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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12. 1921. Fair Grounds. Tenth day. Business Mens Racing Association. Winter Meeting of 36 days. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Stewards, K. t Smith. M. Maefarlan and A. C. Mefale. Judges, J. 1!. Campbell and .1. McLennan. starter. A. B. Dade. Racing secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts ::t 2:13 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m. I. *Indic.ites apprentice allowance. RTOQKQ EIRST RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards! Feb. 12. 1916— L421 5— 4— 113. Purse SI. 000. UmOOO 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPStA V» % Str Fin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 8 02863 *SCOURGEMAX w C 108 G ill1 9- ::i ji l» x Barrett AV B Mayfield 7-5 8-5 4-5 1-3 1-8 SS271**OMER K. w3 87 I 3 0* fk :, 2» *k y. Tnalati C Buxton fi M E 8-6 7-M 86*M1*RC4STKRER a I I 1 1 8*1 1 V V ." T Jarvs R L Rogers 10 20 20 8 4 52230 WALTER TNBOWw « 111 1 7 K : 10= 9 6s 4*. Ponce S McNeill 5 10 S :: fi-5 8 tlS3*8ECRBTARY w3 Mil R 6* "I nl-t- 6« S Mitchell 6 Odda 20 » 25 10 5 52270 GRANDEE wl G lot 12 11 7" 8* s1 7 t:1 II ThurborE T Zollicoffer 6 13 10 4 2 52231*1 rlUNDERBIRD w 4 7 K 13 121 13 12-107 L M iTTottR J Bejran 15 LO 20 7 3 »ttM*PANSY BLOSSOM w 1 901 4 4 8* ll1 llMl1 S N Everett I B Bradfield :!0 20 30 12 I f2230*OLD BOSK w 5 M 7 I 91 .si 7! Q 9 E Anthony.! D Chaney M M GO IS s ."il54 BRICKLEY wa 10 106 S 13 13 12 i: 13 101 .T Roberta C Romor 15 SB -M I t 51674 GAOLING wa 4 103 13 10 i " •: 9« 11" J J ITneyJ A Draaaa . -•■ 15 3 52271 TLTT ara ?. !■:: ." 3 1» -* -- 0412* P And*aonFre .v.- Dahnken " 15 30 20 I ! .". 1632 "*SEA URCHIN ara * 108 M E V 4*10112*13 P W*dat*kW L Drake 15 20 20 8 4 Time. 24V 49. 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:4G35. Track fast. Winner— B. ■, by Manaape II.— Salaatia, krjr BenaatM trained by 3. ll. Tevis: bred by Mrs. I., a. l.i ingatoa I . Went to post at 2:11. At 2 minutes. Start c..«.d and slow. Won driving: aeeaad and third the same. BCOURGEMAN, mudi tbe best, was tak.n back sharply in the first qaarter and was far back in the early running, but was rushed up into contention on the last turn and wore the leaders down when straightened out in the stretch, then was exhausted near the end and just last.-d to win. OMI.B K. gained suadilv and was running fastest :it the end. KOISTKUKU raced int.. the lead on the backatretch and made a mate iinisii. WALTER TIKNISOW closed a big gap. SKtKETAItV had no mishaps. TITT tpiit after sfttins the early pace. Scratched— 522.11 Boultney. Bis: 51170 Westerman. SI. threrweighta — Omer K.. 2 ponnda; Roisterer. -: Secretary. 5; Panoy Bl — m. 4-... X9QCl/i SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— LUVs— 6— 116.1 Pnrse ,000. 