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AMERICAN AGE A MUDLARK Defeats Ultima Thule in Heavy Going with Great Ease Pour Oaklawn Favorites Win Blue Paradise Scores at Last and Gains a New Owner HOT SPRINGS Ark April 4 Edward Cebrians highly rated Amcricnn Ace again figured in i stery ling performance by winning the Mount in Valley Handicap from Ultima Thule and Diversion in tin1 easiest kind of fashion after a display of high speed in the early running which gave him a com ¬ manding lend right from tlie start Only three started in the race and American Ace was backed with rare confidence He justified it for ho was never in difficulty and at the end was under restraint Afier the race speculation was rife as to his Kentucky Derby prospects but the general opinion was that he has the frame of a sprinter and his ability to stay over a long distance is an open Question However it has not been disproved that lie will not stay beyond the sprinting distances for he has never been asked to try and his two victories here have been won easily easilyTodays Todays track was a holding one and slow time was the result with the footing more favorable tt mud runners Outside of the handicap the other races all had claiming conditions and while con ¬ tested by ordinary ones their even caliber allowed for close racing Favorites fared well four pro nouncqd choices being victors victorsThe The only upset developed with the decision of the fifth race jn vhichsome good platers met and the diminutive Schwartz had the monrit aridscored his triumphThe maiden triumph The opener found Marvin May the recipient of confident backing and he made good easily from Mamie and Miss Parnell Lady Pataud was thought to have an excellent chance in the race but jockey Groth elected otherwise and pulled her up tit the start for no apparent cause effectively ending her winning chalice chaliceBlue Blue Iaradise which in a previous race was claimed from E It Bradley by P A Houdc scored for her new owner but she also changed ownership via the claiming route for H Field took her for l iOO iOOSPIRITED SPIRITED DUEL IN THE THIRD RACE RACENinety Ninety Simplex and Archie Alexander engaged in a spirited duel in the third race Ninety Simplex winning in the last stride strideWith With an intelligent ride Cobalt proved best in the closing race and won for the entire way with Choir Master and Adelante following Jockey followingJockey Coltiletti was suspended for six days by the starter for incompetency at the post Starter postStarter A H Dade this afternoon received formal notice of his appointment as starter for all of the Kentucky tracks this year The communication came from general manager Matt J AVinn AVinnE E F Sims who is interested with James McClel ¬ land in the horses racing in the hitters name which includes Eternal The Wanderer and others was among the visitors this afternoon and plans to re ¬ main here for several days to witness the sport A sportA big delegation of politicians from Chicago were arrivals during the day daySummery Summery weather was again the rule and the sport was witnessed by a good attendance then were thirtyeight price quoters in line Jockey lineJockey Lloyd Gentry left tonight for Lexington Ky in response to a message from E H Brad ley his contract employer who desires his services in schooling anil galloping the division of his stable which wintered in the Blue Grass State Trainer StateTrainer Hani Keene will send the horses which have been racing here in the name of the WaldecU Stable to Lexington next Sunday C Bruce Head one of the owners of the establishment will leave at the same time as will also jockey Otis Willis Jockey WillisJockey Mack Garner oes to Lexington Sunday to rejMirt to It L Raker for whom lie will ride this year