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SECOND RACE G 12 Furlongs 3yearoids and upward Claiming Nov 29 1917 l19Ji 4 KARGERY ch m 6 107 10741SC By Klnp Jame Marjoram J Arthur 41SC Bowie f l21fast 2710 IOS 4 441S2S Ih 1i Sndman 7 IlcCuspo KhiKline II Ideal 41S2S Uowie Gl f l22Vbfast 7 105 7 741C02 2i 1 S Sridmanl3 KefiiKee Vlgue Itose Ideal 41C02 Jefson Im70y l47good 185 107 1 3s 3J C Brown 10 Pliiviada StJatewood LCocIiran 41593 Jefson 34 116 slow 3 102 C 3 1 II J Burke S Risponde Karlyiuorn MeddMiss 41572 Jefson 34 llGfast 41 IOS 7 45 33 H J Burkel2 Liberator Azalea Theophile V 41525 FGnds 5S f 107 fast 12 110 8 6 6i N Barrett 12 Poverina Estimable Approval 41482 FGnds Im70y l49 hvy 1 107 C 11 21 N Barrett S SGatewood Ringdove HMabel 41453 fa Gnds 5X f 111 mud 3S 111 4 2 = 2i N Barrett 9 Toombeola Liberator Approval 41400 FGnds 5i t lllhvy 3J 109 8 2 2 k N Barrett 8 Sosius Korfhage Parlor JBoy 41291 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 7 103 8 4J 4s J Rodgezll Uenuiie Paula V Marianao 41254 FGnds 5J f l03Kood 7 110 9 C11 45J J RodgezlO King K Spok Queen Iugauinl 41232 FGnds Im20y l49hvy 8 104 3 34120S 21 2J II J Burke 7 Luckyll Sosius GWshiiiKton 4120S FGnda 5J f lllnvy 10 109 7 G1 5s L Stalker 12 1 Connelly Sosius IJarly Sight 41174 FGnda 1 11G l49V sood 10 104 5 5SISTER 3J 573 J Rodgez 7 Old Ben AmalKamator 1etBleti 1etBletiBr SISTER EMBLEM b m 5 109 Br Ballot Ava Marie G W J Bissell 41870 Bowie C f l22fust 4J 110 I 1J 1s J Butwell 7 Bronco Billy II Shaw SBeach 40553 Bowie 1 14 21 slow 17 100 2 Z 3 II Myers 5 Kcbo Gold Bov P and Calls 40500 Bowie 1 18 158 fast 5 105 C C404UO 4nt c = J II Myers 12 Crumpsall FounFay GoldBoy 404UO Bowie 1 11C l51fast 4J 103 3 li 2i II Myers 11 Kebo Silver Sandals Bierman 40440 Bowie 1 1lt 152 fast 29 107 4 2i 2 H Myers 12 Blue Thistle Luther Starfincli 40410 Bowie Im70y 151 livy 5J 100 G G403SO 4l 3 J R McCrnn 7 Dolina Sea Beach Firing Line 403SO Bowie 78 l31hvy 10 1Q7 1 1 S Sndman 14 Starfincli Bluebannock H Off 10035 Laurel 1 11G 147 fast 41f 110 9 9S9S58 12 13 = ° J RodgezlO Thorn Bloom Nigel Medusa S9S58 HdeGce 1 11G l47fast 9 98 1 13977S 55 G5 Q Pretce 13 Capt Ray Fairly Thorn Bloom 3977S HdeGce 34 llChvy 28 113 3 3KILMER 31 2l W J OBnl2 Peeper Bellringer Talebearer TalebearerBy KILMER ch g 6 117 11741S71 By Plaudit Expressing T E Crist 41S71 Bowie Gi f 122 fast 7 US 7 741G24 4J 2i J Metcalf X Miiinbn Jumbo Sosius Napoli 41G24 Jefson 1 11G l4Jfast 5 11G 4 2J 1J A Collins 9 Bnefactor Idolence Amgator 41575 Jeffcon 1 116 151 fast 