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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Director Sam. L. Rogers, of the Bureau of the Census. Department of Commerce, has authorized the following announcement: Returns from every stat" in the "iiion. with Niagara County. N. Y., and three precincts in Wycming missing, show a total registration of 8,888,882, or 888 per cent of the 1 Census B.urcaus estimate, allowance Icing made for J the missing territory. The apparent shortage, about ! 418.4W8, is considi-rably less than the number f men I 21 to 3» years of age. inclusive, who are estimated by the War Deaartmeat to have been in the variois branches af the military and naval services of thr I Halted Btatea aa June ." . and for that reason exempt from tlic rei]uircment of registration. This number is 888.888. On the face of these figures, therefore, it appears that the number of men between the ages of 21 and 31 in the United States is slightly in exeesa af the number estimated by the Census Bu- reaa aa May 12 — M.67SJM8. The regulations that will guide the exemption boards in singling out the men for Americas new national army are completed and in the printers hands. From authoritative forecast based upon the law, it was learned lad i.y that the regulations provide foi the following general exemptions: Mai I fed men frith wife or children solely dependent upon them* men with aged parents aatelf dependent : men wilh oohaiied brothers or sisters under ■ certain age. depeadeat apca them; workers iii industries "necessary te the maint eaaece of the military organization or the maintenance af the national inter jest." Only men ladlanensahhl te tee continuance of such industries are exempted. Off i dais of the fed . eral tan rnairat; state and touaty affirlala, Affidavits are rcqaired from etahaaata, aaTlraiteg that wife, u -irents or children aiv dependant Baaa them. Alter investigation of the evidence, boards may grant exemption on these grounds. A Chqmteh from Parti brings information that under a protecting concentration of artillery fire, i Canadian troops early yesterday stormed and cap-I tared the Gerama front line before Avion, a i suburb af Lean. The Canadians, heartened by successes gained during the last few days at relatively small cost, decided to attack across the open ground ■loping upward to Avion Bad the villnge of Leaarrette, near the Beaehea river. They met with opposition of I machine gun fire and uncut wires delayed the j advance. The attack was not intended to be I pressed home at this particular spot, as the ground specially favored the iermans. so that the delay did not harm. The assaulting troops comprised • men from British Columbia, Manitoba, central • Ontario and Nova Scotia. i The Patted States government will completely i dominate the distribution of American wheat. Ivith ! to its allies and te neutrals, nfter the administra-I tioii food bill Incomes ■ law. according to a stat"-; miiit issued yesterday by President Joseph B. Grif -fin of UK Chicago Board of Trade on his return from Washington, where he conferred with Herbert C. Hoover, food administrator. Mr. Oriffln declared that grain exchanges are in full accord with government plans far permitting unrestricted buying and selling Of commodities for present and future delivery, with the exception of wheat. Dr. Adolf Pauli, former German minister to Brazil, and W. von Snnden, who prior to the break in ie relations, was Gorman minister to Bolivia, arrived at New York yesterday on a Batch steamship from loath American ports. The two officials were accompanied by thirty-six German consular officers and attaches from the two countries and will continue on the same ship to Amsterdam, to which i»ort they have been granted safe conduct by Great Britain and allied nations. An immediate general reduction of to .50 a tea in the price of coal at the mine was agreed Baaa at Washington yesterday by representatives of the operators. This reduction is expected to he followed by still further decreases in price after investigation of the cost of mining coal and it is probable that the government will be given a still lower price than that to the general public. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be saved to the American people through this decision. The American Federation of Labor has declined to participate in the international conference of trade unions called by the recent Stockholm conference to meet September 17 in Switzerland. Bresi-dent Gompcrs has telegraphed to President Lind-iiuist of the Stockholm conference that the American federation thinks all such conferences are "premature and untimely and can lead to no good purpose." Maj.-Gen. Pershing, the American commander, has left the hotel in which he has been staying since hi3 arrival in Paris to make his home in a fine old residence in the Rue de Varenne, so as to be near his headquarters. The house, which has a magnificent garden, formerly belonged to Prince Gortchakoff. It was leased before the war by Ogden Mills of New York, who placed it at the disposal of General Pershing. Somewhere in France thousands of Americas fighting men arc today encamped ready to take their places in the trenches beside the seasoned campaigners of the allies. General Pershings men in khaki will be augmented as fast as possible by other trained troops. This was as far as officials at the war department would go yesterday in discussing future plans, now that American soldiers have arrived on French soil. » What is believed to be a new army flying record was established yesterday, when Capt. John C. P. Bartholf and Lieutenant Stevens of the governments aeronautical experiment station at Hampton Roads flew from there to Mineola, N. Y., in four hours and fifteen minutes. The trip was made without mishap. Bails was flooded with American naval officers mid bluejackets yesterday men from ships that accompanied the American expeditionary army 011 its voyage to Prance. They were feted and cheered and petted by adoring crowds everywhere they went. An American aviator has been in active service, flying over Cciman lines at Verdun an I elsewhere during the past week. Be is Major Mitchell. The announcement was made at American army, headquarters in Paris yesterday.