4 -year -olds O ii1 0 1 TT and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPHStA Vt % 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners O KJ C P 8 52 i 53 -IN A KAY W J 106 G 2 ::?. S1 1» I1 C Bonce C N Fr-eman 5 5 41. S-5 7-K 52153* RAINBOW GIRLw 0 los 4 1 2* J B1 2 .T J MneyR A Leigb U I 13-51 1-2 52114 CARLINH S. W 4 104 8 7 4 ]h 2* 3 W Obert C L. Gar.ihan 12 15 15 r, :. 52153 JUSTICE CUEBLwit 10 111 S S 6 51 4 4 M Garner I A Broaddus LO 25 20 I 4 52039MABMITE vn 0 100 0 4 I] 24 04 G» E Pool V W Bawson I 1 3| 7-5 :.-, 522 IS THE PORTUGSE wis " 111 10 8 7- 7 i: V J Heupel R E Watkins :: 5 5 S-5 4-5 BtlU BY HECK W 5 112v. 2 f. 10110] 01 7- L Lvke E R Bradley 10 15 15 0 :. 51192*IWINl IX % 5 I0G 1 9 11* ID 101 Si T Jarvis J L Knipht 20 "0 20 8 4 52273r-NORMANDIE WB S 111 7 11 S- S- !i 9* G Stack M and J Lowstein 30 30 30 12 C Bl#t4*HOMEW*D BOUNDw 0 108 312 12 12 12 lo1 E Anthony K B Oird. n 1"0 in, 100 40 20 52114:;*VANSYT.VIA wa 5 101 12 3 0*14 7- ll1 L McDottB Reuter 7 10 10 4 3j 52272 OUR BIRTHDAY WB 4 189 11 10 9!1 f 11* 1- H Lun.sfdFlorib.ant Stable 10 15 12 5 2| Time, 23%, 47Vs. 1:1323. Track fast. Winner — Ch. m. by Nasturtium — BoMne, by Star Baby trained by . N. Freeman; bred by Mr. J. Hart Brown. Went t.i past at 2:40. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-ir.. INA KAY. away w.ll. was saved under restraint until straightened out in the stretch, where she raced int.. tbe lead to win as her rider pleased. BAKNBOW .lUL was surrounded, but bumped her way through in the last eighth and oatstayed CARLINF. S. for second place. The latter moved up -with fireat s|wcd after j...iiifi the tii-st sjaarter, but tired finally. MAKM1TE set a fast early pace, but quit in tin-last eighth and can do nnu-h better. Ji STICK GOEBEE ran a good race. Till: IdltTl .IESK finished fast. Scratched— 52231Kirah. 107: 52109 M.i.lani Byng, 101; 52272 Cobalt Lass. 109: 52292 ShillinR. 104: 47K20 Jeweler. 111. Overweights- By Heck. I1., pounds. Crf Qfrpjr THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1:11%— 6—1167 Blackhawk Purse. Purse 04b4 0«3 3 ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPFSt *£ Vi % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 519K1 TRUST OPPICIAIi w 10s 10 U 34 3* :;l 1" P CltUcttiJ Marino 10-03 11-54-5 1-:: 52155-BBnWN CHECK ara 113 010 J1 0- 41 -,: L Lyk.- E R Bradley 31 4 10-51 1-2 52251-.HHNS EMMA w M 4 3 1 l3 1- :1 C Ponce C H .smith 5 S i; 2 1 51550 BOTHERATION WB 108 6 9 10 10 7 14 W HeinchOwnby and Kinney N 30 20 S 4 52251 LOVELINESS w 104 :: l !• 91 :■■ G| G Stone If H Pletcber 10 12 B 1 s-5 r-J-.Til CORIl I. A w 105 1 1 S. 75 l| c. P Smith B Bos.-nthal lo 15 15 t; :: B *lMMATOURNEEN wtt 185 5 8 21 2« 21 7- T Nolan J J Murphy H-S3] 31 0-6 1-1 52251 JOAQUINA ara MO 9 8 7- S1 s- 8 J H.ui.el T H Wil.