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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Elks Purse 3yearolds and upward Claiming April 2 1918 112 7 115 t NEPPERHAN br c 4 116 By King James Price G B Cooper 41731 Oaklwn 34 l134ifast 12 119 4 5 3 3 lh J Groth Bringhurst Kama Lively 41441 FGnds 1 11G l49V hvy 4 108 1 2 2 2 3 3i G Molesth 3 Drastic Bribed Voter VoterI1 41382 FGnds Im70y l49hvy 95 104 2 1 1 1 H 1J G Molestli G Amalette E Tranter NewelW 41297 FGnds 1 141 fast 41 106 3 Pulled up G Molesth G Wai Hall BSimon KiXoor KiXoor2b 41257 FGnds 1 l41good 115 101 5631 2b 21 H Stearns G KBriglit MRose II Cob I iss 41218 FGnds 1 l47hvy G5 100 2 1 2 3 34 2 J Mooney 4 MRoselL D Bright NewelW 41178 FGrids Bl f lOGgood 16 ICG It 99 9 g l F Murphy 11 RCraig WWIIastings WHall WHall2s 41072 FGnds 1 l43hvy 115 105 3 2 2 2s 3 o M Garner 5 Royce Rools Bolster Ticket Ticketih 41039 FGnds 1 143 slow 4 104 1 1 1 ih 2b R Pauley 5 Reveler Fern Handley BVoter 109SO FGnds El f lOG7ifast 30 104 10 8 8 ° R Pauley 10 BsChoiee VBnnie ItonTrouip 10283 Pimlico 34 lllfast 19f 98 9 11 10 G4 G31 Q Preece 13 Flags Jock Scot Bulse 40213 Laurel 34 113 fast 21 100 5 5 3k 42 J RodgeZ 5 PassShower Bulse DrJohnson 29258 Saratog 31112slow 10 101 b 6 8 83 8 W MlyJr 9 SweepUpIL Jyntee B Paradise BRINGHURST br g 8 116 116i By Plaudit Sweet Marjoram G V Barnes i iifiist 2 us i it 2 1 D Connlly S St Isidore Kama Sir Oliver 11721 Oakiwn t iifist 1MO J2l i ii 2 11 Odimlly Ncppcrliiin Kama Lively 41045 Oakrwn 31 l14icood 2i 1 3 l 2 U ConnllylO MarsMouse Sereiiest BTromp 4117S FGnds 5 f l06KOod 6 107 5 41 G = J M Garner 11 ItCruig WWHastiiiKS WIlall 40316 Latonia 34 l12fast 4J 107 7 2 i ih F Smith 1 Cane Run Dr Carmen II Gear 3POS9 Latonia 34 113 good 4 119 4 6 6 J L Mink 7 Blue Paradise Melus Nobleman 39026 Latonia 34 lllfast 14 106 1 7l 9s J Mooney 11 Lcochares Boniface Vlo Bonnie 3S9S3 Latonia 34 112 fast 6 111 3 lh 2i E Sande 0 Bon Tromp Sedan Tacola 2S914 Latonia 34 112 fast 32 114 1 21 2J L Gentry C Skiles Knob DImitri Kama 3SG73 Latonia 34 114 fast 1 109 1 U lb H Lunsfd C GipGeorge MBThrman Shin 3S600 Douglas 34 lllfast 2110 110 3 2i lk L Gentry I King Belle Kinney Rafferty RaffertyBy A N AKIN b e 7 113 By Algol Tremar E Trotter Trotterri 41818 Oaklwn 4 l12fast 15 107 3 3412SO ri 3J O Willis 5 Einator rTliule TotliJIinK 412SO FGnds 5i f l10hvy 45 105 1 I1 I1 C Robspn SofPsure Kliglit KiNoor 41178 FGnds 51 t lOCsood 7 107 4 7 73 C Robsonll UCraig WWIIastings WIlall 41099 FGnds 5J f 110 hvy 2 10S 3 3Ei 21 2 C Robson 3 Top Coat Blackie Daw 41019 FGnds Ei f 110 hvy 2J 122 1 2S 2s J Metcalf 4 Korbly Pickwick FIIandiey 40D93 FGnds 1 l42hvy 910 106 1 21 2 G Walls 4 Uasilius Amalette S in Time 40375 Latonia 34 l15slop 910 107 G 4h 6T1 M Garner 7 Bon Tromp