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TRAINING MOVES AT LEXINGTON TRACK Derby Candidate Ginger Works a Fast Mile Viola Park a Speedy Two Year Old LEXINGTON Ky April 4 H 1L Hewilts Gin ¬ ger a chestnut son of Coy Lad and Lucky Wave trained by John I Smith and ridden by jockey Burke did the stellar work of this morning at the Ken ¬ tucky Assoclafion track in preparation for his en ¬ gagement in the Blue Grass Stakes Kentucky Derby and La tori in Derby Ginger ran the first quarter in 2 the half in 59 threequarters in 114 and the mile in 140 It was altogether a highly impressive performance Sam Reh the second string to the Hewitt bow for the Derby worked a mile in company with Jap in 1437 J Milrnns Frogtown withOIorys in the saddle galloped his mile in 143 under restraint while Col B H Taylors Derby candidate Col Taylor from John Ti Irelands string worked fiveeighths in 103 John 0 Whitlow indulged Dixie Carroll three quarters in 119 119Walter Walter Grater gave the work watchers something to talk nbcut when he sent John W McMeekin Jrs handsome chestnut filly Viola Park bv Dick Finnell Viola Vail tlireeeighths in 35 he fastest time of the seiiton for a twoyearold here This filly is inbred Tens Over her third dam jibing also the dilm of her sire urater also worked Henry Carters chestnut colt bv Jirunimel Rtitli Carter threCeIghtliAm 31 v vR R H Alidersous Angon by Assagai Hortensia and E C Walkers Virgo by Astronomer Sutte worked threeeighths in ifisf They also belong to Graters string The filly is eligible to the Hinata Stakes while the colts are eligible to the Idle Hour Stakes StakesSea Sea Plant front the Mi him string worked three eighths in 3 while his stablemates Prince Pal and the colt by Rapid Water Sandringham Belle worked in Stif 15 15 Johnson a fouryearold member of the Milam string worked threequarters in 117 while Right Angle and Tanlac his stablemates of the same age worked the same distance in 117 Judge 117Judge William H Shelley has advised manager R L Haker that he will be iere early next week from Havana to take up his duties as racing secre ¬ tary The program book for the meeting will be out about April 15 15H H H Hewitts Rim of Luck granddam of Ginger this morning foaled twins by Vulcain one of which died Messrs Treacy Walker today bought from the Brighton Stable the fouryearold bay colt Everest by Ben Brush Aggie Marden by Mjirden and he is to come to Kentucky next week to go into the stud Everest comes from the same family as Broomstick and Theo Cook