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KEENELAND STUDS YEARLINGS GOOD. Attrcctive Basal cf Imported Younprters to Ee Of.ercnl at Auction in August. Messrs. Keene. Long and Schorr, in an attractive booklet ju-t aenl out. aaaaaace an baportaat sale of thoroaghbred yckriiaga to in- held under the maaagement of the raaig-Tiptoa Coaapaay a; Saratoga, Aagast V. Dariag tin- ariater J. . Keeae imported thiriy-si. of flics- youngsters from KagfaUM and Ireland, and they arrived lure hnv in flesh, undersi/.ed and yen rally in poor condition, but soon after arriv bag in Kentucky, about the middle of last January, they lieg.ui to improve wonderfully, and by spring tiny hail grown to be a nallv attractive baal and nieny horsemen v. ho have visit., them at Keeae-land have come back entertaining a high opinion of theaa. They have grown late lime and hand some yeariiaga, which would compare favorably in sizi . conformation and gcacral individuality with any Ameiicin bred yearlings now on the market, and as they an- ti,. progeny of saaae of the m-i.i fashionable sins now in service, i; may be assumed ti at they will brin good prices. Their blood line:. indicate that the] will make excellCBt at crosses with the Aaierican strains now exioteal and iiltimalely improve Ameriean t hornughbreds materially. Aaaoajg the forciga-bred sires represented by these yeariiaga are Marajstx, Sunflower II., Doraado, Lou asu, l ister King. Braxted, Caraatalk, Marco, Senseless. Sir Archibald, The White Knight. St. Viclri-:, Land League. I.iuht Brigade. Barley Bale, harh-s OM.illoy. Day foinet. S.uitoi. lictui. Pari-man and King William. The catalogue also includes four American br-d yeariiaga representing the sires Ballot, Trap Sock, McGeC and Kroglegs.