that month. True, eeaaa of those associations will race but a few days during the month. The Latonia Jockey Club is scheduled to close its meeting on July 4. so will have but three days of racing in July. Other meetings likewise run over from June and end in the first week of July. Aside from these there will !»• racing in New York at Aqueduct and Ian pin- City, ten days sport at Grand Rapids. Mich., and in-etings galore in Canada. Owing to war restrictions mi betting in Canada after August 1. all the minor tracks in the Dominion are endeavoring to run two meetings before the closing date, with the result there will l»- several conflicting meetings in July. The schedule of raring for July as it now stands is as follows: Latonia Jockey Club. Latonia, Kv. : Jin,.- 11 to July I 21 days. Mutuels. Independence Pacing Association, Independence, Mo.: June 23 to July 4 10 days. Pack River Jockey Club, Mount Royal Park, Montreal. Que.: June 81 to July 2 7 days. Malta*. Queens County Jockey club. Aqueduct, N. Y.: June 28 to July 12 If. days. Oral. Hamilton Jockey Club. Hamilton. Out.: June Hi to July 3 7 days. Mutuels Metropolltaa Pacing Association. Dufferin Tark, Toronto, Out.: June 30 to July 7 7 days. P.ooks. Niagara Pacing Asso. iation. Fort Brie- Out.: July 4 to July 11 7 days. MutuCM. West Michigan State Fair Association, Grand Bapids, Mich.: July 4 to July 14 10 days. King Edward Park Jockey Club. Montreal, Que.: July 7 to July 14 7 lavs. Mutuels. Toronto Driving Club, HlUcrest Park, Toronto. Out.: July II to July IS 7 days. P.ooks. Empire City Pacing Association, Yoiikers, N. Y.: July 13 to July 31 Id .lays. OraL Windsor Jockey Club. Windsor, Out.: July 14 to July 21 7 days. Mutuels. Montreal Driving Club. DelorfaMler Park, Montreal. Que.: July 21 to July 2S 7 days. Mutuels. Thornoliue Jockey Club, Tborncllffe Park, Toronto. Out.: July 23 to July 30 7 days. Mutuels. Kcailworth Jockey Club, K.nilwortli Park, Windsor, Out.: July 24 to July 31 7 days. Mutuels. Mabmaneuve Park Jockey Club. Montreal, Que.: July 24 to July 31 7 days. Mutuels. Kemptoa Course Breeders Association, Kcmpton Park. Montreal. Que.: Jnlv 24 lo Jal] 31 7 days. Mutuels. Hamilton Jockey lub, Hamilton. Out.: July 2-"i lo August 1 7 daya. Mutuels.

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Local Identifier: drf1917062901_2_4
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