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FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Maurice Bath House Handicap 3yearolds and upward March 18 1919 143 4 108 SLIPPERY ELM br g 6 113 By Bannockburn Schwalbe Woodland Stock Farm 41837 Oaklwn 1 116 l464f ast G5 115 1 2 21 21 L Stalker 5 IIrvestKing GreyEagle Obolus 41799 Oaklwn Im70y 144 fast 95 114 1 3 lh a1 L Stalker 5 GrEagle Reveler BiirShannon 41672 Oaklwn Im70y 143 fast 1 112 1 J 22 22 L Stalker 4 Drastic Reveler Hank ODay 41468 FGnds 1 11G l53hvy 115 112 1 3 I2 I1 L Stalker 4 Warsaw DouglassS Courtship 41217 FGnds 1 18 200 hvy 34 113 2 2 44 433 Li Stalker 5 Waukeag Opportunity DougS 41197 FGnds Im70y l47mud 920 111 1 L 1s 1s L Stalker 5 SofPleasure Buford Wiihk ti 41098 FGnds 1 l45hvy 41 109 5 3 21 2l L Stalker 7 Pickwick Lucky B Under Firs 41052 FGnda 1 l4iysgood 4 112 3 3 4l 481 L Stalker G Under Fire Franklin Bondage 10940 FGnds 1 11C l47slow 5 117 5 5 41 G11 Li Stalker 7 Courtship Franklin Waukeag 10517 Bowie 1 11G l50slow 1110 119 1 5 2l I1 L Stalker 8 Deckmate Sumiyland OThere 10478 Bowie Im70y 147 fast 25 111 1 4 4W437 2 I2 Li Stalker G Bolster Douglass S Prunes W437 Bowie 1 l43fast 41 106 4 4 I1 I4 L Stalker 8 Dorcas Deckmate High Lad 40395 Bowie 61 f l22hvy 165 105 2 3 3li L Stalker 3 Crank Kashmir KashmirBy GREY EAGLE gt c 4 102 10241S7 By Grey Leg Memoria II F Gering Jr 41S7 Oaklwn 1 11G l46fast 4J 101 2 1 32 3J C Brown 5 Harvest King Slip Klin Obolus 41799 Oaklwn Im70y 144 fast 7 99 2 2 31 li H Cassity fi SlipFMm Reveler Bar ShaniKin 41710 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 710 115 1 1 12 1 = D ConnllylO Aldebaran Ellison Aug HciiiKe 11671 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 7 113 1 24 23 D ConnllylO Port Light Liberator CMustcr 41321 FGnds 51 f l09Mgood 20 119 4 71 711 Connlly 8 Sabretash Squeeler Blaise 40753 Jefson 1 11G l55hvy 5 104 1 1 1IOGSG 4 4 H Stearns 4 Waukeag Franklin Diversion IOGSG Jefson 1 l43slow 4 98 4 3 4 22 H Stearns 4 BMcDawell KenBoy Cadillac 40629 Jefson 51 f 113 hvy 135 11G 4 3li 2l F Robson 4 GreenGrass JuneBug Al Louisa 40519 Bowie Im70y 157 slow 4 140 1 1 1 Ink Lt Graner 11 Fountain Fay Melos Christie 10540 Bowie 1 116 l5344hvy 41 110 1 2 2404SO 21 361 L McAtee 13 BPeddler BTliistle KNeptune KNeptuneI2 404SO Bowie 1 11 212 fast 115 106 1 1 I2 1s Li McAtee 9 Genevieve B Monocacy Dalrose 40410 Bowie 1 11G 152 fast 7f 107 1 3 31 G3 A JohnsonlS Blue Thistle SEmblem Luther 10426 Bowie Im70y l49good 135 112 1 1 2 23 A Johnson 7 Babette Everest Dalwood UNDER FIRE b c 3 99 By Swynford Startling P Dunne 41857 Oaklwn 34 113 fast 15 105 4 4 44 C Robson 4 Jock Scot OldKoenig MMous 41494 FGnds 1 l45hvy 35 11G 2 2 3 3 4 L Stalker 4 WarMask PhanMaid RoiCraig 41408 FGnds 1 147 hvy 9rlO 112 11 I1 I3 L Stalker 4 War Mask Antnette TheCMoii 