Seventh Race [7th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-05

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SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Nov 25 1915 148 4 110 FOUNTAIN FAT ch g 9 107 10741S32 By McGee White Plume J E Woods 41S32 Bowie ImOylMSHfcfast 1110 112 111 1114irr 11 VI J iletcalf 7 l rcssive llandfidl H Hpsun 4irr Torso i i is i55Vffast 9r iw i t i iiJlfiOl 12 1 = J ISIoonoy J UiMiofotor Uejircso CaptIIodce iJlfiOl lefso i 1 14 20fl good 115 102 3 1 1 14irS2 I2 1s II J Burke 0 Duke ofShelliy Itcgreso Harwod 4irS2 Jefso i 1116158 mud 9 lOt 777 7774irr 6J Ci II J Burke 7 Oapt Hudge Ihircnzi Kspano 4irr Jefso i 1 11C I55hvy 6 109 7 6 7 74150S 7 611 JI J Burke 7 Miss Killey Handfull Mnmichen 4150S FGn la 1 18 lr lr5good 5good 6 100 433 71 712 D Connllyl2 Honolulu Ioy John Hurie Leta 41220 FGn Is 1 18 203Alivy 8 lOo 3 2 3 34117C 6 5 i H Wakoff 5 UFavorite Bluebannoek Fairlj 4117C FGnds 1 l49good 135 ISO 4 3 3 3410G2 11 21 Lt C SmithlO Kilmer Slumberer Col McNab 410G2 FGnds 1 11G l52mud j 110 6 C 6 6 6 A Collins i Sleeth Lucky R Gleipner 40811 Jefson Im70y l4Sgood 31 112 8 5 6 71 7 H Wakolt 9 Say Iiliss Fannie TzeLsi nfi31 Jefson Im70y 158 hvy 8 117 4 4 2 4 441 F Robsbn S Grumpy Cracow Luther 40549 Bowie Im70y 157 slow 4 151 6 4 4 2 2LUTHER 2 ink Lt White 11 Grey Eagle Melos Christie ChristieBy LUTHER TJ e 0 109 By Oddfellow Cotnmena C N Freeman 41853 Bowio 11 1C 152 fast X 112 f 4 1 1 141G33 I1 1 = T Rice 7 PaiiiKJills Ilnnvood ptllodce 41G33 Jefst iv 1 116 l49fast 7 112 9 0 C G ptllodceG G A Collins 1t Hanilfiill EBauinn SGatewd 41583 Jcfson 1 18 205 mud 4 112 543 fi G G T Rice Bombast BHampson SBderick 41555 Jefson 1 110 l54hvy 21 112 G 4 3 3 41 4i T Kice i DonDodge BHampson Regreso 41197 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 1710 112 1533 35 3 T Rice i Philistine Pgressive SSlwsirt 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 2 111 3 2 2 1 Il 1 T Rico 8 Dundreary BSpiller BShilling 41213 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 135 llOi 4553 31 3 T Rice 7 Hondo Adclante Rhymer 41055 FGnds 1 115 151 good 7 116 2 10 8 9 9 = 712 T Rice 13 Slumberer Tito Choir Master 40015 FGnds 1 116 l57V hvy 4 113 431 1 140S11 21 21 T Rice 10 Grumpy Keziah Jason 40S11 Jefson Im70y l4Sgood 4 111 7 7 7 5 51 5 L Lyke 9 Say Miss Fannie TzeLsi 40740 Jefson 1 l53V5hvy 95 113 5422 1 31 M Garner 5 Tito Semper Stalwart Willdo 40700 Jefcon Im70y l54hvy 2 112 6 3 3 3 31 3J F Robson 7 Miss Kruter Langden Grumpy U651 Jefpon 1 l4Shvy 2 114 5 2 1 1 1INDOLENCE 21 21 W J OBn 7 Lucile P BHampson Parrish ParrishBy INDOLENCE b g 8 112 By McGee Princess Orna M R Pons 41624 Jefson 1 116 l49 fast 45 10G 2 7 7 G lit 311 G preeccJr 0 Kilmer Benefactor Amalgamtor 41279 FGnds 1 116 l49Mfast 3J 107 2 