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Bowie Entries and Past Performances for Saturday April 5 WEATHEB CLEAR TRACK PAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance sinco January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 12 Mile Bowie Juvenile Purse 2yearolds Allowances Track record April 5 1918 lS = i 2 112 112Todays Todays Tnd Horse Wt RPC AWtHnn 11827 AMAZE 115 no 115 72i 72if f Querca b f by byB B r o n m stick Stamina 105 10541S272f 41S272f C S Grnson M115 Wr 108 715 41538 Mile Dazie 11549 114X715 41501 Plummet lll 50vi 109 715 715t t Sandy Beal tli c by Superman Frauks Daughter IOS IOSPaul Paul Jones br g by Sea King May Florence IOS tW S Murray entry JH P Whitney outry The II P Whitmy entry should win winSecond Second Race G 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Xov 2 1917 l101f 1 112 41S a Margery IOS 121 i 107 72 41870 Sister Emblem HO 122 5 109X72 418712 Kilmer 118122 117X71 41870 Harry Shaw 12G l21m S 114071 41871 105X714051i Risponde KHi 12 4 105X71 4051i Kturdee 110 l23fs 5109X70 41828 Wctonn 101 124 4 102X70 41870 Ocean Prince 113 1221 I 114X70 114X70Margery Margery seems in extra good form formThird Third Race 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Nov 29 1917 110 J 112 11241869s 41869s 112X7241S8 Kingling II 113 lJ2lf G 112X72 41S8 Tiger KOfC 92lir 13 93X72 41870 Bronco Billy 105 lJlJf 5 114071 41871 General 113 13 9 117071 1871 Sosius 115 1J3 S 114071 41871 Scaramouch 115125 7111X705 37821 Dengro lini21 7114X705 7114X70541S2S 41S2S Parlor Bov 118 122 11 1110700 41453 DartwOrth 115 122 11 11 0700 0700Kingling Kingling II may prove best here Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Nip and Tuck Ilandiiai 3vearolils and upward upwardTrack Track record April 2 1917 107 3 100 418301 Joseph IV Murphy M 4100 750 41829 Startling 110101 G11G745 40438 Hauberk 112107 7 11IS0745 11IS074541S202 41S202 Koi Crai 108101 3 Si745 Si74541S23 41S23 Charlie I ydeckerllG l0r 4112X710 41830 Jlasstoi f 10Sr09 4 J03730 J03730Tdseph Tdseph P Murphy showed high speeil last Tuesday TuesdayFifth Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record Xov 21 191G 11G3 t IK 41851 Broom Peddler 100 120 41130725 411307254184S 4184S Transpero 3 104 720 41872 Firing Line 115 120 5 113x715 418312 Antoinette 3101X710 3101X71041G24 41G24 Pluviada 3 95 710 41872 Thorn Bloom 5 118X705 41831 Graphic 5 115X705 Broom Peddlers last race would win hero Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Nov 30 1915 143 4 107 41S52 Ballad VY Ill nil4lHi 141 5 1140725 41832 = Progressive 10U l47rh l47rhI1V4S 10150721 I1V4S Fairy Prince 99 715 41870 Sea Bcaih 100 100142 142 KVTX710 4184S Old Bill Iciiilii 91710 418 S Frank Shannon 102X710 41833 Otisco 105 l49rJi 5 98 710 41852 Don DodRO 101 l45 l45h h 4 112X705 41853 rapt HodKP 4 109X705 41848 Matoaka M 89 149 41848 Keynote 3D Ballad may redeem himself here hereSeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles 4yearolds mid upward Claimin Track record Nov 2 1915 148 I 111 41832 Fountain Fay 107 145 9 1071725 41853 Luther 113 148 9 109X720 4124S Indolence 107 147 8 mx7ir 41893 Dundreary 109 148 7 1040715 41833 M Miller 115 147 12 10IX715 418532 Puts rand alls xiOO448Vf 7114X710 41832 Blue Uock 110 l47if 1 Oil x 705 41832 Inquieta 103 l4S1i 9 1070700 Fountain Fay isiin excellent form