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PROMISING FRIAR ROCKS 4 ; Fine Collection of Young Horses in J. H. Rosseter Stable. » Only Two Juveniles in G. W. Loft String, but His Trainer, Max Hirsch, Has Five. ■ ♦ NF.W rOBK. x. Y.. January 12. One of the finest collections of twa-year-oaas at Batmaal Park is that iii charge of trainer Fred Uurlevv in the stable .f j. ii. Baaattar. it was fn.m this aatab l:-!iment that S. C. Ilildreih inirc based Ineheape for the largest sum ever paid for a two-year-old in this country. According to George H. Strate. the manager of tin- Wikiua Baarh, where- these youngsters wen- bred, the two year-olds now in Fred Bur bras care an- cgfcnMngly promi-ing and In- we.uld not be siiipii-cel if another Inchcane was lound among their numlM-r. The list is a- follows: J. H. ROSSETER. Trainer, Fred Purlew. Chestnut celt. 2. by Frial Pool; P.old Girl, by Ogden. half brother to Audacious. Chesinut e-olt. 2. by Iriar Keck -Sweet Mar-ioiaiu. by Diana Forget. CheatanJ filly. 2. by Friar Baih TiadilJanal. h alllel e --. Black filly. 2. by Friar Back— Shelby P.elle. by Star SiiiKit. Black filly. 2. by Friar Itock -Sanctuary, by Pre otllsl ie k. C • -tnut colt, 2. by Disguise Make Oooel. by Luc k and Charity. Brown colt, 2, by Magadan— -Baa Air. by Pirate of Penzance. Black filly. 2. by Disguise -Santa Malta, by Sanctuary. Black filly. 2. by Dligahw. BerrUls choice. Berrill. Black filly. 2. by Disguise— Katberine 8., hg Dick Iinnell. P.I. ie k filly. 2. by Disguise Maiiretania. by Cmiard. Cli.-slnut filly. 2. by Friar ISock - Ladv Hedford. by Ogden. Moiitalvo. b. c. 3. by Friar Bock— Catherine 1 ai -. 1,. by Ben Strome. Mii.hant Marine, br. c. 3. by Friar Uock— Dorothy Cray, by Hamburg. Valley • I the Moon. b. f. 3. by Friar Itock -Mas |iii-i-:ile. l,y Maguiae. Galmal Foe. eh. f. 3. by Fiiar Back Iji Patria. by out ..f Bench. Se-otlaiiel Yet. b. f. 3. by Friar Pock La Patrie, l.y Out of Peach. The stable of Mr. GoargC YY. Loft will not be a strong one this year in two-yeal -olds. It lias but two yc.nngstirs the- s.,.100 unnamed English e-olt. whose dam Uoyal Quasi is a sister to The Tetr ■ir.-b. and the- S1.700 Miracle Man. Max HiiM-b. tin- -able- trainer, however, has five two-year-olds of promise and fine- pedigrees. Some of them have been highly tried. Here- is the list of horses in Ma IIirsehs charge at It.-lmont Park: GEORGE W. LOFT. Trainer. Max llirsch. Donnaecma. b. c. 4. by Prime- Palatine — Kil-donaii. by Lndna, on Watch, br. c. 4. by Colin — Utibia Crandfl, by Greenan. I lain. I.r i. 3. by King James — Adilenette, by Melton. Polar, cb. c. 3. by Superinau — Gatien Belle, by SI. Catie-n. Germa, b. f. 4. by The Manager— lima, by Hastings. Miracle Man. br. c. 2. by Bwtsm, — Hiscaine. hv Beasselaer. Pay colt. 2. by Magic II. Koyal Quest, hv Bel Heroic. MRS. GEORGE W. L0ET. Swi-c-pnieiit. br. ii. ." . by Sweep Raiment, by Henry of Navarre. MAX HIRSCH. Flying Cloud, b. c, 3. by Wrack — Robinetta, by Fair Play. Black colt. 2, by Zeus — Edna ollins. by The Commoner. Chestnut eolt. 2, by Friar Uock — Smoothbore, by Ogden. Chestnut colt. 2. by Friar Rook -Law Blue, by Ogden. Black colt. 2. by Ogiian Imralaas. by Star Shoot. Chestnut 2. by Star Shoot -Old Scpiaw. bv Adam.