41368 FGnds 5 f l07mud 85 101 3 24 2s J Mooney 3 Cobwtb Marie Miller 41177 FGnds 1 l41good 35 122 1 1 23 2s J Mooney 4 Sailor Antoinette Tantalus TantalusE2 41098 FGnds 1 l45hvy 8 102 4 G E2 G8 J Mooney 7 Pickwick SlipperyEIm Luck lJ 41052 FGnds 1 l41good 1G5 981 1 1 I1 Il J Mooney G Franklin Bondage SlipperyElm 11007 FGnds 1 145 hvy GG 11G 1 1 13 I4 Li Stalker 5 Sailor Silvery Light Veteran 40973 FGnda Ei f lOGfaat 41 111 4 42 21 L Stalker 11 Roi Craig SilvLight Ragnarok 40873 FGnds 51 I lllhvy 3 120 3 340S31 11 li Li Ensor 5 A Alexander Iwiu L Maudie 40S31 FGnds 51 f l08Vsfast 5 IU 4 iu ih F RobsonlO Iwin Vansylvia Napan Napango 40294 Pimli6o 34 l13fast 1310 112 6 go 73j p Robsonll Poultney Tiger Rose Manoevre ManoevreBy KOHINOOR blk m 5 103 By Dr Leggo Priceless Jewel E Arlington G C1S J Mooney C B Voter HankODay Anuilctlo 41440 FGnds 1 l44hvy 3 106 1 1 3l 4 = 1 M Rowan 5 Diversion KBriglit FIIaiidley 41394 FGnds 1 l43Vimud 8 101 2 1 15 2i J Mooney 4 Drastic S of Pleasure Glasstoi 41355 FGnds 1 l39fast 3 101 4 4 2s 3 J Rodgez 7 Diversion TlieCBon 1C Brish 41297 FGnds 1141 fast 7 101 4 4 S 32i J Rodgez G WalHall BShannon DBriglit 41230 FGnda 51 f l10hvy 10 100 G 4 4 i J Mooney G ANAkin SofPsure KBrifht 41164 FGnda 1 l41slow 4i 100 6 G G 514 H Ericksn G Royce Rools Grayson Cob Lass 40974 FGnds 1 l40faat 32 106 4 2 21 2 u G Walls 5 CobaKLass Amalette KBriglit 40893 FGnda 1 143 good 41 104 7 5 33 3 G Walla 7 Diversion Cobalt Lass Dolina 40537 Bowie 1 146 hvy G 103 2 3 36i G G21 Li McAtee G Kashmir Drummond T Itloom 40516 Bowie 6i f 122 slow 41 110 2 B G T Rice 5 ChLeydecker Kashmir Qetude 40409 Bowie 1 l44hvy 3 107 3 1 I1 33 G Walla G Salvcstra DouglassS Bondage BondageBy DRASTIC b o 4 111 By Hastings Dragnet C E Patterson 417H9 Oaklwn Im70y 144 fast 115114 3 5 5 53J E Haynes r GroyKagle SlipElm RevolPr 41720 Oaklwn Im70yl43fast 95 111 4 3 341G72 33 3 M Garner 4 Extfrniinator Lucky It Ticket 41G72 Oaklwn Im70y 143 fast 21 108 4 4 1i I2 M Garner 4 Slip Elm Reveler Hank ODay 41441 FGnda 1 115 l49hvy 12 106 3 3 22 1 M Garner 3 Bribed Voter Nepperlian Nepperlian2S 41394 FGnds 1 l43mud 710 104 3 3 2S 1J H J Burke 4 KiNoor SofPsure Glasstoi 41334 FGnds Bl f l07fast 20 1061 9 940UCO 9 93 F Murphy 9 CLdeckr BDaw WWHtlnjjs 40UCO FGnds 1 l3S BOod 31 104 2 2 240S47 21 22 F Murphy 6 Franklin Buford Royce Rools 40S47 FGnds 1 146 hvyr 65 1W 1 2 45 410 i Murphy G Douglass S Bolster Sandy Lud 40525 Latonia 1 116 l50mud 5 104 2 1 24 221 J Dreyer 8 Externator WMcliine Regalo 40389 Latonia 1 144 mud ll 1011 3 3 23 I2 J Dreyer 8 Basilius Opportunity Ernestlt 40318 Latonia 34 lllfast 110 103 2 7 4 J Dreyer 7 Courtship A N Akin Basil 39950 Churchl 34 l13fast 65 110 5 2s I1 F Jackson 7 HBreivogel FWilson Glasstoi 39733 Lex ton 34 l15hvy 129 109 7 64 G F Jackson 8 Sedan Gallant Lad Skiles Knob