-on 30 .50 50 20 10 49276 TENITE W M0 7 7 5- 1] 9- 9- J WtUiamsJ H 20 08 30 12 8 51706 HAS v.- 108 8 5 4 GJ 10 10 II I unsfdFloribant Stable 20 :;■ V 12 6 Time. 23%. 47*5. 1:14. Track fast. Winner— Ch. c, by Meelick— Princess lndustiy, by Farandole trained by S. A. Clapton: bred by Mr. Oearg* L. Blackford. Went t.. at 0:10. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won drivinc: second and third the same. TRUST OFFICIAL, away well, raced prominently from the start and laished jramoly. but scored ■ lucky win. BROWN CHECK refased to extend himself for the ln-st half, bat came fast when straightened away in the stretch and would have wen in another stride. JOHNS l.MMA set a fast pace, hut tired and swerved out badly in the stretch. BOTHERATION closed a gap. MAVOCBNEKN ran a fast half and qatt. Scratched 5WX8 Frivol. 109: 52210-Thimbh. 103: 52232 Trantula. EM. Overweights — Brown Check, :i pounds: Botheration, 4; LoveUaesa, 1: Corilla. 2: Mavourneen. u1,; Teaite, 2. Er4bQpr|J» FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— l:lll0— 6— 116. Merchants" Handicap. UmOOO Purse SI. 500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0 Index Horses TwtPPSt 4 ~% % Str Fin Jockeys~~~OTViicr8 O H O P B :"22»4-CHA.Ml:iA TENN w 5 M6 :• 3 31 21 2* 1" T Jarvis J H Baker 4 4. 4 7-5 7-10 »2170MUSKALLONGE *ra 3 100 3 2 I1 1 1» 2-. S McC.raw H Eisher :. I 5 L" 1 52204"BAPID DAY w 5 109 C S 4- 4* 31 S3 M Garner W O Ston.r :: I :: 1 1-2 51423CAITAIN MAC a lis 3 ■; S" 81 0* 4a N Barrett C W Clark M 30 15 •• Z i 52252 iLADS LOVE a B G los 7 t .. Bj V G»J T Nolan I. A Lin- G 8 i 2 I 52136-MAIIONY ara fi feM 1 1 - ■■- i- 01 E Bool Plorbmat Stable 8 10 6 2. B-S 50824 IHKSTHOlT W 4 180 S 8 i- *; : 7* C RobaonE W Moore 20 30 25 10 5 51310 TWOPAIR ar 3 HO 17 0 7] 8* 8* P CltiettlS A Clopton LO 50 50 30 i 52220 BILLET PROOF in: 4 111 G 7l 9 71 9 .1 H up. 1 Nujrcnt Bros. 5521 Time. 23. 46, 1:12. Track fast. Winner — B. g, by Haabridge Please Welles, by Dick Welles trained by J. H. Baker; bred by Mr. R. P. Dndson. Went to post at 3:36. At post 1 minute Start goad and slew. AVon driving: second and third the same. COLUMBIA Ti:N. chant up from the start, moved up steadily in the stretch and oatstayed MISKALLOXOK in the lat few Strides. The totter showed the most iarl speed and set a great pace, but tired slightly rlirht Bt the end. KAlII t. ran a food race and was KOiDK fast and gamely at the • ad. CAPTAIN MAC closed ■ big gap and finished with a rush. I.AICS l.OVF. ran well and had »« mis haps. MAIIONY ran a fast half and qatt Rl LLBT PROOF was far back all the way. Scratched — 51208 Kashmir, Bt7: 3222038t. Qnentin, lu7. Oeenreights BesthosT. 