G S 10 10411K7 13 13 G Molesthl3 Sir Oliver Benefactor Willdo 411K7 FGnds 1 116 150 slow 5 104 9 10 9 2 2410T5 11 I3 C RobsonK Lucky R Scourgeman Regreso 410T5 FGnds 1 116 151 good 7 108 12 8 9 7 C 5 i S SndmanlS Slumberer Tito Choir Master 0991 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 5 105 3 3 3 3 5 4s S Sndman 8 Bombast Choir Master Cracow 40962 FGnds ImiOy l4Ggood 41 112 3333 333340M3 2 2 at Mthewsia SFace Dhabiahll Benefactor 40M3 FGnds 1 11 3 l49fast 5 111 8 C 7 3 340SOS 31 3 M MthewslS MRoselL BJonathan Dervish 40SOS Jefson 1 145 good 95 116 5 5 4 4 4DUNDREARY 31 21 M Mthcws 9 GorRoberts Dtivisli StBridge StBridgeBy DUNDREARY b g 7 104 By Sempronius Ameeras J M Booker 11S9 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 2 107 1224 122441G2T 55 S ° J Metoalf 8 AlinaB EBauinn CanclidatoII 41G2T Jefson Im20y l45fast 165 111 f 5 4 3 341C10 12 322 W Crump lt Ambuscade SMarjorie SJney 41C10 Jefson 1 11G l49fast G 111 5 1 1 1 I1 23 W Crump 1C Regreso EBaumann BHunley 41575 Jefson 1 116 151 fast G 108 2 2 2 3 2J 2 S Sndman 8 Kilmer Mannchen E Baumann 414 i5 FGnds Im70y l51mud 21 106 1 2 2 5 6 620 S Sndman 6 Alma Louise Regreso Cadillac 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 4 106 2 1 1 2 2413SO 2 2 S Kndman 8 Luther BSpiller BarShilling 413SO FGnds ImTOy l50hvy 6 103 3 2 1 2 3J 43 S Sndmanl4 Rhjmcr Bluebahnock MarTom 41291 FGnds ImOy l46fast 20 106 6 4 3 2 3s 3el S Sndmanl4 Sts Bridge Baby Cal Dervish DervishBy G M MILLER b h 12 109 109ilSS By Lissak Subdue R F Carman ilSS Bowie Im20y 147 fast G 111 3 G Ci 511 W Doyle 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 40179 Bowie 1 11 211 fast 6 114 4 3 3 4nt o12 W J OBn S Luther Buck Nail Baby Sister 40410 Bowie 1 11G 152 fast 10 112 5 10 11 52 10to W J OBnll BlThistle SisEmblem Luther 40391 Bowie 1 11G l54hvy 5 114 10 10 9 72 Gsl W J OBnlO Blue Thistle Luther OcPrince 40341 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 12 112 563 15 3i W J OBn S W Thyme Millrace Oc Prince 40237 Laurel 1 14 209hvy 6 107 7 8 7 7 74 L Bnsor 8 SkyPilot BHmpson SSandals 40221 Laurel 1 14 206 fast 39 111 9 7 6 52 G 3 W J OBnlO Queen of the Sea Dan Valais 40114 Laurel 1 11 207 cood 5 113 3 6 6 6PUTS Cl C l W J OBnll SkyPilot GoldcrestBoy Grouse GrouseBy PUTS AND CALLS b g 7 114 11441S53 By Locohatchee Putgada G W Forman 41S53 Bowie 1 116 153 fast 45 112 1 7 G 42 22 J Jletcalf 7 Luther Hanvood Capt Hodge 41507 FGnds 2334 good S5 108 4 3 2 02 2 ° H Ericksn 5 QApple LIIerbert Benefactor 41455 FGnds 1 12 245mud 45 106 5 4 4 33 21 H J Burke 5 Q Apple Irregular M Rose II 41371 FGnds 1 18 lG9mud 10 104 G 5 3 Jasonin 3i lh H J Burke 8 Regreso Bajazet Jason 41299 FGnds 114209 fast fi5 106 7 7 7 in lok j Bell 7 D Dodge Regreso BHampson 41259 FGnds 1 11G l50good 4 110 7 7 7 7411GG 