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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 506 XKW ORI.r.ANS. La.. January 1U. Training Ral-lops ban today im -linicd the fallowing: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather eliidy: track fast Three-Eighths Mile. liis-Hm-coyne :i7 MS-lfary Head ...:7 .VC-Cotintess 17% ."elil-Newi-1 S :ts-:. BOS- Domini, an . . . . :tii ■-, oiil-Port Ughl ...:1T.-. .elM-Dr. Howard . .:IT Bt4-Pa*tI Swain ..37 MC-Pr. the Great ..38 SOS-Balder :w-,. «M-Klaglinx II. ..:i7-. SQS-Tke Archer . .:«;-;. 497 -Marie Maxim. .38% ."iH-Tony :s M. Jos, pliino....TJ olll Tiiif; a -Lin- ..91 Half Mile. MB-Alf Y.-zina ...51 olKLMose B8% 47:t Anni-tte Tilhr. oil Miss Kinn .".1 --. MO-Bayard Sw% 4»4-Pirate McGee..S2 SOO-Corson ." 1 500-Repeater lit oiiT INcovar 51% oirj-Sa lesasaa I»5% ell., i. en. Agmonte.50 ."li:-Social Star ...IH-. 550 Honolulu Boy..4f% 304-Taaa Ip "e.-. oil- II inn .".3 WI -Trader R».-, SBS-Jeweler 54% otil -Taa II ".1 5M-Jaga M 0M-Thspo Bahlh .".irj-Little Niece ..52 ."U-Tout Or -.1 .VM Linden 8C% ."lU-Tony Sutton ....VJ 504-Mpry Panso ..." - Five-Eighths Mile. ..IK Ali.itra/. . ...1:117 SOB-Liquid Fire- .1:10 .VM-Jione Dry ...LOU :. « Mis- Muff ins. 1 :0l 5tt-Brit. Liner .l:lH--. oO] - Melie.ra 1 : VJ l!»s Chevalier . . . 1 :0.Y-- :,IU - Peppy Polly . 1 :0."i-:. .Ml.". -Cortland ....1:051-. ."01 Pueblo 1:0. r.irj-Frivol 1:07 Rip Collin- . 1 :o:l . Sd0-G«4dc*st P.ov.l:0."i SBl-Rafferty ....1:00% ..OX-Hazel W. ...1:W, oO.". Semirola 1 :0ft Sgl-Iwia 1:10 ..l«-Sei Sinner .1:10 MS -Jno. R. Roc hel :03: -. .".03 Yive McGee .1:07 5kS-Lady Frappe.l:03-r. .",01 War Mask .1:07 Three -Quarters Mile. Mt-BUI Benderedl:M% iits-Haneifui 1:15% ."i03-Ke Sure 1:11!.. 487-Keho 1:26 :.o3 P.caverkill ...1:Di S65-Misa Minks ..1:15% Mg-Bette Bobertat:20% MO Master Jack .1:1«% 504-Bantry 1:17% aCt-Parrish 1:W% .".03-Caplain Tom 1:10 "ori-Sandalwood .1 Me-, oOH-Cinderella ...1:10 4WI Serbian l:-lJ-. MB-Day of Peacel:18 "."3 simpl.-tou ...1:20 HB-Doaaa Bams. 1:10% 504 Babtctaah ...1:20 Pita itrntal ..1:21 B04-Tbe BwtmmerlS gW-Prank -Monroei :18% MO-Teackers Pet 1:15% i ;ilt fringe .AM Seven-Eighths Mile. 5ft-Tamsg Adam 1 :3-J One Mile. Sfit-Actec 1:47 Mg Lady Lf.-lh.wl:44 304-Anrurfl 1:45% r.oi -Oriental Dressl:45% ri03-Hi.ldleilce . . . 1 :4li:v, .".li.".-Passin« Fain yl :43.-, 184-Carydoa 1 -".4 M5-Bedmon 1 :4." .".ilJ Boosterl :4!1 -ISIi-Stacular Girll:40% SOl-George Stair 1:45 .".O.eSt. Allan 1:47.-. .".ill ln.n Boy . . . .1 :-" o--. 503-The Decision 1 : lit -r, tOS-tgefc Reevea .1 :." •_ .".o-j-Th.- Paretgaerl:40 One and One-Eighth Miles. .-.o.-.-Wacrths Laatl:57% Bedasaa cantered an easy mile. The Archer is Improving Handfa worked well. Repeater snowed ;,» ci speed, Dry is ararlng racing condition. Mis- Muffins was under nslraint. Me-liora has her Npeed. Raider showed speed. Passing Paaej and Lady Longfellow we. i keel together, si. Allan went well. Day of Peace was iinetenele,| P.e.ive-r- kill is rmsndlng to a 1 form. George Starr -~al loped mi eaay mile. Plying Orb went well for bun. Am urn did a «, od trial. Miss Finn has ■ nice turn of -peed Wadawerths Laat was gning well.