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THIRD RACE G 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nov 29 1917 119 4 112 KINGLING II b h 6 By Ethelbert Kings Favorite J P Mayberry 41SG9 Bowie Cl f l21ifast IS 31 31 H Wakoff 7 Margery Refugee Ideal 41632 Jefson 34 l14fast 10 9 9Ti J Mooney 14 Povurina Liingden Selma G 41GOG Jefson 34 l15fast G 1i Il C Brown 10 Reilloc Korfhage Estimable 41599 Jefson 34 116 good 3 2U 2h C Brown 10 NewModel LMiller Pineliurst 415G6 Jefson 5i f l10slow 8 21 1 H J Burkelii LMiller bracelet Mild Euretta 41483 EGnda Im20y l45 hvy 20 31 3to H J Burke 8 Don Dodge Marianao Rhymer 41454 FGnds 5i t 110 mud 12 61 6 N Barrett 9 Trusty Milda Dahinda 41417 FGnds 51 t l13Khvy 15 41 4BJ N Barrett 12 Key Mar Trusty Tooinbeola 41295 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 20 81 11 H J Burkel2 Philistine Th Green JWakclj 41278 FGnda 1 11G l49fast 15 7 7ZJ H J Burkel4 GorRoberts Brando Philistine 41244 FGnds Im20y l47Vihvy 10 4i 4C1 H J Burke 7 Tito Ben Hampson Alma B 41227 FGnds 51 f lllhVy 20 3 31 H J Burke 8 Medusa Ettalie Early Sight 41167 FGnds 1 116 150 slow 30 II2 11 H J BurkelS Indolence Lucky Rt SergemaD SergemaDBy TIGER ROSE br f 3 93 By Bannockburn Sebastiana Ji F Sweeney 418GS Bowie 34 l144ifast 1 112A 1 3 = 3i F Robson S InckLciiry IoyalPcter Toddler 418 8 Bowie 61 f lfast 12r5 92 4 31 3U J StapletnlS Margery Refuged Ideal Ideal1s 40378 Bowie 34 118 hvy 12 107 4 1s 1 L Stalker 10 Elected II Sunduria Tidal 40322 Bowie 51 f 108 fast 195 10S 4 31 21 J McTa t 10 Marmite Pinard Baghcera 40294 Pimlico 34 l13 fast S 111 3 2l Baghcera2l 2l L Lyke 11 Poultney AVyndover Manoevre 40252 Pimlico 34 114 fast 7 109 5 5Ab34 41 5 J L Lyke 14 G Swell StQuentin MorElder 40192 Empire Ab34 l10fast 2 109 5 11 I1 L Lyke 11 Blue Devil Goldvale Tippler 40163 Empire 51 f 107 fast 5 1101 4 21 2 L Lyke 9 Roi Craig Hindoostan T Maid 40145 Empire 51 f l07fast 8 104 9 gi 79 yf Lang 11 MadByng Goldvale Loy Peter 40138 Empire 51 f 107 fast 10 104 5 2J 4J W Lang 11 War Zone Goldvale B Lights LightsBy BRONCO BILLY ch h 5 541S70 By Handsel Eva Rice J P Phillips 41S70 Bowie GI f l22fast 20 51 23 J Mooney 7 Sis Emblem II Shaw S Beach 41610 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 7 7415SG 42 315 H J BurkelG Regreso Dundreary EBamann 415SG Jefson lm20yl4Gslow 3 21 32 R Troxler 10 Houdini Pass Fancy H Mabel 41564 Jefson 51 f l09slow 7 6l 431 lil Buxton 11 Val West Approval Med Miss 40666 Jefson 61 f l12hvy 41 4140G1S 31 351 J Metcalf G OMan Grit Dartworth Willdo 40G1S Jefson 34120 mud 4 7 68i J MetcaK 7 Al Pierce TzeLsi RHAndson 39543 Indpolls 61 f 110 slow 3J1 J Mooney C Mab Sparkler Apple Jack 