31 41 J Bell 7 Dabiahll SStalwart Smberer 411GG FGnds 1 116 l49slow 10 106 9 9 9 41 4 1 J Bell 9 Willdo Foxy Griff Don Dodge 41042 FGnds 1 1S l57slow 7 107 9 11 10 71 710 J Bell 11 Old Ben Cracow Honolulu 40961 FGnds 1 115 l47good 4 107 6 6 G 6 651 M Rowan G Irregular KewONeil Cadillac 40928 FGnds 1 116 l53hvy 15 112 7 6 5 1 61 6J M Rowan 7 Opportunity Lottery Grayson 40553 Bowie 1 14 213slow 910 102 5 5 5 418 410 R McCrnn 5 Kebo Gold Boy Sister Emblem 0520 Bowie 1 14 212slow Si 110 4 6 4 4BLUE 2nk 2J R McCrnn 6 PButterfly Luther Babette BabetteBy BLUE ROCK b e 6 105 By Trap Rock Sly Nun C A Applegate 41832 Bowie Im70y l43fast 10 114 5 3 3 C4 CJ T Par ton 7 Foun Fay Pgressive Handfnll 41567 Jcfson 1 116 l51slow 4 111 2 2 2 2J 2n M Buxton 5 PaulConnelly Bombast Rhjmer 41442 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 20 103 5 2 3 81 710 I Gregory 11 Lucky R Kebo Mary H 41410 FGnds 1 116 154 hvy S 109 1 1 2 5 4 J F Murphy 7 Queen Blonde Jasoni Lucile P 41358 FGnds 1 11G l4Sy5fast 12 113 8 8 8 74 714 y j OBnll SBridgq Philistine iDabiah II 41312 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 5 112 1 1 2 32 3 1 F Murphy 10 SStalwart Kenwd DahabiaLII 41245 FGnds 1116152 hvy 10 113 2 2 2 21 b M Garner 0 Old Ben Yermak Hondo Hondo5s 41212 FGnds 1116155 hvy 7 111 2 6 6 5s 512 C RobsonlO Ninety Simplex Tito Pulaskl 41153 FGnds Im70y l50hvy 15 115 2 2 2 31 11 M Buxton 6 Hondo Blue Thistle Bajazet 41018 FGnds 1 116 l55hvy 7 112 6 2 2 2l 3 M Buxton 8 SemStalwart Rhymer Brickley 40994 FGnds 1 116 l53V hvy 8 113 2 1 1 1INaUIETA 21 1 F Smith 3 Capt Hodge Graphic INaUIETA b m 9 107 By Fatherless Ellerslia VT Walker 41832 Bowie ImTOy l49 fast 54 107 3 5 G 7 720 W Obert 7 Foun Fay Pgressive Handfnll 41610 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 30 107101016 16 1636 C Brown 10 Regreso Dundreary EBamaiiu 41579 Jefson 1 11G 156 mud 41 102 4 4 4 31 5 S S Boyle 9 Flora Finch Petelus Fairly 41552 Jefson 51 f lllhvy 3 106 6 5 G2 G C Brown 7 General J Thummel TphileV 41041 FGnds 1 116 152 slow 20 106 5 7 6 121J1231 S SndmanM DonDodge Adelante Scrgeman 41008 FGnds 1 116 l54hyy 15 104 437 7 737 S Sndman 7 Little Cottage Sosius Keziah 1 40392 FGnds Im20y 147 hvy 8 106 3 5 7 8 S11 C RobsbnS MaryHT2uigdon At Pierce i i 40927 FGnds 5J f l09hvy 20 112 6 9 940S62 9l 9tl G RobsonlO Blaise Sabretash Leta 40S62 FGnds ImTOy l53hvy 5 106 6 2 2 31 315 H Cassity 7 Wrproof BForite Tportation 40792 Jefson 1 116 l53Vfegood 10 104 1 1 1 3nk 341 H Cassity 7 BHampson Tportation Dolina 40754 Jcfson 5J f l10hvy 8 111 1 2 3 341 F Robson 7 M Kruter Pinehurst CMaster 40731 Jefson 1 l52hvy 12 112 1 3 2 lh iij F Robson 9 T Nightcr Grumpy BFavorite

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Local Identifier: drf1919040501_7_1
Library of Congress Record: