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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Saturday April 5 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the beading Rec In the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter vrhere it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at L30 p m Chicago time 300 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner A Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3ycarulds 3ycarulds and upward aiming aimingTrack Track record Dec LS 1915 111 1 111 Todays Horse Wt Rec AWtHan Ralph S 113 11373 108 725 Xangareo 115 lKIi 7 113720 Brown Baby 95 114 5 1131715 41UOJ2 Assessor 105 113 9 113 715 Six Hundred 110 11 3 100X710 41885 Cloimkiltv 98 115 4 103X705 11MI5 Dixie Highway 4 110X705 11852 Lydia III M 108 11516 3 95 700 Ralph S has a good chance here hereSecond Second Race 34 Mile 3yiarolds and upward Claiiuin ClaiiuinTmck Tmck record Dec i 41SS3 Lucky Lady 418523 Aunt Flora 105119 41902 High Olympus 105 113 4 105 715 11SOI53 Frank Burke 109 111 4 105X715 41851 Kicking Kid 113 114 4 113 715 41852 1SS2 Rora 105107 4 41S09 10SX710 41S09 1S09 Tov Miss KM 105 107 i i i1S03 111710 41853 1S03 Scylla 105 111 i 5 5Lucky 105X705 Lucky iMtly is in favorably favorablyThird Third Race 31 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 41880 = Duke Ruff RuffMl 104 113 3 9SX Ml 741 Elgii 85 113 f 3 7 41901 Itanyan ItanyanI18S1 110114 5101X715 I18S1 Vignola VignolaI181M2 111 114 7 111X715 I181M2 1ajaroita II II118SJ 105 113 S 114 715 118SJ Brown Prince Prince11SK5 112113 7 114X710 11SK5 Him Ill 111 10 111X710 41S81 Violet 1101111 112705 I1S80 Qiiin 113 114 5 111X705 41841 Servii 109113 i 114X700 Duke Ruff appears best here Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongsoyearolds ClaimingTrack oyearolds Maidens Claiming Track record Jan 11 li17 105 5 102 102Todays Todays nd Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan AWtIIan18L 18L Duke John 111 108 109 1900 Carey Maid 100 108 95X 95X1813S 1813S Precious Jewel 97 108 95X715 95X71518S 18S Venetian Boy 105 108 105x715 1801 Dione 99l07 97 710 1742 Stiletto 110 108 102X710 110 110 100 705 110 108 101 700 Duke John has worked fast fastFifth Fifth FurlongsYiniiiiri Race 5 12 Furlongs Yiniiiiri Handicap 3yearolds and upward Track record Jan 24 1917 105 1 41 844 t Hodge 115105 S in 41844s Milkman 104 105 5 111 745 41801 Hamilton A 118 105 4 112X745 418103f 112X745418103f Rafferty 105 105 4 100X740 41814 High Low 104 105 4 1010740 4184 13 Tippler 1051105 3 107 740 41810 Malvolio 110 107 4 101X735 41757 The Blue Duke 101 1OI 3 100X730 Hodge is racing in good form formSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Breeders Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record March 23 1919 138 5 105 41821 Koran 4 Kl9725 41880 Lackrose 110 140 11 115X715 41814s 115X71541814s Guide Post 100 139 9 115 710 41845 Scorpii 108 139 7 110X710 41900 Gaffney Girl M101 141 4 109 705 419115 London Girl 95 140 7 113X705 41905 Past Master 115140 0115 705 41S03 70541S03 115X700Koran Bevelry James 7 115X700 Koran should prove best here hereSeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles 3voarolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 3 1918 111 3 92 11815 C A PT MARCH MONT 102 147 8 114 725 10SX71541SK5 41814 Perigourdine 101 l50h 4 10SX715 41SK5 = Artist 4 108X710 418X5 108X710418X5 Lytle 10J140 5114X710 41755 Conscription 97X705 HSWi2 Frank Keogh IOC 147 4 101705 101705Capt Capt Marchmont is fast and good