38863 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 102 71 7l li Gentry 12 Queen Apple Clean Up Rhymer 38784 Latonia Im70y l47hvy 65 65S8739 64 5 J Metcalf 11 Dr Levy John Graham Willdo S8739 Latonia 34 l13fast 20 20SS183 7l 7 J J Modney 12 Hocnir Toy Miss Leicester SS183 Churchl 34 l16slow 18 18GENERAL 10 10 J Mooney 12 SGilsey WoWdom BPradlse BPradlseBy GENERAL b g 9 By Ort Wells Anna Loretta Daly T H Wilson 41871 Bowie 61 f 122 fast 20 2041S2S 61 64 S Sndhian S Mninbo Jumbo Kilmer Sosius 41S2S Bowie 61 f l22 fast 45 71 61 H AVakof f 13 Margeiy Refugee Tiger Rose 41632 Jefson 34 l14ifast 15 10l 8 W Crump 14 Poverina Langden Selma G 41600 Jefson 34 116 good 31 3J I2 G PreeceJrlO Sureget Tleophile V Sophie K 41594 Jefson 34 116 slow 5 4l 3 1 W VriBht S Langden Selma G Korfhage 41577 Jefson 31 lI8mud 4 21 3 i W Wright 9 Rispoude Sosius Miss Kruter 41552 Jefson 61 f lllM hvy 4 I1 1 W Wright 7 TThummel TphileV HRichea 41467 FGnds 51 f l13hvy 6 G2 5 Lt S WhltelO Tito Ettahe Kilmer 41438 FGnds 61 f 109 hvy 25 71 7 3 A Collins 11 Romeo Ettahe Thistle Green 41131 FGnds 51 f l13hvy 6 4 4SJ C Robson 6 Selma G Margery T as Steel 41095 FGnds 6i M10hvy 20 7 72 A Collins 11 Amclita Bathilde Mar Tom 40821 Jefson 51 f l08slow 10 l 8 A Johnson 8 B Williams FoxyGriff Medusa 40791 Jefson 34 l16good 7 61 5JJ F Robson 7 Margery OlMartin MBacon 40751 Jefson 34 l20hvy 135 11 I1 J Rodgez 8 Handfull Dartworth BlueRdch 40729 Jefson 58 106 hvy 8 ill J RodsezlO LLfellov DrCbell BStar SOSITTS br g 8 By Solitaire H Aya C R Richards 41871 Bowie GS f 122 fast 24 115 1 C3 3H R Pauley 8 Mumbo Jumbo Kilmer Xapoli 41G22 Jefson 34 l15Jifast 12 114 2 5 5SJ L Gentry II RILAerson ThSeVLn LSmall 41594 Jefson 34 116 slow 4 116 3 52 51 H Troxler 8 I angdcn Selma G General 41577 Jefson 34 l18mud 85 116 6 31 2nk M Garner 9 Risponde General Miss Kruter 41551 Jefson 51 f l12hvy 31 US 5 2l 2l J Mooney 9 Kttahe Margaret N Pluviada 41509 FGnds Im70y l46eood 20 108 6 2 2 5s 5tz M Buxton 9 Grumpy Kilmer Romeo 41438 FGnds 51 f 109 hvy 12 118 6 5 54140G 6s Romeo6s 6 3 D Connllyll Romeo Ettahe Thistle Green 4140G FGnds 51 f lllhvy 6 114 6 5 5SCARAMOUCH 11 Ink D Connlly 8 Margery Korfhage Parlor Boy BoyBy SCARAMOUCH b g 7 114 By Hamburg Lady Frivoles R Lowe 41S71 Bowie Ci f 122 fast 8 115 4 710 752 j Butwell 8 Mumbo Jumbo Kilmer Sosius 41620 Jefson 34 116 fast 10 114 5 1 11 II EricksnlS M Jumbo X Simplex LMiller 41598 Jefson 34 l15good 15 114 2 2 = 445 L Gentry S Risponde CACoiskey Roederer 41592 Jefson 34 l17slow 15 107 2 71 7la H J Burkcl4 Approval MargaretN HRiches 41565 Jofson 51 f l10ysslow 15 113 12 11 II1 11 ° J Mooney 12 F Monroe Tit for Tat Or Girl 41017 