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LATEST GOSSIP OF METROPOLITAN TURF NEW YORK N Y April 4 There has been a change in the conditions of the new Jockey Club stakes to J e run at the autumn meeting of the Westchester Racing Association nt Belmout Park Instead of having an entrance fee of 100 it has been reduced to 50 with 100 additional to start Entries will close May 5 The original conditions made it 00 additional to start The added money of 5000 remains the same sameEntries Entries for all the stikes to be run at the Jamaica meeting seventeen in number for which SfiOOOO is added in the aggregate close tomorrow The entries so far received are similar to those which have been nominated in all the stakes hereabouts hereaboutsFavorable I Favorable weiitlier continues Jiere and every horse in preparation for the opening of the metropolitan season is in unusual condition conditionWilliam William Karrick is said to have the best and most promising string yet shown at Belmont Park and according to this expert trainer is the best band of horses he ever had at one time Notwithstanding the recent freezing weather which lasted three days not a sign of sickness is reported Dunboyne Lion dOr Merry Princess and Polka Dot worked a mile today in 149 which is about the best work done over the Belmont Park training yearSam track this year Sam Hildreth and Thomas Healey expect to give their horses a good workout tomorrow especially those which will be shipped to Havre de Grace next week weekAll All the twoyearolds herealwuts have been cover ¬ ing threeeighths and half mile in 37 and 52 re ¬ spectively while the older horses have been sent halves in better than fifty seconds The best work of the older division was that of Lanius and Alia dane from Jack Joyncrs stable Omar Khayyam Westy Hogan and George Starr simply cantered threequarters this morning in 11M all of them held to the utmost by their riders Walter Jennings has the old horse Ed Crump in work again and he acts as if he will be a factor in all races devoted to his class