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DOINGS OF STEEPLECHASE ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONNEtt NEtt YORK N T April 4 At the meeting of the executive committee of the National Steeple ¬ chase and Hunt Association held April 1 applica ¬ tions for permission t give steeplechases were ranted as follows Maryland Jockey Club May 1 to May 17 Inclusive Westchester Racing Association May 22 to June 11 inclusive and September 1 to September 13 inclusive Saratoga Association August 1 to August W inclusive inclusiveFrank Frank J Bryan was appointed steward to repre ¬ sent th National Steeplechase and Hunt Association at the meetings of the Maryland Jockey Club West chestfr Racing Association and the Saratoga Associa ¬ tion tionW W H Wildev and Eric Hatch were granted cer ¬ tificates to ride as gentleman riders during 1919 1919Albert Albert J Davis and Charles Canby Darlington were granted certificates to ride as gentleman riders during 1199 subject to the approval of the hunts committee committeeTrainers Trainers licfiises were granted to II 1C A West Harry Rites John Hastings Warren Free ¬ man and M Smart SmartJockev Jockev licenses were granted to M Henderson Lester Franklin William Mahoncy A Sims aud G Ialiucr