3J 113 G 1J li M Rowan 8 Dmlreary Mnnchen Kltmanu 41509 FGnds Im70y l4Gsood 15 108 4 4414U7 2 2 M Rowan 9 Grumpy Romeo Ben Hampson 414U7 FGnds 5J f l13hvy 8 153 1 14144L 3 3 1 Lt VFJClylO Tito Ettahe Amalgamator 4144L FGnda 1 11G 152 hvy 30 104 S 91 10 M Garner 11 Lucky It Kebo Mary H 41407 FGnds 5i f 111 livy 0 111 7 7 7 M Garner 7 Discussion Seafarer Grn Gran 41200 FGnda 1 11G l53mud 20 115 2 2HARRY 31 45 7 TJo VKe3 7 Dolina ISiirreso K lin linBy HARRY SHAW b h 8 114 11441S70 By Sain Hand Bell R J Allison 41S70 Bowie GJ f l227cfast 135 lir 2 3i = G Corey 7 Sis Emblem BrBilly S Beach 41595 Jefson 4 llGsow 15 114 4 v 5 = 3 W Mondon i HOIIILO Toddler Valerie West 41439 FGnds 51 f 109 hvy 30 lift 6 7 = 73 W MnUon 8 Kil Boy Sabretash Korfhasru 27581 Oaklwn 1 116 l47V fast 8 107 4 B C3i W Obert 8 Obolus Mystic Folly IJulibiiii 27433 Oaklwn 1 141 fast 7 112 5 6 = GJ W Obert 8 Obolus MaryBelle Q of the Sen 37090 FGnds Im70y 151 mud 710 113 1 13G934 2s 3 R Trolse 5 JFCiunmincs B ISnom BBoy 3G934 FGnds 1 l40ROod 45 111 2 23CSGG 41 4S2 D Connlly 9 Basilius Valais Buford 3CSGG FGnds 1 137fast 8 105 5 53US35 IS 2k W Obert 9 DWilliams CLeader Wdstoue 3US35 Jefson 1143 slow 65 111 2 2s 2 D Connlly r Turco Intriguer Langden 36743 Jefson 1 l42good 115 109J 5 53GG32 li 2 D Corinlly IJ Brynlimah Producer luck Scot 3GG32 Jefson 1 l45hvy 4 105 2 22G587 2J 21 L McAtee 7 Woodstone AVarsaw All ISright 2G587 Jefson 1 l40good 12 109J 2 3i 5 D Conully 7 ChLeader Warsaw Woodward SISPONDE ch f 4 105 10541S71 By Marta Santa Goodness T W OBrien 41S71 Bowie Cl f 122 fast 5 100 2 2 4 31 5 i J Stapletn 8 Muinbo Jumbo Kilmer Sosius 41598 Jefson 34 Iingoodl710 107 5 3 3 33 I2 H Ericksn 8 GACoskey Rocderer Scmouch 41593 Jefson 34 116 slow 135 111 1 1 1 li 2 R Troxler 8 Margery Earlymorn MeddMlss 41677 Jefson 34 l18V mud 10 111 1 1 1 1 ink R Trozler 0 Sosius Genoriil Miss Kruter 41303 FGnds 51 f l10mud 15 107 11 11 114C898 11 8s 8 ° F Murphy 11 Kil Boy Speedster PConnellj 4C898 FGnds 51 f l07fast 7 109 6 7 740S10 8 91 102 Li Ensor 12 Star Baby Ophelia W Laugden 40S10 Jefson 34 l16good C 309 3 2 2407S9 2 1 14 L Lyke 0 Eulogy Bogart Frank Monroe 407S9 Jefson 51 f l09 = igood 12 105 3 1 2 2 3 = 1 H Wakoff 8 Jack K Medusa Alma Louise 40678 Jefson 61 f 111 hvy 7 107 5 4 440C42 4 4J 4 C Watson 8 Pineliurst HandHalf JuneBug 40C42 Jefson 34 l22hvy 165 107 6 8 840C26 8 7l 7 A Johnson 8 Al Pierce Blue Rock Robt Lee 40C26 Jefson 34 l20Mihvy 31 109 5 1 1 2s 3 i li Ensor 7 Inquieta Kezinh Margery 40477 Bowie Im70y l47fast 11 107 632 4 61 12 