2 pounds. Crrb« !rpr FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42— -4r— 113. Pelican Purse" OmOl 4 Purse SI. 000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; seo- ond. 00; third, 00. Index Horses ~A~VtTPrsT% vT ~%~Str~kii~ Jockeys Ownera 0 H G P S 08042 »ST. ISIDORE wu S lit» 8 2 ll lJ 1*1 1* 1* H HamtnJ B Naab "i 8 7 2] 6-6 02253 VBIPP BANG wa 4 109 7 G B G» 0* 8 2 G Babin Bauer Stable I 10 7 :; 7-5 52274 1NQCIBY wl 98 I ! •"■ 1 :: 3» 0*J McCoy W.ildiek Stable 12 15 15 5 2. ."2177 HEROISME wa 5 MO 5 g 3 3* V 4! f - M Buxton C Buxton 4 5 .".i 0*5 3-6 52202* DR. CABMEN wn 9 108 1 1 CJ 0 l.h 6" •" E Pool R L Baker 0| 4 1 7-5 7-10 52254 TOM McTACRT wn / 1M 3 9 1* 7* 71 0* 03 L Lyk.- B Williams 2 21 2 7-10!-" 52200 KI BTONE a 5 10S 9 1 21 ol 4l 7s 7- C BobtonE W Moore S 10 s 8-fi 52198 BLARNEY STONE w 3 Ml! t SI I ■ 03 B1 A Bidurkl. W Carth 50 100 10 40 20 52170 MARK WEST WB 4 109 2 7 0*] I si :. ;, 1. Morris Sunmian.l Sta M lo M 15 i Time. 24-=5. 48ys. 1:13. 1:39. 1:43;,. Track fast. Winner— Ch. ?. by UMor Onagn, by cliff. «d trained by -i. B. Nash: bred by Mr. John Saaford. Went t.. pout al 4:01. At post :; minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-ins. ST. ISIHOKi: quickly raced Into a goad lead ami h Id sway for the entire way to win in a canter. BIFF BANG suffered fresa interference and was nway slowly, bat .aim on gaateij in the stretch and oatstayed IXQLIRY. flic latter raa a good race, bat was tiring at the end and linished Cksw up. HEROISME ran well. III:. CARMEN sulked, but finished fast. TOM McTAGGABT suffered from interference at the start. ED STONE tired after going a good half mil. . Scratched— and2292*Joek Scot, 100; 33040 Archie Alexander, v»: BaOOOBobby Allen. 102; 52295-Tantalus. MM. Orerweighti — Heroisme, 2 poands; Ed stone, 2. Mark West. 2; Blarney stone. :_.. prr»QfrO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-10 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:4445— 3— 104. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds OiiOtlU and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPFSt H 4j % Btr Fla Jockeys Ownera OH C P s"~ 52S25*CLAQUER a r* I 101 1 I I 1 Pi 11 U !■» T Jarvin B Williama 3 4 Sj 0-5 2-5 2207 WARSAW w b 7 112 7 1 gk r;u ::h ja Z1 H LanafdPlortoant Stable 0*50-51 2-51-5 ."••5235 3 DEC KMATE wn 7 113 I I V 2l 3*1 3q 3*1 F Murphy C Knight | 10 10 :; M 51420*LAZ.Y I.iT WB-7109 IM 71 0 | 0*| 51 1- E Pollard Cain ts Sanford 12 20 15 « T, 52180-SPEEDSTER r. I 107 I 7 S* B* 4* ■; ■" - J J Mneyl" P Lettellier Q 0 O 2 1 523»; BAR ONE wb 6 112 10 4 2 4 5- 4- 01 M Garner L A Broaddus 6 8 7 2 i ., 52035 DOUGLASS S w 7 107 2 5 01 "■ 7- 7; Tl i£ Gregory U L Loubat 1" 20 15 8 : 52325 MAND-IN"S COATwu 5 112 3 2 S 0s 9« S- 8« G Stad- M LowersUm 100 100 bO 40 :• 52232 SELMA G. • 5 ht0| I s 51 it- s: 9» ■• H .1 Burke B Gooae 30 59 50 n ■ 50457 TANLAO W 0 112 6 P 10 10 10 10 10 A Collirs O A Bryant oO 50 50 15 1 Time, 243/and. 4333. 