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-CCF L. T. BAUER HAS PROMISING STABLE NEW ORLKA.NS. La., .lanuary 12. I. T. Bauer, the local turfman, baa one of the most useful stables iieri. it beiag beaded bj tie- guana and consistent little Tippity Wit, let Other* la his string • ire- Biff Hunt;. Sundial II., Uerlin. Sir dareaee. Arnda, Silence. Tableau dHoiiucn . Little Annie-.-iri i Miles I. The last two named are twn-jear-"ldt , breil this wa; Little Annie, eh f. by Pataud — Alalia, b] Hand--ome. Miles ■ . rh. i. by Rriinmn I La Mode-, by Peep oDay. Ihe Itiiuer hoisis are in Charge e f traine-r G. C. YVInfrey. who also has Pastoral Swain and Carline-8. under his care. He owns the former, while the latter races for C. L. Jarahau.