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 50 113 8 8 8S69SO 8 8 M Buxton 8 SandyLad GalLad BHerisley S69SO FGnds 1 11G l52hvy 30 107 7 7 7 736S7S 10 10 Li Lylces 10 Thornhill Napoleon RnaiiSliop 36S7S FGnds 1 116 i47fast 25 106 8 8 7 7 7 H Jeffcott 9 LuckyR LCottage IGtleinan DENGRO ch g 7 114 By Mcelick Gay and Festive J H Hubbard 37826 Bowie 6i f 122 good 25 113 7 7 9 916 F Hopkins Prest Lynn Ornery Peep Again SW68 BlGrass 34 114 1ast 31 116 45 A Pease J Sleeper Tantivy Mary Warren 34949 BlGrass 34114 fast 4910114 53J A Pease 8 IGlemn P Welles AWnbucli 34932 BlGrass 34 l13fast 1710 112 112SSC07 3si A Pease 0 ColMlimont Slioddy PI Welles SSC07 Douglas 34 l14fast 16 116 12 12 12S02GO 71 6ci C Tudor 12 Irregular HastyCora Lindenthal S02GO Dcvshire lm70yl44Vifast 15 108 4 1 1 1S0227 5l 51 J Howard 11 FLegend HTemple RoyalTea S0227 Devshire 34 113 fast 5310108 1 1 I1 I2 J Howard 12 Anxiety Parlor Boy Wavering 29918 Kenilwh 5t f 110 slow 1 11012 12 12 C Gross 12 Safe Home YorkBoy Harwood iF 57 Kenilwh 51 f 111 hvy 3110 108 4 429GSG 2l 23 C Gross 11 En Bay Paymaster MaymeW 29GSG Devshire 34 l12fast 445 305 3 1 Il I2 C Gross 12 Anxiety Shaban Dash G41 Devshiro 34 114 fast 5 108 7 G 51 3 = 1 C Gross 12 QuidNune BonerosFirst FKelly 29523 Devshiro 34 l14fast 1710 lOSi 2 4 3l 3s A Mott 0 Bluck Frost MossFor Freemah 29506 Devshire 34 l16good 145 1101 6 4 41 3 A Mott 12 Rhodes Souvenir Galeswinthe 2795G Ilthorne 1 l45slow 7 117 11 10 10 S 8 E Carter 31 Tliksgiving Harwood Dtworth PARLOR BOY ch g 11 114 By Deutscbland Reina do Los Angeles P L Short 11S28 Bowie Gl f l22 fast 67 115 13 13 13 12 T Parton 13 Margery Refugee Tiger Rose 41586 Jefson ImiOy l46slow 7 111 C 7 S 90 933 M Garner 10 Houdini Pas Fancy BronBilly 41479 FGnds 51 f 110 hvy 15 117 8 6 0s 5si J Mooney 8 N Simplex Onico RHAndson 41406 FGnds 5i f lllhvy 6 118 5 3 4 42i Ti Gaugel H Sosius Margery Korfhage 41393 FGnds Cl f l10mud 15 114 10 9 71 G10 L Gausel 11 KilBoy Speedster PGonnelly 41208 FGnda 51 f lllhvy G 114 3 S 5s 4l L Ensor 12 I Connelly Sosius Early Sight 41129 FGnds 51 f 113 hvy 41 115 5 6 ink 1 J Rodgez 5 MTom WHBkner FandSre FandSreBy DARTWORTH ch gr 11 114 By Stalwart Domino Noire 0 K Freeman 41453 FGnds 51 f 111 mud 12 116 7 G 51 C T Rice 9 Toombeola Margery Liberator 41417 FGnds 5i f l13Vfhvy 15 118 7 7 61 77J T Rice 12 Key Mar Trusty Toombeola 41133 FGnds Im70y l54hvy 25 114 C 5 4 6 G T Rice 8 Amclita N Simplex Gleipncr 40S72 FGnds Im70y l50Vfhvy 185 110 333 5 S 8 L Ensor 5 Dioscoride Thirst Bajizet 40846 FGnda 1 116 l54hvy 5 112 2 3 2 10 102 M Garner 10 Willdo Dervish EdithBaumann 40767 Jefson 5i f lllhvy 5 1122 2 21 2s F Robson 7 Foxy Griff Ettahe BeanSpiller