C ICummerlC Zouave El Plaudit LeDinosaure 40422 Bowie 34 l15good 27 101 2 6 6STURDEE 4 42 6T G Walls 12 FtheGreat Pepper Blazeaway BlazeawayBy STURDEE b g 5 109 1094051G By Havoc Kate Kittleberry B Morris 4051G Bowie Gi f 122 slow 29 110 4 4 440ii 4 45 43 L Morris CLeydeekciv Kashmir Qiiietiulc 40ii Bowio ImVOy l48fast S 112 2 5 7 4 71 S L Morris 15 Siilvatello Bar One Irisli Kiss 40366 Bowie 78 l31slop 13 113 3 S C 7 718 L Morris 11 Firing Line KNcptuiio Zouave 40255 Pimlico 34 l13fast 12 113 3 3 34008S 2 3 47i J McTagt fi Star Spangled A Go On Paddy 4008S Laurel 34 l14Vkfast 3S 113 2 1 1IU481 1 1 2 J MeTagt la Ina Kay Zouave Dr Campbell IU481 Windsor 1 1S 15Jslop 192C 322 3 2 2 2S4217 3 35 3 F Cooper 4 K Gaiety LonnLand GalaDress S4217 FortErlo 34 l14fast 1720109 2 3 3 1 1 F Cooper i Corn Broom CnptB Isabella 33827 Connht 31114 fast 95109 G 2 2WETONA 2 2i I2 T Parton 13 Corn Broom RGaicty GGalore GGaloreBy WETONA b f 4 102 By Chuctanunda Princess Monrcouth E Dodd 4182 Howie 0 f l22fast 22f 10111 10 9 II 10 A Richcrkia Margery ItcfiiKCC Tiger Rose 41 an Jefson 4 ilfi fast 50 lOi 12 12 11 10 10 G PrceceJrl3 Sramoueh M7iiibo NSimplex 41592 lefson 34 l17slow 30 107 9 9 5 6 = 6 G PreeceJrlt Approval Marg N HasKiches 41529 Jefson rl fl14hvy 20 100 4 7 7SG749 7 62 G3 F Mcrimee 7 Key Mar Nope Mico Girl SG749 Havana 51fllGhvy 10 113 7 7 7GGOG 7 G2 7 A Collins 7 Queen Margot Kale Tom Tit GGOG Havana 51 f l07fast 10 113112 13 12 12 12 D Boland 12 Marauder Orestes Ukulele 24901 DoHills Ab58 102 fast 12 100 9 6 6J4S78 779 W McDott 0 Scabbard Little Boy Go To It J4S78 DoHIlls Ab58 l03fast 21 114 4 4OCEAN 4 31 3 2 W Durikn 6 Little Boy Ben Lui Go To It ItBy OCEAN PRINCE br g G 114 By Cunard Interview SI J Daly 41870 Bowie 61 f i22fast 45 115 6 C G DalyG 7 7 iV Collins 7 Sis Kmblehi Br Billv HShaw 10550 Bowie 1 11G l55slow 15 111 13 S 3 3401GO 7 91 S11 C Kuinmcrlt Tie Pin Langdeii Margery 401GO Bowie 1 11 C lfilfast 30 110 547 3 21 10 R Paulcy 11 Kebo SisKmblcm SilSandals 40435 Bowie 1 116 l53fast 8 109 10 8 9 3 2 2l A PicUens 11 Fairly Oenonc Kuterpe 40394 Bowie 1 11G l54hvy 12 114 4 C C 4 32 3i W Doylo 30 Blue Tliistlo Luther Alma B 40370 Bowie 1 116 155 slop 24 107 3 2 3 5 62 31 W Doyle 12 PBterfly WBdottc GoldBoy 4041 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 3G 109 322 3224026S 3 41 43J T Parton 8 WThyme Millrace GMMiller 4026S Pimlico 2351 fast 52 14711 11 11 Pulled tipA Kelly 11 Fencer BotheSea North Star 40221 Laurel 1 14 206 fast 87 111 2 3 5 8 81 8 H ThurbcrlO Queen of the Sea Dan Valaia