SKnob SofPlsure 40318 Latonia 34 lllfast 2S 107 1 34 2 II Garner 7 Courtship Basil Drastic 39026 Latonia 34 lllfast 6 113 3 81 10 D Connllyll Lcochares Boniface Vio Bonnie 3SC63 Latonia 34 l12fast 75 116 3 61 61 L Mink G Pce ofComo Buford Fruitcake 3SC37 Latonia 34 l12fast 13 120 9 6l 6 L Mink 10 Boniface Quietude V America 38455 Douglas 34 lllfast 6 122 2 2SANDS 64 4 J L Mink 9 Leochares Tacola Fruit Cake CakeBy SANDS OF PLEASURE b e 6 118 By Fair Play Golden Sand H Field 41409 FGnds 1 147 hvy Cr 109 2 241S94 1s 1J G Molesth 5 War JIask Prunes Walnutllall 41S94 FGnds 1 l43mud U5 106 4 2 ° 3 1 G Molesth 4 Drastic KohiNoor Glasstoi 41309 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 75 104 4 2l 22 G Molesth 4 liuford KateBriglit FHandley 41276 FGnds 1 116 148 fast 4 104i 2 3 22 G Molesth 5 FredtheGreat Bnford Hanovia 41230 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 2 105 3 3411U7 3s 21 G Molesth C ANAkin KBrlght KiNoor 411U7 FGnds Im70y l47mud 8 100 5 31 23 G Molesth 5 Slippery Elm Buford Waukeag 41131 FGnds 1 116 150 hvy 4 105 4 2 25 G MolesUi C Bolster Dan Bright Doug S 41118 FGnds 1 150 hvy 8 107 6 618 0 ° G Molesth 5 FIIandiey DUright Waukeag 41059 FGnds 5i f l07mud 25 108 6 6404G5 6 618 G Molesth 5 Pickwick VioletBonnie Pepper 404G5 Latonia 1 l40slow 165 107 2 2s 22 C VnDun 5 BSnnon WHhine Optunity 40431 Latonia 34 l16hvy 31 103 6 6KATE 1 21 J Hanover 5 G Queen Opptunity Ltusury LtusuryBy KATE BRIGHT b f 4 111 By Norford Jane laurel CW Smith 41506 FGnds 5 f l07JfKOOil 20 110 5 41 33 L Stalker 0 Franklin CLVydecker Assume 41440 FGnds I l44hvy 10 10S 2 21 21 E Pool r Diversion FHndley KTiNoor 41355 FGnds 1 l39fast 85 101 3 4J 4J C Robson 7 Diversion TheCBbn KiNoor 41309 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 4 100 2 3 i 35 C Robson 4 Huford SofPasure FHandley 41257 FGnds 1 l41good 4 104 3 11 I2 E Pool 0 Nepperhan M Rose II CLass 4120 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 10 10GJ 2 2S 3 M Garner G AXAkin SofPure KiNoor 41164 FGnds 1 l41slow 10 103 3 41 4 M Garner Itoyce Rools Grayson Cob Lass 40974 FGnds 1 l40fast 135 105 2 4 4i A Johnson 5 CobLass KohiNoor Amalette 4007 Pimlico 1 316 201 fast 175 116 3 310 3 c Kummer 4 Game Cock Ballymooney POne 40297 Pimlico 34 l13fast 11 118 9 61 E8i L Ensor 11 ArrahGoOn LpuiseV Subalular 40226 Laurel 1 l39fast 12 105J 5 5BON 4s 35i C Kummer G Ked Sox Tombolo Jolin I Day DayBy BON TROMP br c 4 111 By Von Tromp Bonsetta J Lowe 41645 Oaklwn 34 l14ROod 165 118 7 61 4 1 H J BurkelO MMouse BriiiKliurst Screnest 415S7 Jefsoii 34 l15slow 45 111 1 15i 2J 21 CVI Garner 5 Kil 15oy DanBright Dioscoride 4103S FGnds 5i f l09yslow S2 111 4 45J 3i 3 1 D Connlly 4 Squceler Top Coat Dragoon 409SO FGndd 5J f lOGfast 10 104 5 55J 3 3l J Mooney 10 Bs Choice V Bonnie