1:14. l:40Vi, 1;472„. Track fa*t. Winner— B. U, by Plaudit — Olga Ncthersolc, by Hindoo trained by W. Martin; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 1:20 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the some. CLAQUEB began fast and. under good riding, kept in front for the entire race, but was tiring at the finish WARSAW was In pToae rpinrters in the early running, but saved ground when coming into the stretch and flahhed fast ind gamely. BECKXATE ran well, but wa* tiring at the end. LAZY LOO closed a bit §*B i» t" - stretch. gPKKPSTKB aud BAR v L tired la the last unarwr. Scratched— .-12.120= Mnli. 102; 52207 Simonite. 110; S20SS Kttahe. 112; 52113 Fla. 107.. Overuejghts Lazy Lou. 1 pound: Selma C.. 2%. CrOQR: Q SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 191fr— l:42ys4— 113. Purse St. 000. tAsfOtJ/SJ 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net Value to winner 00; second, 00; thkd. 00. Index" Horses AWtlISt %. 4 *4 Str Fin Jockey* Owners O H ; P S .-2276-SALETE wn I 09 9 1 4» 41 4- 41 1 G Bablf Farnum and Flzer 4 B t S-5 4-5 52010- *WILD FLOWER vv 4 S7 2 2 l1 l1.1. lh 2« 2h L McD ottT E Buell fi 5 4 S-5 4-5 52236»LORENA MOSS WB 5 9S 4 9 » 81 0| 0* I* T Jarvis J Cunniffe 10 15 15 C 3 52223 BX.UEBANNOCK w 1: 7 b 4 5 5 0*1 3* 2-1 1 41 C Ponce A M Walle 15 20 20 S 4 T2232 GALWAY wn 5 102U0 1 2- 2 3* 31 5* .1 Roberta Galla 8 12 12 5 Sj 52276MeADOO waOlOtll 12 a1 0* 0* *4 0 E Pool R L Baker 7-5 S-5 7-5 1-2 1-4 5227« WILLIXi w R 113 " 11 l*10»*i»* 10= 71 .Y PunknH Herron ffl *0 50 20 10 52232 KOH-I-NOOR W 7 103 7 10 12ill1 M* 0*151 .1 J sTnayM J King 10 10 10 1 2 52321 PLATO w 3 90 8 U 11 10* 0* 8- 0* S Mitchell I Iiunno 20 20 20 X 4 52011 N. K. REAL Wl 7 114 12 7 I* Eh V 7- 10- V Collins M GoodpnsUr 8 15 15 I 2 5**01 MADRAS GGHAM w 5 B» 11 I 7- 71 71 lllil- E Pollard M Beiser 20 25 .5 10 5 0**70 LUCTUH WB 7 10S 1 4 10- 10 I1 U0 ll1 J Ileui.el R B Dwver 20 M 12 5 21 . 52111 .MAIDEN VOTER w 4 0214 6 Sj P ;2= IS 1 :. »M Sclivtx.i B Dumestre 20 25 2-. 10 5 SIZSt ARISTOCRAT wn M 104 G 14 14 14 14 14 14 G Stone A Simor.s 50 10 CO 20 10 Time, 2434. 49. 1:19. 1:4125. 1:46. Track fast. Winner— Ch. h. by Stalwart— Kislierdale. by Jim Gore trained by II. Randolph: bred l.y Mr. Paul Eansiag 1. Went to post at 1:51. At ]iost 1 minute. Stjut food and slow. Won handily; see. .ml and third driving. SALUTE, close up from tbe start. .: with a KM rush in the last eighth and got up in the final strides to win going away. WILD FI.OWFK showed the most -.peed to the stretch, but tired right at the end. I.ORENA MOSS closed a gap and was going fast at the end. BHF.KAN NOCK ran well, but tired in the stretch. PLATO was going well at the end. McADOO had no mishaps, except in beginning slowly. Scratched- 5210 Benevolent, 108; 5S2S0*Tiger Rose. km?. Overweights- O.ihvay. P.. pound-; Willdo. 5; Koh-i-noor. 5: Madras Giagbam, I.