Assume 40939 FGnds 5J f lOSslow 6 106 5 4 32 J Mooney T Pickwick Pepper AAlexander 40007 FGnds 51 f 108 mud Si 110 3 35i 32 38i L Ensor 4 Korbly Pickwick Gipsy Queen 40822 FGnds 5i f 107 fast 10 109 6 21 3 i L Ensor 12 Korbly Assume Walnut Hall 40505 Latonia 34 l13good 5 IOS 6 5Z 22 J Mooney 7 Sedan Skiles Knob GalliCurel 40375 Latonia 34 l15slop 19 105 1 2 I1 J Mooney 7 S Knob SofPleasurc GQueen 3i9oO Douglas 34 lllfast 6 113 6 51 4 L Mink 7 Grundy W WHastings Kama KamaBy ARTHUR MIDDLETON ch s 6 114 114Formerly By Disguise Xardella Ws Y Thraves Thraves11s Formerly Dr Moore 39S50 Douglas 34 l13fast 1320 113 10 10SS954 11s 11 J Howard 12 TGoose SAlysin MBThrman SS954 Latonia 34 l12fast 6 106 7 51 5i E Sande fl BlueParadise Ladylvau Dimitri 8900 Latonia 34 lU2fast 45 108 5 52S533 in 15 J Howard 12 CaneRun BParadise Rochester 2S533 Douglas 34 l10fast 6 114 9 93S3SG S 8l J Howard 12 Troilus Boniface IchlBan 3S3SG Douglas 34 lllfast 10 98 3 3SG542 4 4J1 E Sande 4 Solly Bel Me Boys Pr of Como SG542 Havana 6i f lOGfast 35 104 3 33G415 11 I1 J Howard S Bonnie Tess Alert Orinulu 3G415 Latonia 34 lllfast 9 105 7 73G373 E2 55J L Gentry 7 Atalunta Pan Zareta Solly 3G373 Latonia 34 l12fast 85 113 3 2h 2 D Connlly 0 Kinney Gipsey George Phocion 26329 Latonia 34 l12V fast 11 108 11 I1 I4 J Howard 8 Impressive BJoe TMquerader 35935 Churchl 5J f l07good 10 108 3 3TYRANNY 1 V D Connlly 12 Kinney Amazon Mary Belle BelleBy TYRANNY br e 3 M 100 10041tt By Star Shoot or Hessian Basseting P Ungar 41tt Oaklwn 1 l42fast 5 9 12 11 11 C Robsonl2 Ilryne 15 Shilling Sfkeurwiker 41G57 Oaklwn 5 f 110 slow 12 109 8 71 716 G Leeds infrimitnliis Miss Orb Byrne 9197 Saratoga 5J f 107 fast 20 115 13 13BOB 14 14 L Ensor 14 Bright Lights Sketchy Cerinus CerinusBy BOB HENSLEY ch e 8 114 By Rapid Water Mae Erwin H Perkins 41ST9 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 1110 109 3 11 I1 Barrett 9 Paula V Dur Roberts Cracow 41763 Oaklwn 34 116 hvy 3 111 3 2 2 1C Barrett 7 Docod Paddy Blue Paradise 41645 Oaklwn 20 110 10 10 10 N Barrett 10 MJIouse Bringhnrst Serenest 41140 FGnds Im20y l47hvy 31 105 3 3s 3 F Murphy Lottery Berlin Thorn Bloom 41119 FGnds Im70y l55hvy 1 105 3 2l 4i F Smith 7 Jiffy Grayson Queen Apple 41074 FGnds Im70y 1 53 hvy 165 109 4 is 2nt F Smith 11 M Rose II Key Mar Cadillac 41017 FGnds 51 f l10J hvy 12 113 5 2b 21 D Cpnnlly 8 SandyLad GalLad Port Light 40959 F Gnds 6V f l08Sgood 20 116 6 9 910 F Smith 9 Kama Marasmus Daedalus 38781 Latonia 34 l14hvy 32 105 4 8 S1S F Sinith 9 Petrovria jBrib Voter Impressive 38505 Douglas 34 I135go6d 55 110 4 5 5 F Smith 6 Rifle Scfucelfir Whirling Dun 27201 FGnds 1 11G l4Shvy 5 104 1 410 419 Johnson 5 Bondage Hauberk D Williams 37115 FGnda 34 l15hvy 165 109 2 3 5f A Johnson 7 Opportunity Cob Lass CleanUp